Installing Image_Graph and using with BASE - radix

I have Windows 7 with the latest XAMPP installation. I configured BASE to work, for the most part. My problem is that in BASE, when I click on the graph alerts button, I get this error:
Error loading the Graphing library:
Check your Pear::Image_Graph installation!
* Image_Graph can be found here:at Without this library no graphing operations can be performed.
* Make sure PEAR libraries can be found by php at all:
pear config-show | grep "PEAR directory"
PEAR directory php_dir /usr/share/pear
This path must be part of the include path of php (cf. /etc/php.ini):
php -i | grep "include_path"
include_path => .:/usr/share/pear:/usr/share/php => .:/usr/share/pear:/usr/share/php</code>
I think it may have to do with the include path of the php.ini so here is what it currently says:
; Paths and Directories ;
; UNIX: "/path1:/path2"
;include_path = ".:/php/includes"
; Windows: "\path1;\path2"
;include_path = ".;c:\php\includes"
; PHP's default setting for include_path is ".;/path/to/php/pear"
include_path = ".;C:\xampp\php\PEAR"
I am really at a loss as to how to resolve this. I searched for a while for some documentation but most referred to installing on ubuntu.
I don't know any pear or php, so if you know how to fix this please explain thoroughly. I am willing to supply as much information as needed.

Have you tried reading this?
I solved my problem on Debian with that.


PHP Warning: Module 'imagick' already loaded in Unknown on line 0, need some assistance

So I checked my spam folder today and had 122 messages send through the server stating:
PHP Warning: Module 'imagick' already loaded in Unknown on line 0
Non stop it keeps sending me this.
Googled it and still have no clue on how to fix it as I need a step by step answer.
Found a similar question on stack but it's too complicated for me to understand.
I'm on the latest Plesk Onyx and OS=Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS‬.
As I'm running php 7.3 I hoped when I uninstalled php 7.0 in plesk it would go away but unfortunately it didn't.
It's send from here
Cron <root#server> [ -x /usr/lib/php/sessionclean ] && /usr/lib/php/sessionclean
And after php --ini (read about it on a forum) this was the result:
PHP Warning: Module 'imagick' already loaded in Unknown on line 0
Configuration File (php.ini) Path: /etc/php/7.0/cli
Loaded Configuration File: /etc/php/7.0/cli/php.ini
Scan for additional .ini files in: /etc/php/7.0/cli/conf.d
Additional .ini files parsed: /etc/php/7.0/cli/conf.d/00-ioncube-loader-7.0.ini,
I already know it's probably easily fixed when you know linux but I'm learning on the go and posses very little knowledge yet.
Could anyone assist me with the right commands?
Locate where is your php.ini file by:
php -i | grep Configuration
Configuration File (php.ini) Path => /usr/local/etc/php/7.4
Loaded Configuration File => /usr/local/etc/php/7.4/php.ini
Open the php.ini file and remove the line:
or change the line to a comment:

TYPO3 9 LTS Version 9.5.5 - Could not access remote resource

I am working with the current version Typo3 9.5.5, with PHP version: 7.3.2 and XAMPP 3.2.3 on Windows 7. In the backend interface under ADMIN TOOLS -> Extensions -> get preconfigured distributions I always get the error "Could not access remote resource". I have tried it with but unfortunately did not work. Does anyone have a solution?
[Edit] I would like to upload the whole file php.ini, but unfortunately I have not found a way to do this. It is not possible to put all the content of the php.ini here, because the character limit is 30000. I could just show the uncommented lines, but that would not be nice either.
A part of the C:\xampp\php\php.ini:
; When the extension library to load is not located in the default extension
; directory, You may specify an absolute path to the library file:
; extension=/path/to/extension/
; Note : The syntax used in previous PHP versions ('extension=<ext>.so' and
; 'extension='php_<ext>.dll') is supported for legacy reasons and may be
; deprecated in a future PHP major version. So, when it is possible, please
; move to the new ('extension=<ext>) syntax.
; Notes for Windows environments :
; - Many DLL files are located in the extensions/ (PHP 4) or ext/ (PHP 5+)
; extension folders as well as the separate PECL DLL download (PHP 5+).
; Be sure to appropriately set the extension_dir directive.
You need to activate curl in your XAMPP installation. Maybe this Stack Overflow post can help you with that.
If you have Windows 10 Professional I can highly recommend DDEV-Local which gives you a solid base for local development. It should also work with Windows 10 Home.
In case you need help with DDEV, the #DDEV channel in TYPO3 Slack is very helpful.
I solved the problem by adding
(1) the line "extension = php_curl.dll" in the module settings part
and by updating
(2) the file "curl-ca-bundle.crt" in the line ; curl.cainfo = "C: \ xampp \ apache \ bin \ curl-ca-bundle.crt "does not exist in the Xampp directory (including subdirectories). Therefore, download the file "cacert.pem" expilicitly (just google) and replace the line ; curl.cainfo = "C: \ xampp \ apache \ bin \ curl-ca-bundle.crt" with curl.cainfo = "C: \ xampp \ cacert.pem ". Put the "cacert.pem" file in the directory "*C: \ xampp *".
(3) Also replace the line: openssl.cafile = "C: \ xampp \ apache \ bin \ curl-ca-bundle.crt" with openssl.cafile = "C: \ xampp \ cacert.pem". It should work then.

How to configure and use Mailgun's SDK with composer-php?

I installed Composer and a SDK for Mailgun's service. These are the steps i followed:
# current directory
cd ~
# Install Composer
curl -sS | php
# Add Mailgun as a dependency
php composer.phar require mailgun/mailgun-php:~1.7
According to the instructions, all I did after that was (index.php):
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use Mailgun\Mailgun;
# First, instantiate the SDK with your API credentials and define your domain.
$mg = new Mailgun("key-my-key-goes-here-987654321");
$domain = "";
Then, I tried to get the list of bounced emails:
$data = $mg->get("$domain/bounces", array('limit' => 15, 'skip' => 0));
...and I'm getting this error:
Warning: require(vendor/autoload.php): failed to open stream: No such
file or directory in /var/www/html/index.php on line 2 Fatal error:
require(): Failed opening required 'vendor/autoload.php'
(include_path='.:/usr/share/pear:/usr/share/php') in
/var/www/html/index.php on line 2
So I'm guessing it has something to do with composer's installation/configuration perhaps? Thanks for any help...
The way you programmed it, you must have the following files all in the same directory:
index.php (your test script)
And you must have run the composer require command while being inside this directory. This will also create a directory named vendor here, and add plenty of files, amongst them vendor/autoload.php.
If however your test script isn't in this location, the require call will not find the file where you tell PHP to find it. This isn't any failure of Composer, but simply the fact that you have to include that file according to your situation, not by copy&paste code. If you change the path of your test script, you have to change the path of the vendor directory as well.

Is there a way to tell django compressor to create source maps

I want to be able to debug minified compressed javascript code on my production site. Our site uses django compressor to create minified and compressed js files. I read recently about chrome being able to use source maps to help debug such javascript. However I don't know how/if possible to tell the django compressor to create source maps when compressing the js files
I don't have a good answer regarding outputting separate source map files, however I was able to get inline working.
Prior to adding source maps my file used the following precompilers
('text/coffeescript', 'coffee --compile --stdio'),
('text/less', 'lessc {infile} {outfile}'),
('text/x-sass', 'sass {infile} {outfile}'),
('text/x-scss', 'sass --scss {infile} {outfile}'),
('text/stylus', 'stylus < {infile} > {outfile}'),
After a quick
$ lessc --help
You find out you can put the less and map files in to the output css file. So my new text/less precompiler entry looks like
('text/less', 'lessc --source-map-less-inline --source-map-map-inline {infile} {outfile}'),
Hope this helps.
Edit: Forgot to add, lessc >= 1.5.0 required for this, to upgrade use
$ [sudo] npm update -g less
While I couldn't get this to work with django-compressor (though it should be possible, I think I just had issues getting the app set up correctly), I was able to get it working with django-assets.
You'll need to add the appropriate command-line argument to the less filter source code as follows:
diff --git a/src/webassets/filter/ b/src/webassets/filter/
index eb40658..a75f191 100644
--- a/src/webassets/filter/
+++ b/src/webassets/filter/
## -80,4 +80,4 ## class Less(ExternalTool):
def input(self, in_, out, source_path, **kw):
# Set working directory to the source file so that includes are found
with working_directory(filename=source_path):
- self.subprocess([self.less or 'lessc', '-'], out, in_)
+ self.subprocess([self.less or 'lessc', '--line-numbers=mediaquery', '-'], out, in_)
Aside from that tiny addition:
make sure you've got the node -- not the ruby gem -- less compiler (>=1.3.2 IIRC) available in your path.
turn on the sass source-maps option buried away in chrome's web inspector config pages. (yes, 'sass' not less: less tweaked their debug-info format to match sass's since since sass had already implemented a chrome-compatible mapping and their formats weren't that different to begin with anyway...)
Not out of the box but you can extend a custom filter:
from compressor.filters import CompilerFilter
class UglifyJSFilter(CompilerFilter):
command = "uglifyjs -c -m " /
"--source-map-root={relroot}/ " /
"--source-map-url={name}.map.js" /
"--source-map={relpath}/{name}.map.js -o {output}"

Algebra filter error in moodle

I installed moodle 1.9.12 and now I want to use Algebra notation in content. I enable "TeX Notation" and "Algebra Notation" in administrator panel and also install mimetext and dvips and Imagemagic on the server. fortunately Tex Notation works fine but I got the following error for Algebra:
sh: /var/www/html/moodle/filter/tex/mimetex.linux: not found
The shell command
"/var/www/html/moodle/filter/tex/mimetex.linux" -e "/var/www/moodledata/filter/algebra/de06d6c44d98ba4e42dffca988bf530b.gif" -- '\Large \frac{\sin\left(z\right)}{x^{2}+y^{2}}'
returned status = 127
File size of mimetex executable /var/www/html/moodle/filter/tex/mimetex.linux is 830675
The file permissions are: 100775
The md5 checksum of the file is 56bcc40de905ce92ebd7b083c76e019e
Image not found!
Note: /var/www/html/moodle/filter/tex/mimetex.linux exists on the server and is executable!!!
What is the problem?? Any idea?????
From what you have described, calling the general tex filter debug page works and does not show up the same error.
/filter/tex/texdebug.php works, but /filter/algebra/algebradebug.php does not.
If this is the case, perhaps you could check for an open_basedir, or safe_mode_exec_dir being set to include the current working directory, or otherwise restricting the execution of /var/www/html/moodle/filter/tex/mimetex.linux, while the current working directory is /var/www/html/moodle/filter/algebra.
You could look at this by visiting /admin/phpinfo.php at your site, and look carefully at the effective values of open_basedir, safe_mode and safe_mode_exec_dir.
You could also check the apache error log or add the following lines to the top of the algebra debug php file, and you might see some extra error messages:
$CFG->debug = 6143 ;
$CFG->debugdisplay= 1 ;
Hope that helps