FaceBook share button to post content on FaceBook - facebook

i have added facebook share button on my site, by clicking on that button i want to post content on facebook.
how can i do this?

You can generate the code for it here: http://www.facebook.com/share/
With documentation here: http://wiki.developers.facebook.com/index.php/Facebook_Share
You can use meta tags to control the thumbnail and description. The title comes from your sites title.
Consider also the Like and Recommend button: http://developers.facebook.com/plugins


How create facebook like button for one posts?

I want create like button for one facebook post, and including this button in my site.
For test I use this form developers.facebook.com/docs/plugins/like-button and this URL to post www.facebook.com/155730127901365/posts/1138450862962615.
But this creating button I cant like and box count don’t show like for this post here is youtube video.
Also I tried embedded this post in my site, but I too cant like this post.
here is youtube video.
Can you help me? Its bug? How to solve this problem?
Like Buttons can be used for Facebook Pages and external Websites, but not for single Facebook Posts.
Embedded Posts are for single Facebook Posts, and the Like Button does not work for those.

Facebook Like button: how it choose image to display

I've put "Like" button to my web site.
In general it works fine, the only problem is when user add some text and publish it in the profile his post contains image. And the image chosen is not something meaningful, it is one of the menu items that doesn't really makes any sense.
Could you please advise how to tip to the facebook the better image? I didn't see any information about that in their documentation (http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/like/), probably I've overlooked that?
Thank you.
P.S. Pretty similar question: is there any way to suggest for user text he wants to share (that will appear once user click "Like" button)?
You can specify image by adding Open Graph tags to head section each page containing the "Like" button.
You can specify an image URL in og:image tag, and Facebook will use this image in the user's profile entry.
The same goes with
og:title - this will be the title of the new entry on user's profile.
og:site_name (will be displayed as grey text under title) etc.
See http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/like/ and
for detailed description.
You can use the Open Graph tags for both versions of the "like" button - iframe and XFBML.
Once you add the tags to your pages you can use http://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug to check if they are OK.

how to customize fb-like button and post_data

I am using the fb-like widget by facebook in my site. I want it to render image of the post and description when they like it and that like needs to render on to the facebook wall that they liked it. But fb-like is just showing the link as the description and header on the wall.
You need to add the Open Graph metatags to your page. Read step 2 in the Like button social plugin docs for a guide to creating these tags. This will ensure that your page appears correctly in posts.

Like button not displaying thumbnails

My blog is here. I had a few issues with the like button, most of which have been fixed, except now I have a problem with the Facebook like button not displaying thumbnails whenever the post is liked. It only displays the name of post ex.:
Filip Stojchevski likes a link.
Flypaper (2011) | Филмотека
How can I fix this?
Facebook needs Open Graph meta data on your site. So you need to edit your template to include the data for Facebook. Unfortunately the Dynamic Views theme does not allow HTML edits.

use Facebook OpenGraph with a custom Facebook button?

I want to add Facebook OpenGraph tags to my page, but I also want to stick with the style of Facebook Like button that I currently have (a custom image tag).
The OpenGraph plugin instructions suggest you have to use Facebook's own Like button styles, and the customization options are limited.
Is there any way I can apply the Facebook Like code to my own image button?
UPDATE: to be clear, what I mean is that I have an image on my page that links to https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?.... I don't have a standard Facebook Like button. Will this mean that the OpenGraph tags on my page don't actually do anything?
The old sharer.php endpoint will read the same meta tags as the Like button - when shared, the Facebook crawler accesses your site and pulls the metadata for the post (image, description, etc)
If you want to generate some sample metadata there's a form on the like button documentation (see 'step 2') to output tags in the correct format.
Use the Debug tool to see what tags Facebook detects on your site.
It's against facebook's policies to try and replicate or re-create the like button.
Adding open graph tags won't affect your page, but they will improve how it appears when shared or liked in Facebook.
You may create a button called share which opens the feed dialog (sharer.php is deprecated) but you must use the real like button, not a custom image tag.