Debugging an App on iPhone Device - iphone

This seemed like a really simple thing to do to me at the beginning. However I couldn't figure it out for myself and I've been looking online for a guide or something for hours to no avail.
I have an app that functions perfectly fine in the simulator however, when run on an iPhone device it crashes ... I am fairly sure it is due to memory issues. However these issues can't be recreated in the simulator. What I want to do is attach the xCode Debugger to the App while I'm running it on the phone. I have a certificate and profile and everything already. I have no problems installing and running the app on the phone. However I can't seem to attach the debugger to it.
Any tips?


App crashes from testflight only for the first time, building it with xcode and using diawi, the app is working fine without any crashes

The application is crashing only for the first time when installed from testflight, while it is working fine without any crash while building it with xcode also tried uploading build from diawi, work fine there too.
How can find where the crash is, or what is the cause of the crash?
I have had walkthrough to many links, like enabling/disabling the bitcode for the respective third party library, changing the build configuration to Release etc,, but none of them was helpful to me
Lauch iOS app from TestFlight is crashing
Well this post describes the issue that i am facing,opening the app from testflight app, by clicking on the open button cause the crash
Please help me out

iPhone started hanging after activating developement

I know this is weird question but I am not getting why this is happening.
When I run app for testing on my colleague iPhone he starting complaining that his iPhone hangs for 2-3 seconds sometimes.
At first, Colleague iPhone was not set for development. I activated the development.
Hanging process starts anytime. Not necessary when he open that app.
Also his iPhone is registered with another apple accounts also (means different account provision files)
Have iOS 6.1.3 on colleague iPhone.
The problem is colleague iPhone started hanging after I activated the developer account.
Someone have any idea why this is happening?
This is something wrong, but this is happening.

iAds constatly didFailToRecieveWithError

I run these apps on the iOS simulator only: I created a iOS application that I have never released and has been working fine for the iPad and iPhone simulator for the past year. Two days ago the app was working fine. I didnt' change anything or even login to my Mac and tonight I go to test the app before adding additional features and the iAds stop appearing. I check over my code to verify nothing has changed. When I run the app I keep getting constant 'didFailToRecieveWithError' over and over in the log window. I know I used to get these intermittently in the past between test ads, but now that's all that I get. Has anyone else experienced this? Do the iAd test servers go down once in a while?

Is it a bad sign that an ipad app runs perfectly on the ipad but not in the simulator?

i've been developing an ipad app for quite some time now, all the previous versions run perfectly on both the simulator and the Ipad, but the newest version which is a major revamp of the app, runs super smooth on the ipad but has a lot of issues on the simulator (images not appearing, etc)
Is this a bad sign? Should i wait to make it work on both before submitting?
I would suggest that you be sure to test it on both versions of iPad and as many OS versions as you can. Be sure that you are running the same OS on both simulator and iPad (As I see in the comments that you say you are). Just to rule out any problems with using code that is incompatable with older OS's.
In general though, if your app is running fine on the hardware you shouldn't have anything to worry about. I would be much more concerned if it was the other way around.
It is almost always bad when an app does something you did not expect or design it to do. If you designed the app to run on both the Simulator and the iPad, and it doesn't run on one, there is possibly something seriously wrong with your design that could do other unknown things during app review, or worse, on many app user's devices (leading to lots of 1-star ratings).
Therefore you should figure out why something is going wrong, and preferably fix it (or at least understand what's happening well enough to determine how it will behave on your customer's iPads).
Some other suggestions:
make sure that both device and simulator are using the same internet connection
uninstall your app from simulator and device, and run clean on your project, and then do a fresh install

NSLog outputs to console when running on iphone simulator, but not when running on device

Has anyone heard of that before? It's making me crazy.
It happens only in the main app I'm working on. Other apps do show NSLog's in the console when running on the device.
I've tried re-installing the sdk, rebooting the computer, cleaning, deleting the build folder, rebooting the phone, a million things. I know the nslog code gets run because the exact project shows them in the sim. Also, even nslog's surrounding the code that loads the initial view in appdelegate's applicationDidFinishLaunching do not display when run on the device.
The app runs fine on the device, but I get no nslog output to the console.
If anyone can help it would be so greatly appreciated!
Are you looking in the Console application, or in the Xcode console available through the Xcode Organizer? The former is used by the simulator, the latter is used for devices.