zend form - Element Label in two line - zend-framework

I am extremely new to Zend Framework, In registration form, i need label text in two line. For Example:- In the case First name, I need to display like below:
How can i implement this? Please anyone help me!!!

By default, input fields labels are being escaped by Zend_View_Helper_FormLabel. However, you can easy switch this off:
$yourTextInputElement->getDecorator('label')->setOption('escape', false);
This way you can use labels as e.g. $yourTextInputElement->setLabel('First <br/> name');.

What about this nifty solution ?

The best way is probably to use Description decorator, or subclass one of other standard ZF decorators.
Yanick's CSS solution might be a good choice too, depending what are you trying to do.


HTML5 Custom Data Attributes in TYPO3 Backend Content Elements

I am wondering if there is a way to add a HTML5 Custom Data Attribute to any Content Element like Text or Text w/ images.
Anyone tried / did this before or is there a good reason not to do this?
You can either add a new field (own extension) or use any of the existing (e.g. layout to define own values. Then you can change the TypoScript rendering based on the value of this field.
... or in addition to #pgampe's answer, which is fine for programmers you can use ie. DCE extension, which allows you to create any HTML structure with usage pure Fluid syntax
Thank's for the answers. I didn't know DCE, looks very interesting.
As I needed a quick solution for just a few elements on one page I did something really quick and dirty. But as it worked for me, I would like to post it in addition to the two other excellent answers.
I used the field Description field to add the content of my custom field. I know it's not intended for this, but as alreay mentioned: quick & dirty. :-)
tt_content.stdWrap.innerWrap.cObject {
50 =< tt_content.stdWrap.innerWrap.cObject.default
50.20.10.value = csc-default layout-{field:layout}" data-filter="{field:rowDescription}
50.20.10.insertData = 1

Element Checkbox got its label always to the left and needs a link

How can I change the positions of checkbox and label and how to implement a link into the label?
$acceptGTC = new Element\Checkbox('AGBs');
$acceptGTC->setLabel('I Accept the GTC (show it).');
I tried to overwrite the view helper for checkboxes.
added to module.config.php
'viewhelpers' => array('checkbox'=>'Application\View\Helper'),
But it still uses the original one...
Do I have to tell zend to use my FormCheckbox?
I don't exactly know the way you are rendering your Zend_Form_Element, but in order to enhance the rendering as you want you should build a custom decorator, and add it to this element.
You should read the Zend documentation on Zend_Form_Decorators, everything is quite well explained and should lead you to a fancy solution.

ice:paneConfirmation - is it really so bad?

I have discovered a nice component for confirming actions - ice:panelConfirmation. But I think, it has one big mistake. I can't change the name of heading, there is always "Confirm". It is really so bad? Or is there some possibility to change it? I need to translate it to another language, for example.
Here is my code:
<ice:panelConfirmation id="deleteConfirm" message="#{msg['really']}"
acceptLabel="#{msg['yes']}" styleClass="dialog"
cancelLabel="#{msg['no']}" displayAtMouse="true"/>
<ice:commandButton image="/resources/images/delete.png" action="#{postManager.delete(item)}"
title="#{msg['news.delete']}" styleClass="smallSpaces"
The ice:panelConfirmation component has a "title" attribute that you can use to set the text of the popup header. Have a look here

Line breaks in Zend Navigation Menu labels

I have a need to create a <br/> tag in the display label for a menu item generated using Zend_navigation, but don't seem to be able to find a way to do so.
My navigation item is defined in the XML config as:
<label>Register your Slitter Rewinder</label>
I want to force a tag in the output HTML between 'your' and 'slitter', such that it appears on two line as below:
Register your
Slitter Rewinder
However, I can't seem to do it. obviously using in the XML breaks parsing, and using html entities means that the lable is displayed as:
Register your <br/>Slitter Rewinder
Has anyone had experience of this that can offer advice?
Thanks in advance!
there is no such option built-in you have to use a partial
$partial = array('menu.phtml', 'default');
echo $this->navigation()->menu()->render();
you may also try a hack with <label><![CDATA[Menu label<br/>Second line]]></label>
I found a (hacky) solution:
I updated my navigation.xml to use {br} tokens wherever a <br/> tag is required, and then amended the base Zend/View/Helper/Navigation/Menu.php file as follows:
within htmlify function, changed
str_replace("{br}", "<br/>", $label)
I could (and probably will) override the Zend Library Menu View Helper with my own at some point, but this at least cover it for now.
there is a escapeLabels boolean used to convert html tags and it's true by default.
You can set your navigation like this

Zend framework decorators question

I need to add some random html content with text before and after my input field.
I know I can use description decorator and set escape option to false - this way I can simply inject arbitrary html chunk as a decorator.
But this only accounts for 1 html chunk - I need a second one after input field. If I simply output description decorator again after input field - that will output the same description chucnk.
1) Is there a way to use description decorator multiple times with different content?
2) In label decorator - is there a way to use span tag instead of label tag?
3) Can I inject random html into HtmlTag decorator?
i solved my problem by creating simple custom decorator that allows me inject random html anywhere. Still -if someone knows quick and easy answers - plz post.
You could check out the AnyMarkup decorator: