is task/application manager available in iphone? - iphone

Is there any functionality of a task manager in iphone like we have in windows? if so how to access it?

In a word… no. Sorry.

You can try SmartGTD app ( based on GTD®. It's going to be launched in a couple of days for iPad and really soon iPhone version.


Direct someone to the OTA updates

Basically I am trying to put a button in my app which will warn the user if they are running an iOS version with known issues. When pressed it directs them to the OTA updates part of settings. Is this possible?
I have the code do detect if the user is using an old iOS version, however, I'm not quite sure how to switch to the settings. Does anybody have any code I can use? Much appreciated.
I think you can create a special prefs link. Check out this tutorial: No jailbreak necessary: How to quickly access iOS settings on your iPad, iPhone or iPod

IATKOS and AppStore question

My question is if any information regarding what is used to develop (iatkos) your apps? I have a fully working IATKOS install and wanna try the appstore playground, but I'm afraid of having any sort of troubles (legal ones) after publishing my first app....
thanks in advance.
No No prblm at all. you can easily publish your application on apps store. Even you cal also update ur IATKOSH software. its working fine.

Starting an app when iPhone turns on?

I don't care if its something Apple wont accept but, how would I get an iPhone app to start up when the iPhone turns on?
It isn't that Apple won't accept it, but that they just won't run it. The only way to achieve this would be to jailbreak the phone and play with launchd.
Put a plist in /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ with a path to your tool, just like MacOSX.

how to run application in background in iphone?

i have implemented one application.I want to run this application in iphone background(not client server base).How it possible.Please help me.
Thanks in advance.
Can't without jailbreaking. Apple does not let you run apps in the background. You can use Push Notifications to accomplish a lot of use cases for background programming, but the simple fact is you can't have a background process.
You can't. See
Apple doesn't let third party applications run in the background. I do hope they change that feature soon!
You can register your app to use gps/voip services and it will run in background!
One thing to be noted is such apps will be rejected from appstore unless there is really gps needed within the app for navigation.

is there a way to view via code the iphone sms archive?

is there a way to view via code the iphone sms archive and sort them in an app?
I would imagine that on a jailbroken phone you could read the DB, but using the normal SDK this is impossible. Each app is sandboxed to prevent it from reading data from other apps. Also, there is no API for it.
In short - no, SDK does not provide access to this information.
If it's jailbroken most certainly, you can even edit it by hand!