How to make an NumericUpDown on the Iphone? - iphone

I am trying to firgure out a way to make an NumericUpDown component for the Iphone. Anyone know if something like that already exists ?
Any idea what would be a good approach to create something like that ?

If your NumericUpDown mean images in this google search then I can suggest you go with iphone UIPickerView or this one


Which component is used by app?

I'm searching the way to do this:
How can I do it? It is present in the "" app for iPhone
Maybe this could help you...
you can simply create a UIPopover on Iphone, but I think on ipad its much easier...Well take a look.

Panoramic view creation from iphone

I have a iPhone app requirement to create a 3D panaromic view. Users can take photos from their phone and convert it to panoramic view.
what is the good way to do this ? any libraries available for this?
Help is highly appreciable,
Use PanoramaGL Library.Its very good library and very easy to integrate.
You can find it on,

360 on iOS by using a image sequence

I got a sequence of images and I'd like to create something like this:
Google wasn't my friend at all. Which class/lib should I use?
Ended up creating my own view for that. Here's a download link in case anybody needs to do this.

How can we implement Dropdownlist functionality in iPhone

I know there is no any controls like Dropdownlist in iOS library but suppose we want to implement this type of functionality then how can I do this....
I do not want any code but just want to get suggestion from our peers...
So Let me know about how can I implement it in iPhone...
Thanks in advance..
I think UIPicker is generally the alternative to the drop down on iPhone, that's what pops up when you use a drop down in the web browser.
See Apple's documentation for further reference.

iPhone - Image selection similar to Music Album in iPhone

I am new in iPhone programming. I want to create a puzzle game and I would really like to implement and image selection screen similar to the way you select a Music Album in iPhone iPod.
I can't upload a picture, but I will send you a link if my description is not detailed enough.
I don't know what to search for details. Can you give me a hint if it is even possible to implement it?
Thank you a lot,
Refer to this, it is much easier one.
That's called Cover Flow and there's an open source library that does something similar here.
Alternatively, Apple has a built-in UIImagePicker.