Recommendation for Automated Deployment tools for Windows Environment? [closed] - deployment

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Closed 9 years ago.
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As a .NET programmer, I create Windows Services and Web Applications.
These are deployed on a staging environment and then, after regression tests are successful, they are deployed on a production environment.
Although it looks more like an IT related question, I think that when a version changes, for instance, it's only the programmer who actually knows the impact of the new version, and which service should be taken offline in order to change its DLLs, then taking it online again (just an example).
So I think that it's the programmer's job to create some kind of an automated script (or something) to be executed on each target machine.
Do you happen to know such a framework for Windows Server 2003/2008 machines?
My requirements for such framework are:
Human readable script (or anything else which is textual, such as XML)
Can detect a service by its name and start/stop it
Can detect a web application installed on IIS and start/stop it
Copy/Create/Move/Delete/Compress/Decompress files and folders
Can send emails
Do you happen to know such a framework for Windows Server 2003/2008 machines?
Thanks in advance!

For the record, I found that a PowerShell script can be helpful to my needs.

I think it's a good practice to use native tool on each platform.
In Windows it's a Windows Installer, and based on it - Wix and InstallShield.
We use Wix in our company for many projects, and deployment of both client and server components.
It's XML based (as you asked) and quite simple to start using immediately.
Some concepts are tricky to understand, but then you get tons of information in Internet, and once you've done something, you'll never forget.


Desired State Configuration Vs Azure ARM - Are They Complimentary to Each Other? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Have been well versed with ARM Templates & Parameters using Powershell. I have come to know lately that Desired State Configuration is the recommended way by Microsoft for Windows Server configurations.
As some of many of the parameters can also be configured using ARM Template, why is there a need of yet another approach DSC?
What I have researched and found out: But I would seek your expert & authoritative answer on following:
Is DSC suitable for windows Internals only & to ensure that the
configuration is maintained by constant polling?
DSC is not be helpful for provisioning machines & Azure resources, like Azure ARM does.
ARM Templates deploy Azure resources (like networking, storage, sql, vms, redis, webapp, etc). And can configure those to some extent.
Whereas Powershell DSC is only good for configuring VM's (not creating them).
That being said, technically there was a DSC module for Azure, but generally speaking they (DSC and ARM Templates) operate on different levels, but the idea is the same.

How to host a web server for the offline documentation temporarily? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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Many programming languages and SDK (like Android Studio, Java, ...) provide their documentation for offline in the form of web pages. But when serving those files from the disk, Chrome is not able to fetch file types other than web page like JSON, ... and #import query does not works...
I don't want to use server like XAMPP for this. Because I am already using that for development purposes. Help me with a way to host a temporary light-weight server with web_root as the documentation folder.
Use the node package "http-server".
You must have node.js (v4.4.0 or greater) installed and from the command line/terminal the http-server package can be installed by using this command:
npm install -g http-server
Navigate to the local directory containing the files you want to serve and call http-server from the command line/terminal.
Your pages will be hosted by default on
Do not close the command line/terminal as this will stop the serving.

Any good online deployment automation and management tool? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'd like to offer my customers a click-to-install/click-to-activate option to let them get their Magento/Custom Webapp online without manual installation based on my server configuration templates/custom virtual appliances. I know this could be done by certain scripts, but what I want is a web solution, preferably written in PHP.
I found provides exactly what I want but with additional monthly charge comparable to the server cost. It's also not convenient to push customized web applications into customer console.
Is there any similar open source deployment automation & management system supporting amazon ec2/rackspace/linode and multiple custom web applications?
There are a lot of open source IaaS products for data centers or hosting companies building cloud infrastructures.
But I didn't get any clue of similar open source PaaS products for ISVs or service providers building development platforms.
SaaS is good enough for some clients. But many customers only want managed open source web applications hosted on their selected servers to avoid vendor lock-in. That's kind of "private saas".
Any suggestion?
Thank you for sharing.
ComodIT ( has a feature enabling you to add a one-click deployment button directly on your site. They also provide a free cloud platform for your users to test your application. I do not know of any open source equivalent, but if all you need is a free service that enable your users to easily deploy your application with your configurations, this should do the trick.
Here is what the integration looks like on one of my open source projects:
Disclosure: I'm co-founder and software architect of ComodIT
There's a good comparison of PaaS offerings here: Looking for PaaS providers recommendations
Disclaimer: I work for Gigaspaces, developer of the Cloudify open source PaaS.
Cloudify is developed with Java but allows you to run any native process you want, and supports multiple clouds. There is an apache httpd recipe available here:
You can use the Cloudify CLI or REST API to deploy applications.

what hosts support Catalyst Framework Apps [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I would like to use the Perl Catalyst Framework on a Shared Hosting Service, but I don't know if there are any that do support it. Are there minimum requirements in order to be able to run a catalyst app?
Any help is appreciated.
Perl 5.8.4:
Catalyst::Runtime and its dependencies:
a Web server:
Or trade money for time and convenience and pick a managed hosting provider:
We had a demo of deploying a perl app (it wasn't Catalyst based, but that's neither here nor there) to DotCloud at our local Perl Mongers' meeting a couple of weeks ago. Deploying a Catalyst app was discussed, and there's certainly no technical impediment. My situation is similar to yours, but my app is not quite ready for deployment.
I have now successfully deployed my Catalyst app on dotcloud, and have been quite pleased with the results. It's been running there now for a couple of weeks, and I have found the dotcloud environment quite easy to work with, as far as pushing new code, restarting the service and so on is concerned. There is official documentation, and a Catalyst-specific walk-through.
More recently, Phillip Smith has recently written an updated, Catalyst-specific guide.
Dreamhost have a good hosting where you can install Catalyst and whatever you want. Basically you need an account, a 'shell' user type and a registered domain. With this items you can access the server through ssh tunnel and install the Catalyst packages.
Dotcloud is awesome.
I've just bought a Webfusion VPS (I'm working there so I figured some inside knowledge might be available).
Running up perlbrew, cpanm and my Cat app (which had a good Makefile.PL) was trivial. Getting nginx to play nicely has been harder.

Free Version Control and Issue Tracking System [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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What are the most convenient, intuitive and easy to use Freeware Version ControlSystem and Issue Tracking system for home PC (without a LAN)?
Note that, GUIs are a must for both.
Install your own copy of Trac, it runs by default with SQLite so you won't need a database server (I guess the home computer doesn't have many resources).
For Version Control SVN will be just fine, if you use Windows try VisualSVN for a faster setup.
I recommend Redmine for issue tracking/project management, and Git for version control. Redmine supports most SCM:s like CVS, Subversion, Git, Darcs, Mercurial, and Bazaar.
Redmine features:
Multiple projects support
Flexible role based access control
Flexible issue tracking system
Gantt chart and calendar
News, documents & files management
Feeds & email notifications
Per project wiki
Per project forums
Time tracking
Custom fields for issues, time-entries, projects and users
SCM integration (SVN, CVS, Git, Mercurial, Bazaar and Darcs)
Issue creation via email
Multiple LDAP authentication support
User self-registration support
Multilanguage support
Multiple databases support
For extremely easy installation, Redmine can be installed using Bitnami, available for Windows, Mac and Linux. Bitnami will install all required dependencies for you and everything may be uninstalled just as easily.
Edit: For Windows, Subversion + TortoiseSVN is probably your best bet for version control.
There's a 100% always free hosted private bug tracker available at
By using that you don't even have to worry about setting up, managing and backing up your own server.
You could use an online hosted version. Project Locker provide source control and issue tracking and have a free plan (up to 500MB). Beanstalk also do online source control (100MB).
You can use any of the free UI applications to access the source control repositories (such as TortoiseSVN, SmartSVN, etc..)
For version control I use Visual SVN which is a setup for a windows based user (takes care of all the install details of apache, bsd, etc.). It just works and is easy to use/manage. Then you need an SVN client - Tortoise is probably the best for it's windows explorer integration. This is free. If you want SVN integration in Visual Studio then you may want to splurge on a copy of Visual SVN for your client!
Also regarding version control don't underestimate the power of CodePlex or Google Code! As long as you don't mind people looking at your work (IE not for secret stuff) then this is a great resource that requires far less management on your part. Also great for distributed teams!
For bug and defect tracking you can't beat CounterSoft's Gemini product. This is a web based tool that allows you to track projects, bugs, call tickets, etc. Very nice for the professional consultant.
If you need something more robust for a bigger team and a team that is agile specific then take a look at VersionOne's products. Their first year of the basic package is free!
You can use SVN/CVS, which has loads of GUI utilities to back it up on almost every OS out there. It is rock stable.
For issue tracking bugzilla is just perfect for any level of expertise and it integrates well.
Web based interface is also pretty simple and intuitive.