does Moles add a 01, 02 etc to Moletypes that are attached to partial classes? - moles

I'm using Moles for mocking. The other day I built a Moles assembly for a reference that has many partial classes in it. The generated Moles assembly seems to have two classes that are built out of the one class:
MFileSendDataAccess MFileSendDataAccess01
Is this by design or a bug? It's very confusing since I now have two classes to use to access the one class. Using Moles 0.93.

The answer, according to Peli: Moles will add 01 etc to a class name when there are two classes in your references that have the same name.
Partial classes are a syntatic sugar,
C# generates a type of them.
Moles adds numbers ot [sic] type names when there are name clashing between
Maybe you have 2 FileSendDataAccess type in your
assembly? You can use
Reflector to easily find out.
However: if the classes have the same name but different namespaces they will still get the 01 02 stuff. This is a bug that is still happening as of 0.94.


Why case class and object with different names appear in same scala file? [duplicate]

I've recently started programming in Scala, coming from Python and Java I was wondering what the correct way or the accepted way is when defining objects/classes in Scala. Scala supports, just like python, to add several class or object definitions in a single file.
So purely from an accepted structure perspective, does every object need to be defined in its own file or are you allowed to choose this yourself?
There is a chapter in the official Scala Style Guide on this. It's pretty clear in itself, but I'll just leave some quotes here.
The core idea is:
As a rule, files should contain a single logical compilation unit. By “logical” I mean a class, trait or object.
There is, of course, an exception for companion objects:
One exception to this guideline is for classes or traits which have companion objects. Companion objects should be grouped with their corresponding class or trait in the same file.
There is also the fact that sealed only works within the same file.
Despite what was said above, there are some important situations which warrant the inclusion of multiple compilation units within a single file. One common example is that of a sealed trait and several sub-classes. Because of the nature of sealed superclasses (and traits), all subtypes must be included in the same file.
Most of the time, case classes are just simple data containers and can be grouped together.
Another case is when multiple classes logically form a single, cohesive group, sharing concepts to the point where maintenance is greatly served by containing them within a single file.
Finally, there is a naming convention for exempted multi-unit Scala files:
All multi-unit files should be given camelCase names with a lower-case first letter.
So: put your Scala classes and objects in separate files, unless they fall into one of the three mentioned exceptions.
In Scala, it is perfectly valid to have multiple classes within a single file AS LONG AS they are tightly related.
But not all languages encourage this convention, and I think it is worth considering the reason.
I personally dislike it when people put multiple classes into a single file because it makes it harder to find a class definition. This is magnified in code reviews where I want to be able to review code as quickly as possible without digging around.
Code reviews require me to do more searching to find a class
I don't like having to grep to find a file
A consistent naming convention allows me to use my text editor or IDE tools to quickly open a file by the class name
As Jesper pointed out, certain scenarios require it
Support classes/traits are kept hidden to minimize file structure "noise"
Sometimes you have to put several traits, classes or objects in one source file, particularly when you are using sealed traits. A sealed trait can only be extended inside the same source file.

Object-languages misdescribed by UML?

I've read that UML assumes by default that :
a class can inherit several others
an object is an instance of only one class
an object of a given class cannot change to another class
This leads me to the question : as there are 3 hypothesis, there are 2^3 possible combinations. Could you give me languages which would be examples of each of them ?
I mean for me Java is "false-true-true" and C++ is "true-true-true". What about the 6 others ? Or did I misinterpret the assumptions ?
Let's look at the UML 2.5 standard of the OMG, to have a definitive answer:
1.Class inheritance
The UML 2.5 standard clearly defines that a class can have none or several superclasses and, that conversely, a class can be superclass of none or several classes (see section 11.4.2 and
So UML definitively allows multiple inheritance (as in C++ or Python). But you may as well restrict yourself and use only single inheritance and several interface implementations, like in Java and C#. You'd use a realization relationship to show the "inheritance" from an abstract interface (the inheritance arrow is then dotted).
2. Objects and classes
9.8.1: InstanceSpecifications represent instances of Classifiers in a modeled
system. They are often used to model example configurations of
FYI: the terms used in the standard are a little more general, but an object is an instance, and a class a classifier. This definition is then further refined in the semantcs in chapter 9.8.3 :
The InstanceSpecification may represent: • Classification of the
instance by one or more Classifiers, any of which may be abstract.
So UML allows objects to be an instantiation of several classes. I don't know languages that allow this, but if you do don't hesitate to comment ;-).
3. Changing class of object
I must admit that I can't answer this answer 100%. I don't think so, because, becoming an instance of another class would mean to re-insantiate a class, so it's not corresponding anymore to the definition of an instantiation.
Furthermore (see 9.8.3):
An InstanceSpecification may represent an instance at a point in time
(a snapshot). Changes to the instance may be modeled using multiple
InstanceSpecification, one for each snapshot.
This is somewhat ambiguous: a given object in a given diagram can't change classes. However, you can represent several times the object in different diagrams (snapshot) to show a change.
So your assumption 1 is true, 2 is false, and 3 true or false depending if you're reasoning at diagram or model level.

Traits vs. Packages in Scala

After watching Martin's keynote on Reflection and Compilers I can't seem to get this crazy question out of my head. Martin talks among other things about the "(Wedding) Cake Pattern", where traits play the central part. I'm wondering, why in the world do we need packages when we already have traits? Is there anything a package can do, what a trait (at least theoretically) cannot?
I'm not talking about the current implementation, I'm just trying to imagine what programming would be like if we replace packages with traits. In my head it would be like this:
one keyword less (package is unneeded)
no need for package objects
To summarize all my questions:
Is it theoretically possible to remove packages from the language and use traits instead.
What other benefits would we gain from this change? (I was thinking about first class packages and first class imports, but mixin composition is a compile time thing, although the super calls are dynamically bound)
Is Java/JVM compatibility the only thing, which would stand in the way?
Daniel Spiewak talks in this keynote about the Dependency Injection being just the top of the iceberg of all the stuff you can do with the Cake Pattern.
Martin Odersky has said that Scala could get by with just traits, objects, methods and paths (I hope I didn't forget something).
Both classes and packages are just there because Scala is intended to be a hosted language, i.e. a language which runs on (this is actually not the interesting bit) and interoperates with (this is the important point) a host platform. Some of the host platforms that Scala is intended to interoperate with are the Java platform and the CLI, both which have a concept of classes and packages (namespaces in the case of the CLI) that is significantly distinct enough that it cannot be easily expressed as traits or objects. This is unlike interfaces, which can be trivially mapped to and from purely abstract traits.
The above statement was made in a discussion about potentially removing generics from Scala, because everything generics can do can also be achieved by abstract types.
In scala the object and package serve almost the same purpose and objects are also called modules. Objects deserve to be thought of as modules because they can contain any definition including other objects of course and, significantly, types.
A trait can be thought of as an abstract module. It can contain any definition and any member can be abstract including, again significantly, type members. I am reciting all this just to highlight the symmetry. Perhaps OT but to me traits seem to be as big an innovation in scala as the merging of object and functional ideas.
To finally give an answer:
I think packages could be removed in favour of objects (not traits).
The benefit would be a simplification - package objects would not need to be explicitly defined.
I think packages are distinct from objects for Java/JVM compatibility.
Some more commentary: in the video Martin talks of traits (abstract modules) more than concrete modules because the latter only appear at the last moment to assemble and reify some combination of abstract modules.
It is good to use abstract modules even when not "mixing a cake". e.g. when sketching out some code you might define a module to contain definitions. But as soon as you come to a type or value you are not ready to fill in, don't supply a dummy such as null. Instead switch the object to a trait and leave the member abstract.

What does it mean in UML that instance could realize more than 1 classifier?

Does any programming language provide such a thing?
Where could this be used?
For example:
note that somethingStrange is not a class, its an instance (its underlined) and this is an object diagram
Spec (section 7.3.22) says:
An instance specification is depicted using the same notation as its classifier, but in place of the classifier name appears an underlined concatenation of the instance name (if any), a colon (‘:’) and the classifier name or names.
The convention for showing multiple classifiers is to separate their names by commas.
So im stuck with "multiple classifiers".
Any language with extensional rather than intensional typing will allow such constructs.
For example, in RDF two sources could make claims about a web resource which are completely conflicting, or in a 'duck type' language an object could have all the characteristics of two otherwise unrelated types.
Extensional languages classify objects by their properties - if it has prongs it's a fork, if it's got a handle and a bowl it's a spoon, if it has both prongs and a bowl it is both a fork and a spoon.
The difference between such languages and class oriented intensional languages such as C++/Java/C# to which UML is more commonly applied, is that you don't need a spork class to define things which are both spoons and forks - whether things belong to a classifier is defined by whether they meet the requirements of the classifier.
That's multiple inheritance if you're referring to classes (except that you should use solid edges for generalization), nothing wrong with that ;)
Note that an interface is also a classifier, so also the text of your question needs a bit of refinement -- nothing wrong with generalizing more than one interface, after all.
It's is a Dependency.
Dependency is a weaker form of relationship which indicates that one class depends on another because it uses it at some point of time. One class depends on another if the latter is a parameter variable or local variable of a method of the former. This is different from an association, where an attribute of the former is an instance of the latter.
In other words your somethingStance class will use both Cat and Panzer
The below it is just an example of how it might look like
Public class SomethingStrange{
public Cat CatDependency{get;set;}
public Panzer PanzerDependency{get;set;}
UML does allow an object to be instance of several different classes (even if they are unrelated) at the same time. The fact that this is not the normal convention and not supported by programming languages is a different issue. UML tries to be as broad as possible even if specific technologies only can implement a subset of it.

Duplicate class names in different libraries

I am facing an issue where I am getting a compile time error which says duplicate symbol _OBJC_CLASS_$_XYZ in lib1 and lib 2. Looks like the class name is same in both the libs.
How to get rid of this situation? Any clue.
Simple: Change the name of one of the classes. (No, this really isn't simple as you have to change every usage of that class name in the library). Since objective-c is a dynamic language, there cannot be two classes with the same name. Classes are used at runtime to determine everything about the objects you create. To avoid naming conflicts, you should always use prefixes when creating shared libraries.
See Code Naming Basics, specifically the "Class and Protocol Names" section.
Looks like you must rename one of them or have only one loaded at any given time.
What is the best way to solve an Objective-C namespace collision?