TYPO3 9 LTS Version 9.5.5 - Could not access remote resource https://repositories.typo3.org/mirrors.xml.gz - typo3

I am working with the current version Typo3 9.5.5, with PHP version: 7.3.2 and XAMPP 3.2.3 on Windows 7. In the backend interface under ADMIN TOOLS -> Extensions -> get preconfigured distributions I always get the error "Could not access remote resource https://repositories.typo3.org/mirrors.xml.gz.". I have tried it with https://www.pagemachine.de/blog/wie-ihr-typo3-8-0-als-locales-testsystem-unter-windows-installer-unser-tutorial/#div-comment-4718 but unfortunately did not work. Does anyone have a solution?
[Edit] I would like to upload the whole file php.ini, but unfortunately I have not found a way to do this. It is not possible to put all the content of the php.ini here, because the character limit is 30000. I could just show the uncommented lines, but that would not be nice either.
A part of the C:\xampp\php\php.ini:
; When the extension library to load is not located in the default extension
; directory, You may specify an absolute path to the library file:
; extension=/path/to/extension/mysqli.so
; Note : The syntax used in previous PHP versions ('extension=<ext>.so' and
; 'extension='php_<ext>.dll') is supported for legacy reasons and may be
; deprecated in a future PHP major version. So, when it is possible, please
; move to the new ('extension=<ext>) syntax.
; Notes for Windows environments :
; - Many DLL files are located in the extensions/ (PHP 4) or ext/ (PHP 5+)
; extension folders as well as the separate PECL DLL download (PHP 5+).
; Be sure to appropriately set the extension_dir directive.

You need to activate curl in your XAMPP installation. Maybe this Stack Overflow post can help you with that.
If you have Windows 10 Professional I can highly recommend DDEV-Local which gives you a solid base for local development. It should also work with Windows 10 Home.
In case you need help with DDEV, the #DDEV channel in TYPO3 Slack is very helpful.

I solved the problem by adding
(1) the line "extension = php_curl.dll" in the module settings part
and by updating
(2) the file "curl-ca-bundle.crt" in the line ; curl.cainfo = "C: \ xampp \ apache \ bin \ curl-ca-bundle.crt "does not exist in the Xampp directory (including subdirectories). Therefore, download the file "cacert.pem" expilicitly (just google) and replace the line ; curl.cainfo = "C: \ xampp \ apache \ bin \ curl-ca-bundle.crt" with curl.cainfo = "C: \ xampp \ cacert.pem ". Put the "cacert.pem" file in the directory "*C: \ xampp *".
(3) Also replace the line: openssl.cafile = "C: \ xampp \ apache \ bin \ curl-ca-bundle.crt" with openssl.cafile = "C: \ xampp \ cacert.pem". It should work then.


Travis CI failed because installing dependencies timed out

Travis CI for my Github repo keeps failing and I didn't know why, until I read through the Job log and figured out that many dependencies couldn't be downloaded on their machines.
For example, the xcolor package failed to install:
[20/23, 03:54/04:02] install: xcolor [17k]
did not succeed, please retry.
TLPDB::_install_package: couldn't unpack ftp://tug.org/historic/systems/texlive/2015/tlnet-final/archive/xcolor.tar.xz to /home/travis/texmf
which results in the following error:
Latexmk: Missing input file: 'xcolor.sty' from line
'! LaTeX Error: File `xcolor.sty' not found.'
Latexmk: Log file says no output from latex
Latexmk: For rule 'pdflatex', no output was made
The problem is I'm working on a LaTeX project, and LaTeX environments tend to be huge with lots of supporting packages. Here is the relevant part of my setup.sh, which is already the minimal requirement:
sudo tlmgr install \
xkeyval ifthen amsmath bm \
longtable ctex tabu array \
colortbl berasans graphicx longtable \
etoolbox lastpage amssymb mathrsfs \
multirow xeCJK environ after \
booktabs hyperref epstopdf tabu \
fancyhdr listings amsfonts latexsym \
hhline CJK longtable pifont \
geometry ifpdf bmpsize hologo \
fancybox appendix amsbsy paralist \
tabularx xCJK2uni hologo calc \
fontenc ifxetex xcolor palatino
Can I make sure that all required packages are successfully downloaded & installed before the building phase, say, by letting the server to retry several times? If so, how?
From the Travis docs:
If you are getting network timeouts when trying to download dependencies, either use the built in retry feature of your dependency manager or wrap your install commands in the travis_retry function.
For example, in your .travis.yml:
install: travis_retry pip install myawesomepackage
travis_retry will attempt up three times if the return code is non-zero.

Buildroot Config Option for applying custom patch

I am new to buildroot and working to build Linaro with buildroot ..I have multiple fragment kernel config files and specified that in buildroot defconfig.
I have specified a custom kernel patches directory with BR2_LINUX_PATCH_DIR .
I dont have some of the config flags not set which are supposed to be there in the .config files..so i suspect that the Patches are applied successfully..so i tried giving a non existing location as Linux Patch dir and it does not give any error..
Is there anything other than giving value to BR2_LINUX_PATCH_DIR and what should be the format of the dir structure...in buildroot manual it says it should be
Package_name/patch name..For linux what should be the package name? It should be the same with which linux dir is created.for example for me it is linux-custom
Plz suggest and guide me in this.
Thanks in Advance
The option is named BR2_LINUX_KERNEL_PATCH, there is nothing named BR2_LINUX_PATCH_DIR. It applies all patches listed in this option (if those are files), or all files named *.patch if what's given in this option is a directory. See the code in linux/linux.mk:
for p in $(filter-out ftp://% http://% https://%,$(LINUX_PATCHES)) ; do \
if test -d $$p ; then \
$(APPLY_PATCHES) $(#D) $$p \*.patch || exit 1 ; \
else \
$(APPLY_PATCHES) $(#D) `dirname $$p` `basename $$p` || exit 1; \
fi \
Also, I would recommend that you watch the output of Buildroot: it shows everything it is doing, especially it lists the patches it applied. Look at the line >>> linux .... Patching, which is the marker for the beginning of the patching step of the linux package.

Tokenizer in moses-SMT system stuck even with 10 sentences

I was trying to make a baseline MT system. Just for checking How it works I made Source (S) and Target (T) language corpus of just 2000 sentences. The very first step is to prepare the data for Machine Translation (MT) system. In this step first we have to perform tokenization as mentioned here Baseline SMT. I've used this code:
~/mosesdecoder/scripts/tokenizer/tokenizer.perl -l en \
< ~/corpus/training/news-commentary-v8.fr-en.en \
> ~/corpus/news-commentary-v8.fr-en.tok.en
~/mosesdecoder/scripts/tokenizer/tokenizer.perl -l fr \
< ~/corpus/training/news-commentary-v8.fr-en.fr \
> ~/corpus/news-commentary-v8.fr-en.tok.fr
( say S = French & T = English)
I checked after 2 hours it was still running. I got curious since it was not expected. Then I tried with just ten sentences. To my surprise, it's been 30 minutes and it is still running.
Did I do anything wrong?
PS: OS = Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS
Sony ultrabook
No dual boot.
Please Follow bellow steps ;
git clone https://github.com/moses-smt/mosesdecoder.git
cd mosesdecoder
git clone https://github.com/moses-smt/giza-pp.git
cd giza-pp
mkdir tools
cp giza-pp/GIZA++-v2/GIZA++ giza-pp/GIZA++-v2/snt2cooc.out giza-pp/mkcls-v2/mkcls tools
scripts/tokenizer/tokenizer.perl -l fr < ~/corpus/training/news-commentary-v8.fr-en.fr > ~/corpus/news-commentary-v8.fr-en.tok.fr

Magento: upgrade pre 1.6 version to most recent one

I've seen a lot of questions about pre 1.6 Magento installations to the most recent version (at the current moment but there are a lot of answers that don't work for everybody.
So below the answer to the question:
How to upgrade Magento from a pre 1.6 installation to the most recent one.
There are a lot of versions and not all of them are working. This one has worked for me for a lot of versions, as far as 1.3 to 1.7.
Please add comments with solutions to problems you're experiencing, I can update the answer so other people get help from this topic too!
What you need:
- SUDO rights/root account on your server.
- The linux package 'nohub'
- make sure NOBODY can trigger the index.php. If your version supports maintenance.flag, put an empty maintenance.flag file in your Magento root.
1) Download the latest Magento. Overwrite: ./download/* ./lib/* ./mage
2) Run these steps from you Magento root als SUDOer (if you're not root, put 'sudo' for all the commands)
find . -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;
find . -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;
chmod -R 777 ./var
chmod 550 mage
3) Go to your Magento root folder and type:
./mage list-upgrades
./mage config-set preferred_state stable
./mage upgrade-all --force
./mage install http://connect20.magentocommerce.com/community Mage_All_Latest --force
4) Now there is the last step. Note: In some situations this process can take up to 8+ hours!
nohup php -f ./index.php
Known issues
1) it's possible that your update gets in a loop. To find this loop, enable debugging.Edit: /lib/Varien/Db/Adapter/Pdo/Mysql.php (+/- line 112 and 112)
protected $_debug = true;
protected $_debuglogeverything = true;
This will write a debug to: /var/debug/[debug_file]
2) Read the file by opening the dir:
cd /var/debug/[debug_file] <-- replace with the actual filename
tail -f [debug_file]
3) If you use debug, the file will get HUGE! Make sure you delete it once in a while.
Tip: as a root user, type:
crontab -e
*/5 * * * * rm /[my_magento_base_folder]/var/debug/[debug_file] <-- add this line
If you want to read the file, add a # to this line and use tail to read it.
These steps help you find common errors and loops (if the tail shows a repeating error message)

Installing Image_Graph and using with BASE

I have Windows 7 with the latest XAMPP installation. I configured BASE to work, for the most part. My problem is that in BASE, when I click on the graph alerts button, I get this error:
Error loading the Graphing library:
Check your Pear::Image_Graph installation!
* Image_Graph can be found here:at http://pear.veggerby.dk/. Without this library no graphing operations can be performed.
* Make sure PEAR libraries can be found by php at all:
pear config-show | grep "PEAR directory"
PEAR directory php_dir /usr/share/pear
This path must be part of the include path of php (cf. /etc/php.ini):
php -i | grep "include_path"
include_path => .:/usr/share/pear:/usr/share/php => .:/usr/share/pear:/usr/share/php</code>
I think it may have to do with the include path of the php.ini so here is what it currently says:
; Paths and Directories ;
; UNIX: "/path1:/path2"
;include_path = ".:/php/includes"
; Windows: "\path1;\path2"
;include_path = ".;c:\php\includes"
; PHP's default setting for include_path is ".;/path/to/php/pear"
; http://php.net/include-path
include_path = ".;C:\xampp\php\PEAR"
I am really at a loss as to how to resolve this. I searched for a while for some documentation but most referred to installing on ubuntu.
I don't know any pear or php, so if you know how to fix this please explain thoroughly. I am willing to supply as much information as needed.
Have you tried reading this?
I solved my problem on Debian with that.