what hosts support Catalyst Framework Apps [closed] - perl

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I would like to use the Perl Catalyst Framework on a Shared Hosting Service, but I don't know if there are any that do support it. Are there minimum requirements in order to be able to run a catalyst app?
Any help is appreciated.

Perl 5.8.4: http://search.cpan.org/dist/Catalyst-Runtime/META.yml
Catalyst::Runtime and its dependencies: http://deps.cpantesters.org/?module=Catalyst::Runtime
a Web server: http://wiki.catalystframework.org/wiki/deployment
Or trade money for time and convenience and pick a managed hosting provider: http://wiki.catalystframework.org/wiki/hosting

We had a demo of deploying a perl app (it wasn't Catalyst based, but that's neither here nor there) to DotCloud at our local Perl Mongers' meeting a couple of weeks ago. Deploying a Catalyst app was discussed, and there's certainly no technical impediment. My situation is similar to yours, but my app is not quite ready for deployment.
I have now successfully deployed my Catalyst app on dotcloud, and have been quite pleased with the results. It's been running there now for a couple of weeks, and I have found the dotcloud environment quite easy to work with, as far as pushing new code, restarting the service and so on is concerned. There is official documentation, and a Catalyst-specific walk-through.
More recently, Phillip Smith has recently written an updated, Catalyst-specific guide.

Dreamhost have a good hosting where you can install Catalyst and whatever you want. Basically you need an account, a 'shell' user type and a registered domain. With this items you can access the server through ssh tunnel and install the Catalyst packages.

Dotcloud is awesome.
I've just bought a Webfusion VPS (I'm working there so I figured some inside knowledge might be available).
Running up perlbrew, cpanm and my Cat app (which had a good Makefile.PL) was trivial. Getting nginx to play nicely has been harder.


Is there a need to run containers on local/dev machine? [closed]

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Closed 2 days ago.
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I want to explore options for development pocess (web api + worker services) having on mind deployment to Azure Container Apps.
In particular, I am wondering, is there any reason for running containers on developers machine or should apps be ran and unit tested locally without containers and then use containers only from ci/cd pipeline?
In that case, integration tests should also be performed in ci/cd pipeline only.
Whats also important is that different devs in a team can have different machines (windows, macos, linux) and we want to have unified dev process for all.
What is a typical development flow?
This is mostly opinion based and how well debugging works for your specific stack. For example, I work with blazor web assembly and most of the time I debug in containers, because my application is hosted in podman, however if I am investigating an client side issue containers are not convenient because debugging does not working properly.
With containers you are is close as shipping your dev machine to the cloud as possible.

how to deploy a exe file or desktop application online [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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the exe file was generated from matlab. I am trying a way to access the application online or run in my mobile phone(android).
The MCR can not be installed on android systems, which means you can not use the Matlab Compiler to create android applications.
You surely can deploy web applications, which is well documented. Most notable is this warning from the documentation:
The development version of MATLAB® Web App Server™ must be installed in a trusted intranet environment on dedicated hardware. The only purpose of the physical or virtual machine where the server is installed must be to host web apps that connect to the server. The server must never be exposed to the open Internet. For more information, see MATLAB Web App Server Security. source

Manage VPS server and install cpanel alternative [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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Hello all i just bought my first VPS server from hostinger and i dont know how to use it as earlier i used to use only shared hostings so i used to get my cpanel for the site where all the services are listed but this is not the case in VPS and Dedicated so i just wanted your advice and if possible a detailed step wise instructions on how to manage and install free cpanel alternatives on my VPS server
Things that i have IP address SSH and other things that is in VPS
what i need is just to install some softwares free on my server to create accounts and host websites. i need ftp, php myadmin, emails, cron jobs etc....
My srver details are CENTOS 6.7 x86_64 virtuozzo
There are many free available Control panel for Linux Like ISPConfig or spacewalk.
You can download them from their website and installation instruction are also provided on their website.
I suggest to go with Kloxo hosting control panel. It is free open source control panel. It has many features like manage billing, hosting, backup etc.. You can find complete features list and information from here..
It is also compatible with your Operating System. You can find installation guide for this hosting control panel from here..
Administrator Guide
User Guide
Hope, this will help and cover all your needs.
You can try open source control panels like CentOS Web Panel, ZPanel, WebMin, ISPConfig, etc. I personally use CentOS web Panel as open source alternative of cPanel. Here's the guide you can follow to install Centos Web Panel.
You probably need to install some free server configuration panel.
You can try a good known WebMin or relatively new and advanced ServerSuit.
Then you can install all the software you need to including the LAMP stack, mail servers, FTP servers and manage all those things from your browser of course.
ServerSuit also supports mobile devices which I prefer personally.

How to host a web server for the offline documentation temporarily? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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Many programming languages and SDK (like Android Studio, Java, ...) provide their documentation for offline in the form of web pages. But when serving those files from the disk, Chrome is not able to fetch file types other than web page like JSON, ... and #import query does not works...
I don't want to use server like XAMPP for this. Because I am already using that for development purposes. Help me with a way to host a temporary light-weight server with web_root as the documentation folder.
Use the node package "http-server".
You must have node.js (v4.4.0 or greater) installed and from the command line/terminal the http-server package can be installed by using this command:
npm install -g http-server
Navigate to the local directory containing the files you want to serve and call http-server from the command line/terminal.
Your pages will be hosted by default on
Do not close the command line/terminal as this will stop the serving.

Recommendation for Automated Deployment tools for Windows Environment? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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As a .NET programmer, I create Windows Services and Web Applications.
These are deployed on a staging environment and then, after regression tests are successful, they are deployed on a production environment.
Although it looks more like an IT related question, I think that when a version changes, for instance, it's only the programmer who actually knows the impact of the new version, and which service should be taken offline in order to change its DLLs, then taking it online again (just an example).
So I think that it's the programmer's job to create some kind of an automated script (or something) to be executed on each target machine.
Do you happen to know such a framework for Windows Server 2003/2008 machines?
My requirements for such framework are:
Human readable script (or anything else which is textual, such as XML)
Can detect a service by its name and start/stop it
Can detect a web application installed on IIS and start/stop it
Copy/Create/Move/Delete/Compress/Decompress files and folders
Can send emails
Do you happen to know such a framework for Windows Server 2003/2008 machines?
Thanks in advance!
For the record, I found that a PowerShell script can be helpful to my needs.
I think it's a good practice to use native tool on each platform.
In Windows it's a Windows Installer, and based on it - Wix and InstallShield.
We use Wix in our company for many projects, and deployment of both client and server components.
It's XML based (as you asked) and quite simple to start using immediately.
Some concepts are tricky to understand, but then you get tons of information in Internet, and once you've done something, you'll never forget.