Panoramic view creation from iphone - iphone

I have a iPhone app requirement to create a 3D panaromic view. Users can take photos from their phone and convert it to panoramic view.
what is the good way to do this ? any libraries available for this?
Help is highly appreciable,

Use PanoramaGL Library.Its very good library and very easy to integrate.
You can find it on,


Create custom AR Quick Look experience without using the device's camera

I'm wondering if there's a way to recreate the "Object" experience when viewing a .usdz file through Apple's AR Quick Look. I want an experience that showcases a 3D object without "augmenting reality".
Some options that I'm thinking of that might be able to recreate this feature:
1) Using ARKit, disabling the camera and setting my own background with a custom image. I would then set the usdz/object in the center of the device's screen while having all the interaction functionalityfor the 3D object.
2) Web AR - recreate this 3D experience elsewhere and showcase this on a webview.
Any guidance or discussion about this is much appreciated - thank you!
You can use Google's model-viewer if you are going with the web solution. Another easy and effective solution would be echoAR (full disclosure, this is where I work). You can simply upload your models there and then get a link to thier model-view. You can upload models in different formats (obj, fbx, glTF, glb, USDZ) and it'll automatically convert it to the format you need to view on any device.

iPhone: iPhoto like tile view for image browsing

In an iPhone application I want to create an UI that just look like iPhoto application where photos will be loaded like iPhoto's tile view.
I am planning to use UITableView To achieve this.
How can I manage showing random sizes images just like iPhoto app shows in there gallery view?
Any library which will help to achieve it? Can you please provide code sample url's?
Shiv you can try AQGridView that may help you to achieve what you are looking for.
You can also wait for IOS 6 and see photo tools.
check out as well and may help you. Probably you may have hit iPhone show photos/images sliding (like photo library and Facebook app)? link. but be sure to check this link.
Hope this many things would help you; I tried to give answer in noon but it take me late and it's evening now.

iPhone - Image selection similar to Music Album in iPhone

I am new in iPhone programming. I want to create a puzzle game and I would really like to implement and image selection screen similar to the way you select a Music Album in iPhone iPod.
I can't upload a picture, but I will send you a link if my description is not detailed enough.
I don't know what to search for details. Can you give me a hint if it is even possible to implement it?
Thank you a lot,
Refer to this, it is much easier one.
That's called Cover Flow and there's an open source library that does something similar here.
Alternatively, Apple has a built-in UIImagePicker.

How to rotate QTVR image 360 degree in iPhone?

I want to develope one iphone based application in which i want to rotate one image (type:QTVR) 360 degree. So, i can get the same behavior like street view in google map.
If anybody has done this then please share code snippet here or any useful url for any related article then please paste it in reply.
Any help is greatly appreciate.
Thanks in Advance,
I guess you mean you wanna "rotate" your point-of-view to "scroll" a panoramic image...
I'm using the software "Pano2vr"
It can export panoramas in HTML+javascript+css, so you can embed all the files in your project
and load it in a UIWebView
You can download the demo version to have a look here:
ciao, luca

How to build a "virtual zippo" app?

You probably all know the famous virtual zippo app.
I thought of making such an app too, just for learning objective-c.
THe developer said he has used a video of flame.
How is it possible to play a video inside a UIView?
DO you have any ideas of how to achieving that?
Thanks in advance!
I don't know about a video inside a UIView, but you can use an UIImageView and animate a series of images with it. Here's how.