Duplicate class names in different libraries - iphone

I am facing an issue where I am getting a compile time error which says duplicate symbol _OBJC_CLASS_$_XYZ in lib1 and lib 2. Looks like the class name is same in both the libs.
How to get rid of this situation? Any clue.

Simple: Change the name of one of the classes. (No, this really isn't simple as you have to change every usage of that class name in the library). Since objective-c is a dynamic language, there cannot be two classes with the same name. Classes are used at runtime to determine everything about the objects you create. To avoid naming conflicts, you should always use prefixes when creating shared libraries.
See Code Naming Basics, specifically the "Class and Protocol Names" section.

Looks like you must rename one of them or have only one loaded at any given time.
What is the best way to solve an Objective-C namespace collision?


Why case class and object with different names appear in same scala file? [duplicate]

I've recently started programming in Scala, coming from Python and Java I was wondering what the correct way or the accepted way is when defining objects/classes in Scala. Scala supports, just like python, to add several class or object definitions in a single file.
So purely from an accepted structure perspective, does every object need to be defined in its own file or are you allowed to choose this yourself?
There is a chapter in the official Scala Style Guide on this. It's pretty clear in itself, but I'll just leave some quotes here.
The core idea is:
As a rule, files should contain a single logical compilation unit. By “logical” I mean a class, trait or object.
There is, of course, an exception for companion objects:
One exception to this guideline is for classes or traits which have companion objects. Companion objects should be grouped with their corresponding class or trait in the same file.
There is also the fact that sealed only works within the same file.
Despite what was said above, there are some important situations which warrant the inclusion of multiple compilation units within a single file. One common example is that of a sealed trait and several sub-classes. Because of the nature of sealed superclasses (and traits), all subtypes must be included in the same file.
Most of the time, case classes are just simple data containers and can be grouped together.
Another case is when multiple classes logically form a single, cohesive group, sharing concepts to the point where maintenance is greatly served by containing them within a single file.
Finally, there is a naming convention for exempted multi-unit Scala files:
All multi-unit files should be given camelCase names with a lower-case first letter.
So: put your Scala classes and objects in separate files, unless they fall into one of the three mentioned exceptions.
In Scala, it is perfectly valid to have multiple classes within a single file AS LONG AS they are tightly related.
But not all languages encourage this convention, and I think it is worth considering the reason.
I personally dislike it when people put multiple classes into a single file because it makes it harder to find a class definition. This is magnified in code reviews where I want to be able to review code as quickly as possible without digging around.
Code reviews require me to do more searching to find a class
I don't like having to grep to find a file
A consistent naming convention allows me to use my text editor or IDE tools to quickly open a file by the class name
As Jesper pointed out, certain scenarios require it
Support classes/traits are kept hidden to minimize file structure "noise"
Sometimes you have to put several traits, classes or objects in one source file, particularly when you are using sealed traits. A sealed trait can only be extended inside the same source file.

code generation using Treehugger scala

I am using TreeHugger to generate code at runtime. I could not find many documents related to it. My question is, if I generate classes using treehugger, will I be able to access those classes in future?
To be precise: I want to read data coming from files like CSV and create classes at runtime . Can I use that class in future, say in the next class generated at runtime.
I am really new to scala, please forgive if I am not clear in explaining.
Thanks a lot!
I've done something similar, so I'll share what I've learned:
Treehugger ultimately generates code (strings) at runtime to be used in a subsequent, separate run (or I suppose to be eval'd at runtime, but I never got that to work).
So the course of action depends on what you mean by "runtime":
Are your .csv files only available at runtime? If you have access to the files at compile time (as is often the case), then are examples of your two options: experimental (scala macros) or traditional (sbt plugin) -- both approaches are similar but have subtle pros and cons.
If you only have access to the files at runtime, but still need to generate and "type" the classes and make the compiler expect them, then it seems to me that somebody has made a bad design mistake! But if you find yourself stuck in this circumstance, then it is possible to define and load classes at runtime with a bytecode-engineering library and some type-checker black magic (runtime type provider).

GWT Generators - Determine Whether a Class is Referenced Anywhere

I have GWT project that uses Generators to create light dynamic reflection objects.
I was wondering if anybody knows of a way to determine whether or not a particular class is referenced in the dependency tree beginning at all EntryPoints. If I could do this, I could avoid generating reflection data for classes that will never be used anyway.
My understanding is that when GWT does its compiling, it performs a similar check so that it can reduce the total size of the compiled code, but I haven't been able to find any related methods in TypeOracle or anything like that.
This is an indirect method of accomplishing what you are getting at. I believe each GWT module, is fully packaged into a regular java package. You can use
TypeOracle.findPackage(String pkgName)
to get the JPackage instance, and on that instance you use findType(String typeName) to see if a type is present in that package. If present, its likely that it is referenced in some file and GWT will compile it.
There is also this method getPackages() which returns an array of all packages known to this type oracle - therefore reachable for GWT compiler.
JPackage[] getPackages()
You can iteratively findType() on each package to find if the type is going to be compiled or not.
The BEST method is to define a custom annotation and whitelist all the classes that you do want to generate reflection code. You can annotate the required classes with it, and checking for that presence of annotation before generating code for it.
My favorite is to follow a naming convention over annotation, (I did both together), and thus maintain a whitelist, and make the convention (its usually a REGEX) a "setting" that can be changed however the team wants.

Looking for a formal specification for .pbxproj files

I need to read / write Xcode project definition files (myproject.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj) - is there any formal specification of the file format which I can use to create a parser?
You can start with this introduction. Then look at some kind of reference here.
There is also Apple's description of core concepts (projects, targets, workspaces, schemes).
As best I know, it is an internal implementation detail of Xcode. It would be surprising if there were a formal definition.
pbxproj files seem to be implemented using some internal implementation of NSCoder; "isa" is Objective-C's internal name for a "class name", and the mention of "archive" reminds of NSArchiver/NSKeyedArchiver, concrete implementations of NSCoder.
pbxproj looks like an archive of a dictionary of objects which probably serve as Xcode's internal in-memory model of project. It refers to numerous class names which seem to be Xcode's model classes.
I am unaware of a formal spec of either the archive format nor the classes. That is what I came to ask on SO today in fact: which NSCoder is here used by Apple. On the other hand, writing something that would decode this object tree, and then identify the purpose and connections between objects, is how I was going to proceed.

Is the word "Helper" in a class name a code smell?

We seems to be abstracting a lot of logic way from web pages and creating "helper" classes. Sadly, these classes are all sounding the same, e.g
ADHelper, (Active Directory)
Do other people have a large number of classes with this naming convention?
I would say that it qualifies as a code smell, but remember that a code smell doesn't necessarily spell trouble. It is something you should look into and then decide if it is okay.
Having said that I personally find that a name like that adds very little value and because it is so generic the type may easily become a bucket of non-related utility methods. I.e. a helper class may turn into a Large Class, which is one of the common code smells.
If possible I suggest finding a type name that more closely describes what the methods do. Of course this may prompt additional helper classes, but as long as their names are helpful I don't mind the numbers.
Some time ago I came across a class called XmlHelper during a code review. It had a number of methods that obviously all had to do with Xml. However, it wasn't clear from the type name what the methods had in common (aside from being Xml-related). It turned out that some of the methods were formatting Xml and others were parsing Xml. So IMO the class should have been split in two or more parts with more specific names.
As always, it depends on the context.
When you work with your own API I would definitely consider it a code smell, because FooHelper indicates that it operates on Foo, but the behavior would most likely belong directly on the Foo class.
However, when you work with existing APIs (such as types in the BCL), you can't change the implementation, so extension methods become one of the ways to address shortcomings in the original API. You could choose to names such classes FooHelper just as well as FooExtension. It's equally smelly (or not).
Depends on the actual content of the classes.
If a huge amount of actual business logic/business rules are in the helper classes, then I would say yes.
If the classes are really just helpers that can be used in other enterprise applications (re-use in the absolute sense of the word -- not copy then customize), then I would say the helpers aren't a code smell.
It is an interesting point, if a word becomes 'boilerplate' in names then its probably a bit whiffy - if not quite a real smell. Perhaps using a 'Helper' folder and then allowing it to appear in the namespace keeps its use without overusing the word?
and so on
In many cases, I use classes ending with Helper for static classes containing extension methods. Doesn't seem smelly to me. You can't put them into a non-static class, and the class itself does not matter, so Helper is fine, I think. Users of such a class won't see the class name anyway.
The .NET Framework does this as well (for example in the LogicalTreeHelper class from WPF, which just has a few static (non-extension) methods).
Ask yourself if the code would be better if the code in your helper class would be refactored to "real" classes, i.e. objects that fit into your class hierarchy. Code has to be somewhere, and if you can't make out a class/object where it really belongs to, like simple helper functions (hence "Helper"), you should be fine.
I wouldn't say that it is a code smell. In ASP.NET MVC it is quite common.