how to use iphone ringtone in app - iphone

I want to use ringtones of iPhone in my app. Is this possible? Please help on iam stuck on this point,

You cannot use or change the ringtones available programatically. Sorry to say that but Apple is damn conservative.

you can access ringtones in the following directory: /Library/Ringtones/


How to get ringtone list of iPhone programmatically

I am developing a iPhone alarm app.
I have to display the list of ringtones.
How can I obtain these names?
And then how use these ringtones for alarm?
Apple has set things up so that one cannot use or change the ringtones available programmatically -- see App Store Guidelines . You will need your own files for this.

Use iTunes on iPhone

How can we create an application from which we can access iTunes on our iPhone/iPad.
I don't want any code but if you have any suggestions than please reply.
Thanks in advance
Check out the AddMusic Sample App from Apple

Need help to assign ringtones for different contacts

From my application i want to change the following settings of iphone :
I want to set the separate ringtones against individual contacts in iphone.
I want to set ringtone volumes against any contacts
Can I do these from my application?
Please help me to find the procedure as i am a totally newbie to this new technology of iPhone.
Thanks for your help in advance.
It's not possible to set/alter ringtone settings via the published iOS SDK (there are most likely "private" methods, but using these will result in your app being rejected), as otherwise any errant application could trivially make irritating changes.
i.e.: Only the user can change the ringtone settings.

is there a way to view via code the iphone sms archive?

is there a way to view via code the iphone sms archive and sort them in an app?
I would imagine that on a jailbroken phone you could read the DB, but using the normal SDK this is impossible. Each app is sandboxed to prevent it from reading data from other apps. Also, there is no API for it.
In short - no, SDK does not provide access to this information.
If it's jailbroken most certainly, you can even edit it by hand!

is task/application manager available in iphone?

Is there any functionality of a task manager in iphone like we have in windows? if so how to access it?
In a word… no. Sorry.
You can try SmartGTD app ( based on GTD®. It's going to be launched in a couple of days for iPad and really soon iPhone version.