Workflow error Purchase requisition - workflow

I have created a purchase requisition which has to go through a workflow for approval.It gives me the following when i click on it .
Error executing code: SysWorkflowFormControls (object) has no valid runable code in method 'getActionBarContentForOriginator'.
(C)\Classes\SysWorkflowFormControls\showOriginatorContent - line 19
(C)\Classes\SysWorkflowFormControls\updateControls - line 76
(C)\Classes\SysSetupFormRun\updateWorkflowControls - line 4
(C)\Classes\Info\formNotify - line 30

You have to install your ms dax 2009 sp1 to get rid of that error.
In case you dont want to install SPI to get rid of this error,
you could simply remove the datetime2str method.
For eg,
you could write “datetime2str(lastActionDateTime, DateFlags::FormatAll)” as “lastActionDateTime”.
Make sure you do these changes in three places in SysWorkflowFormControls Class.


Orbeon forms editor: "Error at line 32 of oxf:/forms/orbeon/builder/service/toolbox.xsl"

Been successfully using Orbeon 4.4CE for a long time, but today the Form Editor seems to have suddenly broken. Creating a new form (or editing an existing form) shows a partial toolbox missing most of the controls.
Log file reveals this:
INFO ProcessorService - /fr/service/custom/orbeon/builder/toolbox - Received request
ERROR XSLTTransformer - Error at line 32 of oxf:/forms/orbeon/builder/service/toolbox.xsl:
An empty sequence is not allowed as the value of variable $resources-property
ERROR PageFlowControllerProcessor - error caught {controller: "oxf:/apps/fr/page-flow.xml", method: "GET", path: "/fr/service/custom/orbeon/builder/toolbox"}
Configuration is Orbeon 4.4, MySQL persistence layer with MySQL 5.6, Java 1.7.67 and Tomcat 7.0.52 on Ubuntu 14.04. This was working fine as of late last week, and now seems broken on several systems all at once. Nothing in the configuration has changed in several months (as verified by a scan looking for files having recent modification times).
UPDATE: The problem is actually worse than I suspected...I copied an existing, working form from the MySQL orbeon_form_definition table to another Orbeon instance, and the form does not run. The Orbeon log file shows: "An empty sequence is not allowed as the value of variable $captcha" (the form does not use Captcha codes in any way).
We also tried installing a copy of Orbeon 4.7.0CE, and it appears to have similar symptoms.
The same problem is now occurring on three completely independent (but similarly configured) systems - we do not have a way to edit or create new forms using Form Builder, or even to move existing forms around between systems by updating the database definitions.
Any suggestion how to fix this, or even to diagnose where the problem might be?
Today I had a very similar problem.
I created a new form and didn't saw the toolbox controls:
Looking in the log there was the following error:
2018-03-16 10:33:26,212 ERROR XSLTTransformer - Error at line 32 of oxf:/forms/orbeon/builder/service/toolbox.xsl:
An empty sequence is not allowed as the value of variable $resources-property
2018-03-16 10:33:26,239 ERROR PageFlowControllerProcessor - error caught {controller: "oxf:/apps/fr/page-flow.xml", method: "GET", path: "/fr/service /custom/orbeon/builder/toolbox"}
2018-03-16 10:33:26,411 ERROR PageFlowControllerProcessor -
The reason was the name I had chosen for the form: reset-password. I changed the name in something else and the problem wasn't any more.
It seems that the form name must not contain the string "password".

Entity framework 6 + network

I have the following DB Model
At home I work with Visual Studio and SQL-Server on my PC. Now I took the PC at work and tried to create an EFModel using a SQL-Server in our network.
Creating the Model at work I get 44 Errors.
First curious thing (for me) is i get a msgbox with "Running this text template can potentially harm your computer.Do not run it , if u obtained it from an untrusted source..." i confirmed with ok (two times for 2 pop ups). Afterwards I see 44 Errors. After a few minutes I get the same msgbox as above again. After pressing OK a few errors are deleted (now I have 32 Errors).
Since I have the german express version I try to translate the remaining errors by structure:
"Public Property WindesName as String" has many definitions with identical signatures.
variable "_WindowsName" creates a conflict with a property "WindowsName" that is an implicitly declared member of class "Name"
I have this kind of errors for every field.
What I tried: I actually wanted to create the Model into a program, that doesnt work. Then i used a blank application, doesent work too. I reinstalled EF from nuget with no effect.
Maybe it has something to do with the model or with the network. Any help is welcome.
Ok, I was able to fix it. I changed Code Generation Strategy to Standard, deleted the two .tt files and rebuild the project. Now it is working.

Getting an error while writing a custom velocity macro

When creating my own macro, and trying to add it so that anyone can use it, I get the following error:
Error number 4001 in 4: Error while parsing velocity page /templates/docdoesnotexist.vm
Wrapped Exception: Cannot start the Velocity engine
I do not change that file, but I do change xwiki/templates/macros.txt and /macros.vm by adding recentChanges=velocity:recentChanges: and #macro(recentChanges) respectively (yes, I do add working content after #macro(recentChanges))
That looks like a syntax error in macros.vm. You should revert to the original macros.vm and first try to write your custom macro in a wiki page. Once it works, you can move it to macros.vm and restart the server.
macros.txt shouldn't be edited, it's a legacy file used by the older WYSIWYG editor.

session_start() error since today

Since today in all my apps this error started to show:
Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /home/fb/index.php:5) in /home/fb/facebook.php on line 37
What changes ware made by Facebook today and how can I fix this?
You should remove any code above session_start().
Generaly this function sould be executed before any output. (For example HTML code)
Another posibility it that the file encoding is not correct.
Check for spaces and etc. before session_start().
// whitespace, any mark up or include that displays something <HERE>
// it will give you that error

Caché OREF Error - Getting More Information

I'm am trying to integrate with a Caché Web Service and I'm getting an error message similar to:
ERROR #5002: Cache error: <INVALID OREF>zMethodName+45^AA.wsClass.8
I do have have access to the code (albeit just a copy, so read-only), and I'm trying to decipher what the error could be pointing me to.
So does the number 45 and/or 8 mean anything? I've tried to see if it is pointing to a line number or offset from the method and I can't seem to pin point anything.
How might I be able to figure more out from this error?
This is a standard COS pointer. To locate it, just open routine AA.wsClass.8.INT, locate zMethodName and count 45 lines after it (or just write zMethodName+45 in Studio locator bar).
INVALID OREF means you try to use property or call method from null-valued pointer.