Traits vs. Packages in Scala - scala

After watching Martin's keynote on Reflection and Compilers I can't seem to get this crazy question out of my head. Martin talks among other things about the "(Wedding) Cake Pattern", where traits play the central part. I'm wondering, why in the world do we need packages when we already have traits? Is there anything a package can do, what a trait (at least theoretically) cannot?
I'm not talking about the current implementation, I'm just trying to imagine what programming would be like if we replace packages with traits. In my head it would be like this:
one keyword less (package is unneeded)
no need for package objects
To summarize all my questions:
Is it theoretically possible to remove packages from the language and use traits instead.
What other benefits would we gain from this change? (I was thinking about first class packages and first class imports, but mixin composition is a compile time thing, although the super calls are dynamically bound)
Is Java/JVM compatibility the only thing, which would stand in the way?
Daniel Spiewak talks in this keynote about the Dependency Injection being just the top of the iceberg of all the stuff you can do with the Cake Pattern.

Martin Odersky has said that Scala could get by with just traits, objects, methods and paths (I hope I didn't forget something).
Both classes and packages are just there because Scala is intended to be a hosted language, i.e. a language which runs on (this is actually not the interesting bit) and interoperates with (this is the important point) a host platform. Some of the host platforms that Scala is intended to interoperate with are the Java platform and the CLI, both which have a concept of classes and packages (namespaces in the case of the CLI) that is significantly distinct enough that it cannot be easily expressed as traits or objects. This is unlike interfaces, which can be trivially mapped to and from purely abstract traits.
The above statement was made in a discussion about potentially removing generics from Scala, because everything generics can do can also be achieved by abstract types.

In scala the object and package serve almost the same purpose and objects are also called modules. Objects deserve to be thought of as modules because they can contain any definition including other objects of course and, significantly, types.
A trait can be thought of as an abstract module. It can contain any definition and any member can be abstract including, again significantly, type members. I am reciting all this just to highlight the symmetry. Perhaps OT but to me traits seem to be as big an innovation in scala as the merging of object and functional ideas.
To finally give an answer:
I think packages could be removed in favour of objects (not traits).
The benefit would be a simplification - package objects would not need to be explicitly defined.
I think packages are distinct from objects for Java/JVM compatibility.
Some more commentary: in the video Martin talks of traits (abstract modules) more than concrete modules because the latter only appear at the last moment to assemble and reify some combination of abstract modules.
It is good to use abstract modules even when not "mixing a cake". e.g. when sketching out some code you might define a module to contain definitions. But as soon as you come to a type or value you are not ready to fill in, don't supply a dummy such as null. Instead switch the object to a trait and leave the member abstract.


When programming with 'idiomatic' Scala is the use of 'concrete classes' optional/redundant?

I've just moved into the functional programming domain and am working with Scala.
After getting mentored with the Type Classes pattern by a senior engineer, I'm trying to wrap my head around the "need" for concrete classes when designing scala programs.
I was told by the engineer that in the last 3+ years of Scala programming he's never had to use "classes" like you would in the OOP/Java land. Just traits, case classes and 'objects' implementing the traits and the occasional use for abstract classes.
This leads me to the following questions:
If following the idiomatic type classes approach like above, is the use of "classes" (i.e., concrete classes like in Java) substantially downplayed (or rendered moot)? I.e., if you need to do something imperative, only then do they matter, else can be downplayed, almost completely.
If #1 is not entirely true, what's a good counterexample?
I understand that the above pattern comes from Haskell and is more functional in nature. Does that mean, that although Scala is a hybrid language, if you choose the purely functional (a.k.a. idiomatic) approach, then the OOP classes really take a backseat?
I understand how abstract classes could still be useful owing to constructor parameters. However, my question is around the need to organize code via classes as in the OOP land.
A case class cannot extend another case class, so if there is any chance that some class in the future might need to extend a given class C, then C should not be a case class.

Run-time Cost of Coproduct?

After reading Solving Problems in a Generic Way using Shapeless's first sentence of the conclusion:
In this article, I've demonstrated how generic solutions can be created for ADTs without relying on an expensive runtime feature such as reflection
Does that mean that Shapeless's coproducts do not use run-time reflection or casting, contrary to ADTs in Scala?
I'm the author of the blog post. I think there's been a misunderstanding: I didn't mean to imply that the ADTs rely on runtime reflection. What I was referring to was this sentence from the introduction:
Traditionally, generic programs have been written with the help of reflection APIs.
As far as I know, ADTs don't use runtime reflection, but without shapeless, there's not a lot of choices for traversing an ADT in a generic way. One way to achieve this is to use reflection for looking up object fields at runtime and iterating through the fields. You could also write code that traverses through your ADT and pattern matches on every ADT node, but that solution will only work for your ADT and not for all of the other ADTs, i.e. the solutions is would not be generic.

What reflection capabilities can we expect from Scala 2.10?

Scala 2.10 brings reflection other than that provided the JVM (or I guess CLR).
What in particular do we have to look forward to, and how will it improve on the platform?
For example, will there be a class that reflects the language's convertibility between fields and accessor methods, so that I can iterate over the properties of an object?
update 2012-07-04:
Daniel SOBRAL (also on SO) details in his blog post "JSON serialization with reflection in Scala! Part 1 - So you want to do reflection?" some of the features coming with reflection:
To recapitulate, Scala 2.10 will come with a Scala reflection library.
That library is used by the compiler itself, but divided into layers through the cake pattern, so different users see different levels of detail, keeping jar sizes adequate to each one's use, and hopefully hiding unwanted detail.
The reflection library also integrates with the upcoming macro facilities, enabling enterprising coders to manipulate code at compile time.
update 2012-06-14. (from Eugene Burmako):
In Scala 2.10.0-M4, we have released the new reflection API that will most likely make it into 2.10.0-final without significant changes.
More details about the API can be found:
SO answer Get companion object instance with new Scala reflection API
Scala Reflection SIP, June 2012 by Martin Odersky (SIP, actually "Scala Improvement Process")
summary and migration route from M3
Universes and mirrors are now separate entities:
universes host reflection artifacts (trees, symbols, types, etc),
mirrors abstract loading of those artifacts (e.g. JavaMirror loads stuff
using a classloader and annotation unpickler, while GlobalMirror uses internal compiler classreader to achieve the same goal).
Public reflection API is split into scala.reflect.base and scala.reflect.api.
The former represents a minimalistic snapshot that is exactly enough to
build reified trees and types.
To build, but not to analyze - everything smart (for example, getting a type signature) is implemented in scala.reflect.api.
Both reflection domains have their own universe: scala.reflect.basis and
The former is super lightweight and doesn't involve any classloaders,
while the latter represents a stripped down compiler.
Initial answer, Sept. 2011:
You can see evolutions of the reflect package in the Scala GitHub repo, with this two very recent commits:
Changes to Liftcode to use new reflection semantics, where a compiler uses type checking.
Started work on compiler toolbox that can compile reflect trees at runtime.
(Liftcode being, according to this thread, aims at simplifying "writing code that writes code")
The class scala/reflect/internal/Importers.scala (created yesterday!) is a good example of using those latest reflection feature.
Two links which should be of interest:
The scala-internals mailing list discussion on the reflection api.
The nightly build api doc for 2.10-SNAPSHOT.
Personally I am hoping to use this for doing runtime discovery of extensions (i.e. a type that extends a known trait), and generating UI forms and a few other things from those.
With current 2.10M4 you already can iterate over members of a class:
The above code lists Symbol objects representing members of a class MyClass which are not methods. There are tons of ways you can fine-tune this.

If you have Traits, do you stop using interfaces, Abstract base classes, and multiple inheritance?

It seems like Traits could completely replace interfaces, abstract base classes, mixins, and multiple inheritance, leaving you with just Traits and concrete inheritance.
Is this the intent?
If you have traits, which of the other code structuring constructs should you use?
(Roles are the Perl name for Traits.)
At least for Perl's Moose, there are no interfaces, so roles clearly subsume those, and generally mixins too. I'd say there still could be a case for abstract base classes. Roles can be considered what objects do, where classes are what they are.
By this line of reasoning, there still might be a valid use for an abstract base class. A URL is one example. There could easily be an abstract base class for a URL. An IO stream might be different, perhaps better as a role, as it defines how things behave rather than what they are.
When using roles, however, I have yet to see any clear need for true multiple inheritance from more than one class.
I have no use for interfaces or abstract classes at this point, but mixins and multiple inheritance are really enabled by traits so the usage of those paradigms is strongly encouraged here. Check the entire collection library to see the very rich classes you can build using these ideas.
Ah, my comments reflect Scala - I didn't realize you tagged this with multiple languages.
When you instanciate a trait; it consumes one classe.
So regardless of expressivity; You may still use legacy construct for preventing classes explosion in your jar (and starting time).
I let others answer about expressivity :)
I'm only talking about Scala here...
Read this.

Can you suggest any good intro to Scala philosophy and programs design?

In Java and C++ designing program's objects hierarchy is pretty obvious. But beginning Scala I found myself difficult to decide what classes to define to better employ Scala's syntactic sugar facilities (an even idealess about how should I design for better performance). Any good readings on this question?
I have read 4 books on Scala, but I have not found what you are asking for. I guess you have read "Programming in Scala" by Odersky (Artima) already. If not, this is a link to the on-line version:
This book gives many examples how to construct object-oriented models in Scala, but all examples are very small in number of classes. I do not know of any book that will teach you how to structure large scale systems using Scala.
Imperative object-orientation has
been around since Smalltalk, so we
know a lot about this paradigm.
Functional object-orientation on the
other hand, is a rather new concept,
so in a few years I expect books
describing large scale FOO systems to
appear. Anyway, I think that the PiS
book gives you a pretty good picture
how you can put together the basic
building blocks of a system, like
Factory pattern, how to replace the
Strategy pattern with function
literals and so on.
One thing that Viktor Klang once told me (and something I really agree upon) is that one difference between C++/Java and Scala OO is that you define a lot more (smaller) classes when you use Scala. Why? Because you can! The syntactic sugar for the case class result in a very small penalty for defining a class, both in typing and in readability of the code. And as you know, many small classes usually means better OO (fewer bugs) but worse performance.
One other thing I have noticed is that I use the factory pattern a lot more when dealing with immutable objects, since all "changes" of an instance results in creating a new instance. Thank God for the copy() method on the case class. This method makes the factory methods a lot shorter.
I do not know if this helped you at all, but I think this subject is very interesting myself, and I too await more literature on this subject.
This is still an evolving matter. For instance, the just released Scala 2.8.0 brought support of type constructor inference, which enabled a pattern of type classes in Scala. The Scala library itself has just began using this pattern. Just yesterday I heard of a new Lift module in which they are going to try to avoid inheritance in favor of type classes.
Scala 2.8.0 also introduced lower priority implicits, plus default and named parameters, both of which can be used, separately or together, to produce very different designs than what was possible before.
And if we go back in time, we note that other important features are not that old either:
Extractor methods on case classes object companions where introduced February 2008 (before that, the only way to do extraction on case classes was through pattern matching).
Lazy values and Structural types where introduced July 2007.
Abstract types support for type constructors was introduced in May 2007.
Extractors for non-case classes was introduced in January 2007.
It seems that implicit parameters were only introduced in March 2006, when they replaced the way views were implemented.
All that means we are all learning how to design Scala software. Be sure to rely on tested designs of functional and object oriented paradigms, to see how new features in Scala are used in other languages, like Haskell and type classes or Python and default (optional) and named parameters.
Some people dislike this aspect of Scala, others love it. But other languages share it. C# is adding features as fast as Scala. Java is slower, but it goes through changes too. It added generics in 2004, and the next version should bring some changes to better support concurrent and parallel programming.
I don't think that there are much tutorials for this. I'd suggest to stay with the way you do it now, but to look through "idiomatic" Scala code as well and to pay special attention in the following cases:
use case classes or case objects instead of enums or "value objects"
use objects for singletons
if you need behavior "depending on the context" or dependency-injection-like functionality, use implicits
when designing a type hierarchy or if you can factor things out of a concrete class, use traits when possible
Fine grained inheritance hierarchies are OK. Keep in mind that you have pattern matching
Know the "pimp my library" pattern
And ask as many questions as you feel you need to understand a certain point. The Scala community is very friendly and helpful. I'd suggest the Scala mailing list, Scala IRC or
I've just accidentally googled to a file called "ScalaStyleGuide.pdf". Going to read...