Use iTunes on iPhone - iphone

How can we create an application from which we can access iTunes on our iPhone/iPad.
I don't want any code but if you have any suggestions than please reply.
Thanks in advance

Check out the AddMusic Sample App from Apple


How to open file's under my app's document folder with other app on ios?

I found some app could open files with other app on ios. Such as open an avi file with other video player.
How can I do this? Will ios copy the file to the sandbox of other app?
I'd suggest reading this earlier answer and responses;
An iPhone app is not allow to modify or access anything outside its sandbox.
And even if you access it by some means, your app will not be approved by Apple.
Also it won't work if your device is not jailbroken.
You can refer to this link and decide what you want to do.
Hope this helps you. :)

inmyapp purchase

i have application first this application is used by customer in demo mode and if he/she want to buy it then how i can make this type application or how can i use inmyapp purchase in my application or please explain in detail what is inapp purchasse...please help me....
You can use this tutorial for InappPurchase
At first you should check Getting Started with In App Purchase on iPhone OS
And for more details: In App Purchase Programming Guide
This should answer most of your questions
and after you are done with the apple provided documentation you should have a look at In App Purchases: A full Walkthrough by Troy Brant.

how to use iphone ringtone in app

I want to use ringtones of iPhone in my app. Is this possible? Please help on iam stuck on this point,
You cannot use or change the ringtones available programatically. Sorry to say that but Apple is damn conservative.
you can access ringtones in the following directory: /Library/Ringtones/

register iphone application

Please guide summary me step by step to register iphone application in Apple store
I created an iphone sample application. I want to deploy it in real device.
but i dont know how to do.
Thank you~
Start by visiting Apple's developer site on the app submission process.

is there a way to view via code the iphone sms archive?

is there a way to view via code the iphone sms archive and sort them in an app?
I would imagine that on a jailbroken phone you could read the DB, but using the normal SDK this is impossible. Each app is sandboxed to prevent it from reading data from other apps. Also, there is no API for it.
In short - no, SDK does not provide access to this information.
If it's jailbroken most certainly, you can even edit it by hand!