How to submit an archived app to App Store manually - iphone

XCode 3.2.5 is giving me grief. Nothing is wrong either in the app in App Store or in the App. "Validate..." succeeds, "Submit..." has no complaints. But after 10 seconds or so I get "an error occurred uploading to the itunes store".
I've uploaded two apps previously, this is the first one since XCode 3.2.5.
I've downloaded the .dmg of Application Loader 1.3 from the similar thread, but without a link to Apple saying this is the solution, I won't downgrade.
The alternative, I guess, is to somehow just get the file up there. Is it allowed / possible and how do I do it if so?
Edit: At first I thought App Loader was a component of XCode, but apparently it's a standalone application. So it should be downgradable if you have problems with getting the answer to work, but 1.4 worked fine for me.

Right click the archive and "Reveal in Finder". You will find a .app bundle inside it. Compress it and upload the Zip using Application Loader.
Oflate, the XCode's built in app submission is showing some strange errors.


Application Loader Error 1095 [duplicate]

I am creating a newsstand application. the application is ready, now i am trying to upload the app in apple store using Application Loader. While uploading the zip file its showing the error message as
Unable to process application info.plist validation at this time due to a general error (1095)
I googled this in the net, but did not find the solution still.
This is clearly an Apple server issue, not an Xcode/iOS/OSX issue. Just wait patiently and Apple's servers will catch up to the traffic, or solve whatever issues they're having at their end.
If you're anxious, feel free to just sit there and restart Xcode until it works - but it's not restarting Xcode, only the time you waste that's solving the issue.
While you're waiting, run your apps in Instruments and solve some performance issues ;)
I just had this error. I waited an hour and tried again with the exact same build and it was all good. Vote for it being Apple's temporary glitch.
I had the same problem. I closed Xcode, restart my computer and it worked.
One possible problem to this is corrupted png files. The png files should not be interlaced
I found a solution to the problem.
If you're using Xcode 4+, you don't have to use Application Loader anymore. Instead you should archive your project in Xcode (Product->Archive). It will then open the organizer, where 3 buttons are displayed. Hit the submit button.
If you've created an entry for your app with Itunes Connect, you should be able to choose that from the list, and then select your distribution profile. Then hit the next button, and you should get a message, that tells you, that your app has been submitted.
At least that worked for me.
Use Application Loader.
I'm getting this a lot today.
Application Loader worked.
XCode > Project > Archive
XCode > Organizer > Distribute > Enterprise/add Hoc > Save As
Saves as YOURAPP.ipa.
Make sure Save for Enterprise Deploy remains UNCHECKED.
Download latest Application Loader.
tap 'Deliver Your App'
make sure new version in itunes connect in WAITING FOR UPLOAD state
Click on Activity... button
TIP: open to see XCode Validation errors
Click on ALL MESSAGE on list of logs on right.
Then in search enter 'XCode' or 'Application Loader'
to monitor any errors with your upload.
I did all this and still got email about missing 120x120 icons.
Forgot to update them in Build Target > General Tab
List of new icon requirements for iOS7
Another reason why this can happen is the duplicate product name. Despite your app names, executable names, display names or bundle IDs are different, if the product name exists in your current apps this error is gonna occur.
"The server returned an invalid response. This may indicate that a network proxy is interfering with communication, or that Apple servers are having issues. Please try your request again later.""
Reset The internet connection.
Reopen the xcode.
Set the profile again.
Clean build.
And Archive the build.
Works perfect for me (With in 5 minutes no need to wait).
It's just the time, because you can't control Apple's Server's traffic problem, We all merely become the victim of that..So cut the long story short...
By restarting XCODE may work but everyone as in my case, i tried by restarting XCODE, SYSTEM, ROUTER and anything and everything possible, only error name had changed from "The network connection was lost" to "The request timed out" and vice Versa..!
Just think at what time less people would be accessing the sever...
PS: Only perseverance can help you in this way..keep redialing..And WAIT and WATCH:P
I solved ... :)
Please remove all your icons and splash image also remove icon Files and icons File( IOS 5 ) from info.plist and then add all your icons to app bundle ...
After this update info.plist iconFiles field add desired name of icons....
And last but not least remove Provisioning profile from developer portal and recreate it ...
Clean your build and Archive it and using Application Loader submit it to AppStore ...
it work for me and i think it may help you...
Not every time not it is Apple server issue,sometime we did some bad linking according to me :)

Anyone else having problems installing iPhone Enterprise apps on released IOS 5?

Anyone having problems deploying Enterprise apps on iPhone/iPads running the released version of iOS 5 using the OTA ("over the air") methodology?
During the installation process, we get the alert box: "the app could not be installed at this time". Tapping the Retry button does nothing. In some cases, repeated tapping of the Retry button eventually results in a gray, empty launch icon being left on the home screen. No app installed. No other errors.
Anyone else seeing this or have a resolution?
The below description is a bit involved, but please bear with me as it may help others who run into the situation. I will post the resolution if get a resolution from Apple. So far, no joy there.
Our app refuses to install OTA on iOS 5. This same app WILL install on iPhone/iPad devices running iOS 4.x.x AND the same app will install on iOS 5 devices physically connected to a desktop machine using the iTunes app.
The Apple Developer forums under the IOS 5 Beta category complained about the problem but no indication of resolution as of last week just before the official release of iOS 5.
Cookies are set to be accepted.
Bowser cache and history cleared.
Using mobile safari originally installed with original iOS version 4.x.x.
System hardware and operating system configuration
iPad 2, iPhone 4 or any iPhone device running iOS 5 RELEASED version.
Browser and version
Mobile safari that is installed with iOS 4 on ipad2. Don't know if mobile safari upgrades with ios 5 upgrade.
Using a corporate wifi network. Yes, we are behind a firewall and use a proxy server. Since iOS4 devices install without problems, I don't think installation being blocked by the proxy or firewall.
Enterprise app built with Xcode 4 and ios5 sdk provided with it. Built to be backward compatible with iOS 4.0.
Distribution provisioning profile is correct as we have been using it for several weeks.
This app installs properly on iOS 4 devices both over the air and via iTunes application method.
This app installs properly on ios5 devices through the physical connection with iTunes application on the Mac desktop.
Steps to reproduce:
User types in the URL in mobile safari on iPhone/iPad running ios5.
The resulting webpage shows the download app link.
User taps on the link and is asked if they want to install the app.
User taps the yes, install button.
App proceeds to install.
A gray launch icon shows up on the home screen with the progress bar empty at the bottom of the icon.
Message below the icon indicates "loading".
Seconds later, user gets the "cannot download app at this time" error message as seen in screen shot attached.
Tapping the retry button results in the same action just described.
Tapping done results in the download stopping.
If you tap retry several times, user sometimes is left with the gray empty launch icon, which will not launch and cannot be deleted.
Note: In the apple developer forums, under the iOS 5 beta category, people are describing the exact same problem with no resolution.
Had the same problem, and was able to resolve it. However, the error noted is not specific to a single cause that handles every case... some detailed investigation needs to occur.
Your best bet is to connect the device to your Mac, and using the Organizer of xCode view the console logs while you are attempting to do a wireless deployment. There will be some useful information available -- please post the logs.
For my case -- the icon files were missing from the build, as a result of moving from xCode3 to xCode4 and also, the distribution plist was referencing an image that returned a 404. Both were logged in the console, but not very clearly.
Also, as a sanity check, manually verify the URL to your IPA file also.
I had this same problem and was sure everything was correct in my project; but restarting Xcode and doing a clean revealed my Enterprise scheme had somehow defaulted to the wrong provisioning profile.
Re-selecting the correct profile and re-archiving the app fixed the issue for me, I'm able to install an enterprise app on both iOS4 and 5.
I wanted to chime in after fighting this for a few hours. It is iOS 5 specific.
We had an htaccess password protection on the directory. Removing this allowed the app to finally download. So if you have htaccess, perhaps you can point the user to a parent directory that is password protected, then navigate to the subdirectory containing the app that isn't password protected. This is a temporary solution, apple needs to fix this.
Another thing to consider is the URL you specified in your over-the-air Application.plist file. I received the same error message ("-application- could not be installed at this time") because the URL I specified was too unspecific. Rather than writing "directory/directory/application.ipa", I had written "directory/directory/". You must include your application in the complete URL of the plist file's configuration.
If you didn't do this, don't fret! You don't have to rebuild the entire thing from step one, you can open your .plist file in any standard text editor and simply change the URL.
We had the same thing.
Our mistake was to point to a wrong 512.png icon in the manifest.
Which was no problem on iOS4 but turned out to stop iOS5 into a " this time" alert.
Wanted to chime in on my experience.
In my case, we were changing the address where the IPA file was hosted. Although I updated the PLIST file with the proper URL to the IPA file, iOS was still going after the old URL almost as if it cached the PLIST data. Creating a copy of the PLIST file and renaming it resolved the issue (data within the file remained unchanged)
I met the same problem today. The app can be installed in ios4, but failed in ios5 with "** could not be installed at this time" alert.
According to patricksan's suggestion, I download iPhone Configuration Utility 3.5 for Mac OS X, and try to catch the log while install the app through OTA.
The log helped me finally, one sentence of the log says entitlement 'get-task-allow' has value not permitted by a provisioning profile. It remind me that if the code signing identity in build settings of Project and Targets are correct, after checking them in Xcode, I found the code signing identity are not correct one, they should be iPhone distribution:.... other than iPhone developer:..... After correcting them, and re-Archiving the ipa file, it can be installed in iOS 5 now.
Check your Info.plist for Required device capabilities property. I recommend to delete completely this property if you haven't any restrictions on use.

App uploading problem with xcode 4.

I am trying to upload an app through the xcode 4 archive organizer. Whenever I try to validate or submit I enter in my itunes connect credentials but on the next window it asks for an application record and I get "No Value".
I have an app that is "waiting for upload" on itunes connect and I've made sure my login information is correct. I have no idea what else to try. Please help!
Here is a link to the exact problem I am having on the apple developer forums:
No one has posted an answer there either. =/
Edit: I ended up downloading application loader and doing it the old fashion xcode3 way and it worked just fine. I don't know why it stopped working in xcode4.
Sounds a bit strange, I have 10 apps in the iTunes store. We are going to need some more information? If it says "prepare for upload" then you still have to login to iTunes Connect and navigate to that screen. You will notice that on the top right of this screen you should see a blue blue button saying "ready to upload binary". Click that unless you have already. But I suspect you have missed this step?
Hmmm, I just did that for one of my apps and then is says "waiting for upload" ok. Not sure now. In xCode have you got all you provisioning profiles installed and the iTunes WWDC (or what ever it is called) certificate installed?
Are you using XCode 4.2? You cannot submit to the app store with it; you must use 4.1 (on Lion) or 4.0.
We were having the same problem and were using Xcode 4.2. We solved the problem by removing Xcode completely, moving everything in the Developer folder into the trash. Then we downloaded and installed the latest build of Xcode 4.2 via the Mac App Store. The problem was probably due to using an earlier build of Xcode or inconsistencies in Xcode from having upgraded from earlier versions over the years.

No application found in archive

I am trying to submit an app to app store through application loader. However, I am getting a message that "no application found in archive", from the loader. I have mode sure that my application is ready for upload and bundle-id matches given in the app summary. What can I do?
Have you tried uploading directly through XCode? If you're having problems with the application loader it's worth trying the alternative route. Once you've built and archived your project, go to the XCode Organiser, select your chosen app archive, and hit the 'submit' button. That way you can be guaranteed you'll have the right binary.
I stopped using the application loader a while ago once XCode got the ability to submit straight to the app store.

New iPhone app as update to old app, same Bundle identifier, Xcode gives error

I currently have an app in the App Store and on my device, called, for the sake of this post, MyApp1, with bundle identifier com.myname.myapp.
Over the last couple of weeks I have been rewriting the entire app from scratch, also adding lots of new features, as a new Xcode project alongside the old one. As far as iTunes Connect and iOS are concerned though, it should still be an update do the old (version of the) app.
During testing I had both apps running alongside each other on my device and in the simulator, with the new app using bundle identifier com.myname.myapp2, and everything worked fine.
But now that the app's finished, I want it to overwrite/update the old app on my device and in the simulator, to see if the code importing the data from the old app works as expected.
So, I changed the bundle identifier of the new app in its Info.plist to com.myname.myapp, and chose Build and Debug in Xcode. But instead of the new app overwriting the old app while still using the same Documents folder, so it could import the old data, as I expected it to, I got an error.
This is what I'm doing and what happened:
Simulator: Reset cache
Xcode for MyApp1: Clean All Targets
Xcode for MyApp1: Build and Run (using Release configuration)
MyApp1: Change some NSUserDefaults data using the app, changes that should later be imported by MyApp2, which uses a different data model
Xcode for MyApp1: Stop
Xcode for MyApp2: Clean All Targets
Xcode for MyApp2: Build and Run (using Release configuration)
What happens is the following error shows up 3 times, each time for a different classs in MyApp2's Console:
Unknown class [class referenced in the MyApp1 MainWindow.xib file] in Interface Builder file.
So it looks like for some reason not all files are overwritten, as the error is caused by the old version's MainWindow.xib being loaded.
(Relatively uninteresting stack frame:
Would anyone happen to know how I can make this work, how I can have an essentially new app overwrite the old one on my device and in the simulator, so it will still use the same Documents folder?
Thanks in advance!
Things I already tried, as suggested by others, but didn't help:
Restarting Xcode
Restarting computer
Deleting build folder from Xcode project folder
Touching MainWindow.xib
Download the old app's Documents folder to your Mac using the Xcode organizer window. Then remove the old app completely, install the new one. Finally restore the Documents folder backup using the Xcode organizer.