Manage VPS server and install cpanel alternative [closed] - server

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Closed 6 years ago.
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Hello all i just bought my first VPS server from hostinger and i dont know how to use it as earlier i used to use only shared hostings so i used to get my cpanel for the site where all the services are listed but this is not the case in VPS and Dedicated so i just wanted your advice and if possible a detailed step wise instructions on how to manage and install free cpanel alternatives on my VPS server
Things that i have IP address SSH and other things that is in VPS
what i need is just to install some softwares free on my server to create accounts and host websites. i need ftp, php myadmin, emails, cron jobs etc....
My srver details are CENTOS 6.7 x86_64 virtuozzo

There are many free available Control panel for Linux Like ISPConfig or spacewalk.
You can download them from their website and installation instruction are also provided on their website.

I suggest to go with Kloxo hosting control panel. It is free open source control panel. It has many features like manage billing, hosting, backup etc.. You can find complete features list and information from here..
It is also compatible with your Operating System. You can find installation guide for this hosting control panel from here..
Administrator Guide
User Guide
Hope, this will help and cover all your needs.

You can try open source control panels like CentOS Web Panel, ZPanel, WebMin, ISPConfig, etc. I personally use CentOS web Panel as open source alternative of cPanel. Here's the guide you can follow to install Centos Web Panel.

You probably need to install some free server configuration panel.
You can try a good known WebMin or relatively new and advanced ServerSuit.
Then you can install all the software you need to including the LAMP stack, mail servers, FTP servers and manage all those things from your browser of course.
ServerSuit also supports mobile devices which I prefer personally.


Lightweight webserver for running in development without installing system wide [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I'm looking for some way I can set up my project so that you can run a single command and it would run npm run serve and rails server and then route / to the npm server and everything on /api to rails. In production I use nginx for this but I do not want to have developers to have to configure nginx system wide to get the development version working. Is there any portable web server that I can bundle with the repo so no manual configuration is required?
Use Heroku as it lets you deploy, run and manage applications written in Ruby, or Node.js...
It also provides 5 free hosting with sub domain of heroku.. all you need is to create a app on it and a heroku remote on git and thats it.. it would build, run and deploy your app on the heroku server.
I too have added my application (gif search engine) on heroku and its working fine.
You can also add your own commands in Procfile to serve your applications.
For more info visit: heroku

How to host a web server for the offline documentation temporarily? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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Many programming languages and SDK (like Android Studio, Java, ...) provide their documentation for offline in the form of web pages. But when serving those files from the disk, Chrome is not able to fetch file types other than web page like JSON, ... and #import query does not works...
I don't want to use server like XAMPP for this. Because I am already using that for development purposes. Help me with a way to host a temporary light-weight server with web_root as the documentation folder.
Use the node package "http-server".
You must have node.js (v4.4.0 or greater) installed and from the command line/terminal the http-server package can be installed by using this command:
npm install -g http-server
Navigate to the local directory containing the files you want to serve and call http-server from the command line/terminal.
Your pages will be hosted by default on
Do not close the command line/terminal as this will stop the serving.

Any good online deployment automation and management tool? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'd like to offer my customers a click-to-install/click-to-activate option to let them get their Magento/Custom Webapp online without manual installation based on my server configuration templates/custom virtual appliances. I know this could be done by certain scripts, but what I want is a web solution, preferably written in PHP.
I found provides exactly what I want but with additional monthly charge comparable to the server cost. It's also not convenient to push customized web applications into customer console.
Is there any similar open source deployment automation & management system supporting amazon ec2/rackspace/linode and multiple custom web applications?
There are a lot of open source IaaS products for data centers or hosting companies building cloud infrastructures.
But I didn't get any clue of similar open source PaaS products for ISVs or service providers building development platforms.
SaaS is good enough for some clients. But many customers only want managed open source web applications hosted on their selected servers to avoid vendor lock-in. That's kind of "private saas".
Any suggestion?
Thank you for sharing.
ComodIT ( has a feature enabling you to add a one-click deployment button directly on your site. They also provide a free cloud platform for your users to test your application. I do not know of any open source equivalent, but if all you need is a free service that enable your users to easily deploy your application with your configurations, this should do the trick.
Here is what the integration looks like on one of my open source projects:
Disclosure: I'm co-founder and software architect of ComodIT
There's a good comparison of PaaS offerings here: Looking for PaaS providers recommendations
Disclaimer: I work for Gigaspaces, developer of the Cloudify open source PaaS.
Cloudify is developed with Java but allows you to run any native process you want, and supports multiple clouds. There is an apache httpd recipe available here:
You can use the Cloudify CLI or REST API to deploy applications.

what hosts support Catalyst Framework Apps [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I would like to use the Perl Catalyst Framework on a Shared Hosting Service, but I don't know if there are any that do support it. Are there minimum requirements in order to be able to run a catalyst app?
Any help is appreciated.
Perl 5.8.4:
Catalyst::Runtime and its dependencies:
a Web server:
Or trade money for time and convenience and pick a managed hosting provider:
We had a demo of deploying a perl app (it wasn't Catalyst based, but that's neither here nor there) to DotCloud at our local Perl Mongers' meeting a couple of weeks ago. Deploying a Catalyst app was discussed, and there's certainly no technical impediment. My situation is similar to yours, but my app is not quite ready for deployment.
I have now successfully deployed my Catalyst app on dotcloud, and have been quite pleased with the results. It's been running there now for a couple of weeks, and I have found the dotcloud environment quite easy to work with, as far as pushing new code, restarting the service and so on is concerned. There is official documentation, and a Catalyst-specific walk-through.
More recently, Phillip Smith has recently written an updated, Catalyst-specific guide.
Dreamhost have a good hosting where you can install Catalyst and whatever you want. Basically you need an account, a 'shell' user type and a registered domain. With this items you can access the server through ssh tunnel and install the Catalyst packages.
Dotcloud is awesome.
I've just bought a Webfusion VPS (I'm working there so I figured some inside knowledge might be available).
Running up perlbrew, cpanm and my Cat app (which had a good Makefile.PL) was trivial. Getting nginx to play nicely has been harder.

Something compareable to 'localtunnel' for Windows [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I found this here , and it's exactly what I need, but I am working on Windows and localtunnel is Unix...
Some backgorund: I am currently developing a Facebook app and the Single-Sign-On won't work on my local Tomcat.
PageKite (disclaimer: I made this!) solves the same problems as localtunnel, but it is completely self-contained (written in Python, does not rely on ssh) which makes it very easy to install on Windows. Admittedly, you still have to deal with the command-line or at least edit the config file by hand, but a more user-friendly Windows GUI is in the works.
PageKite is free software (both the client and server) for those who want to DIY, but it's also backed by a start-up which provides all the service you need to get up and running in minutes.
A Windows client:
localtunnel for windows
Expose instantly your local webserver to the internet! See main project for more info...
UI Features
Custom service host setting
Win7 Jumplists for quick tunneling
Public key autogeneration
Specify a different host address than
Just install ruby, then run the same commands. I just did that and works on Win7 x64.
Create an ssh key (make sure you don't already have one and will overwrite, for GitHub, etc).
ssh-keygen -t rsa -C ""
Then upload your key to localtunnel (I had to enter my passkey setup in step above)
localtunnel -k c:/Users//.ssh/ [server port]
I wrote up a description of how to get localtunnel up and running on windows via CygWin.
apparently this link is broken - here's the cached version
and here's the content in case that disappears too:
We recently integrated with the awesome Twilio service for a small project we developed. Like many of today’s APIs, Twilio offers a number of webhooks that alert you to changes on the Twilio side. This simple but great concept really opens up a lot of possibilities for API users everywhere, and I’m glad to see it spreading. Unfortunately, webhooks by their very nature require that you have a publicly accessible URI for the service to callback to, which makes developing your webhook handler a little bit difficult when you’re working locally. Enter localtunnel, a nifty little tool that makes localhost visible to the rest of the world and lets you build and debug your webhooks on your development environment without having to worry about publishing your changes every few minutes to a public site.
Unfortunately, if you’re developing on Windows, localtunnel won’t work quite as easily out of the box as it would for Mac and *nix users.
Here at WAM, we mainly develop on Microsoft’s .NET platform, which acted as a barrier to our ability to use localtunnel. Since the tool was attractive enough to warrant spending a little time setting it up on my Windows environment, however, I dug in my heels and figured out the general steps needed to get it working.
Rather than go through the number of misguided steps I followed due to my own unfamiliarity with the tools localhost relies on, I’ll cut to the chase and explain what I eventually set up to get everything working together.
First, install Cygwin. During installation, make sure you opt to install dev tools – you’ll definitely need at least Make, gcc, SSH and Ruby.
Download and unzip RubyGems into a folder that you can access under Cygwin.
Install RubyGems by changing to that temporary directory on your Cygwin bash prompt and running:
ruby setup.rb
Install localtunnel by running:
gem install localtunnel
Generate a public/private key by running.
When it prompts you for a file to save, enter nothing and press enter. It will put the file into your home folder. ‘~/.ssh’ and the path to the file is ‘~/.ssh/’ by default.
Make note of where your public key is saved.
Run localtunnel for the first time by running
localtunnel -k {Path_To_Your_Public_Key} {PORT_NUMBER}
For example
localtunnel -k ~/ 8080
This will upload your public key to localtunnel and respond with something like
This localtunnel service is brought to you by Twilio.
Port 8080 is now publicly accessible from ...
From then on, you can just run
localtunnel 8080
And get a temporary public URL for your local app.
One thing to note is that I had to use a port like 8080 to get it to work – something like 49581 wasn’t working and rather than fiddle with it anymore, I just set up to always build my local project to port 8080.
As always, your mileage may vary and this comes with the standard warning that this worked for me, but may not for you.
Good luck!
Somebody is working on a Java version of the localtunnel client, so stay tuned! Otherwise, no, I don't think other than setting up your own SSH tunnel there is a Windows alternative.
Stunnel is available for win32