Facebook Like Button Problem On Blogger's Magazine Style Template - facebook

I'm trying to put the Facebook Like button using XFBML in my Blogger blog. I want it to display a different button for each post, not the same for all the blog.
What's happening is that the like button is displayed, but it's exactly the same one for all the posts. I think its because of my blogger template. I hope you guys can tell me what I'm doing wrong.
My Url: http://www.7zero-fa.blogspot.com

if you can edit the code then its a case of removing the
then it will get href based on page from which it was clicked.


specific fb page will not work with like button

I've had this like button/box setup for this specific page for some time. But now it;s stopped working:
Using code generated (for iframe) on this page:
to display this fb page:
does not display/work. If I amend the like button url in the iframe to another fb page, it does work. I'm not tryinig to use a button/plugin that requires an app. Just a plain 'ol simple button. But it appears to me there is an issue with this specific fb page (johnpurkiss one above)
Any advice/help greatly appreciated.
The problem here is that the "page" you linked to is in actual fact a personal user.
You can not "like" a user in the same way that
you can not add a page as a friend...
or "poke" an event...
or subscribe to a photo...
You'll gave to provide an actual page to be liked.
As you can see from the screenshot below taken from the link you provided, there is no like button to be found.
Only an "Add Friend" and "Subscribe" button. I'm not sure if converting your profile into a page is the way you want to go, but it is possible. You can learn how at this link.

Facebook XFBML Like Button Disappear After Unlike

Similar to a problem I have read here, but slightly different. I have added the XFBML version of the like button to a page I am working on in a development environment. It appeared just fine to begin with. I clicked like, viewed my Facebook profile, saw that it was shared on my timeline, I then clicked 'unlike' (which I had done before using the iframe version and experienced no problems).
After clicking 'unlike', the button completely disappeared from my page. Although the markup that was generated is still present.
To make this problem even stranger, when placing the like button on a different page I do not experience the same issue. On a separate (3rd) page, I do.
I feel like this is a long shot, but any help would be greatly appreciated.
edit: said 'screw this' and decided to use AddThis for all my buttons. The facebook like button provided through AddThis also does not appear. So confused.
Could you change the href attribute of the Facebook iframe and see if the button appears?

Like buttons and posting the correct photo on Facebook

I have an online bachelor catalog and I want people to Like a bachelor and have it appear on their FB feed.
I set up the Like button using the Social Plugins feature on FB. All bachelors are on the same page and they have anchors http://gothamrfc.org/drupal/?q=2012catalog#waldmann and the Like button refers to each anchor.
My problem is when the user clicks on Like, it posts the same picture of one bachelor, not of the one that they liked. I didn't see anything in my js file. I also added the og button but that didn't work.
How do I adjust the code so Like button corresponds to the correct photo?
I'm sure it's something simple. Thank you for your assistance.
Im having the same issue really... My current solution is to hard-code the URL of the image in the like button ref code.
The only issue with this is that it will show that image ONLY, on a blank page when someone clicks the liked image on a user's facebook page.
I'm still looking for answers since the only alternative I've found is to create individual pages for each image (each blog post, in my case) and link to THOSE pages. Not ideal and much more work than I'd like.
have a look at my blog page on my website to see what I mean: MarinePix Blog

How do you put a "LIKE" button on your Facebook Page?

Every post on here seems to be directed to Advanced Users, I just want to know simply how to place a "Like Button" on my Facebook page? Where do I put the HTML code thats generated for me?
Use lint, place your link there and at the bottom you'll have iFrame code. You'll place it to your website (anywhere) and you're done

FaceBook share button to post content on FaceBook

i have added facebook share button on my site, by clicking on that button i want to post content on facebook.
how can i do this?
You can generate the code for it here: http://www.facebook.com/share/
With documentation here: http://wiki.developers.facebook.com/index.php/Facebook_Share
You can use meta tags to control the thumbnail and description. The title comes from your sites title.
Consider also the Like and Recommend button: http://developers.facebook.com/plugins