In app purchases iPhone simulator why disabled? - iphone

Just a quick question, do you see any reason why Apple has disabled many things on the iPhone simulator like:
testing In app purchases
testing most services of Game Center
wifi connection
How do you live with those three?
If you want to quickly debug/run your app on simulator that requires the in app purchase, do you just change some places in the source code to say the app that the purchase is done?
If you want to quicky test your application (on simulator), how it works without the Internet connection, do you turn your airport off? Do you have any ways how to check how application works when the connection is fast/slow/very slow (even on a real device)?

It seems that Apple finally allowed testing In-App purchases in the Simulator starting from iOS 5. At least, in iOS 5 Beta 6 it worked for me.
PS. I haven't found an official proof link though...

Check out this post by David Linsin.
From iTunes Connect Developers Guide:
... the Store Kit APIs are not available when testing in the iPhone simulator.

Now testing in-app purchases in simulator is enabled.

Device has UDID but simulator has no UDID.

please Follow below link . It will Clear your doubt.
IF you need to do in-app purchases app , You must have followings.
App Id (UDID) ..(provisioning)
Create Product identifiers from iTunesConnect.
StoreKit frameworks.
StoreKit Framework communicate between your device and App store. Not b/w iOS Simulator and AppStore.


How to run an iOS Application on a real device

I had developed an iOS Application using PhoneGap Framework. It's working good and well in simulator. Now I would like to test it in real device i.e iPhone 5 with iOS 6.0. I Googled thoroughly. I have two ways: jailbreak the device (not acceptable to me) or bidding the account in Apple portal.
Is there any other way to test my device my application in real device? Is there anybody here to solve my issue?
The official way is to enter the iOS Developer Program (99$), so that you will get the possibility to create certificates and provisioning profiles required. You will also get the chance to distribute your apps through the App Store.
If you are not willing to do it, the other way is jailbreaking your device, which is basically a way to circumvent the need to use certificates for your apps. Your app would then be distributed through an alternative app store like Cydia (i.e, no Apple App Store).
A third option could be getting in touch with an iOS developer friend of yours, and ask him/her to build the app for your device, so you can install it through iTunes.
There are no other options.
You have to register for a developer certificate in Apple.Developer.Then create provisioning profiles and install it. Otherwise you cant install your app in a real device.
You can refer this link for more info

How can I test my iPad app on my actual iPad?

I am developing my first iPad app using the iOS SDK 4 and Xcode 3.2. I have written a simple Hello World and have been able to run it in the iPhone simulator. I would like to figure out:
How can I get an iPad simulator?
Is it possible to test my app on my actual iPad without signing up for a developers license for $99?
There are unoffical ways to get your app onto your device, you have to jailbreak it and install software called AppSync from cydia. This voids your warranty if Apple find out (restoring the device to it's original settings using the restore button in itunes means they can't tell, so jus trestore before you go to an Apple shop) and if they do find out it might prejudice them against you as a developer (but chances are very slim)
(I have no problem giving specific details as the US Government has said that jailbreaking is legal)
The SDK includes an iPad simulator. I don't have my Mac in front of me, but you should be able to choose which device to target when you launch the simulator. You can also switch between iPhone and iPad mode from within the simulator - check the Hardware menu.
Yes, you have to have a paid developer membership to deploy code to your device. That's the only official way.
If you have jailbroken, then install app sync from the repo. Just sync your app in iTunes without signing it. It will work easy as Pi!
This is yet another way to keep flash from getting to iPads, if you could put your own on the device without going through apple then you could also put someone else's. I think it should be allowed, but if something doesn't work on software that isn't officially released it shouldn't be supported by Apple.

How to distribute an iPhone app BEFORE the sale date without getting UDIDs or jailbreaking?

I've got an app that's approved by Apple and ready-for-sale, but we're holding off for a few days for press reasons. Anyone know of a way to distribute this thing to beta testers without dealing with UDIDs or jailbreaking phones? Does it matter that it's approved, can I just give select users a file without the provisional stuff?
Try distributing a promotional code.
You can't do a distribution without device IDs. Even the App Store uses device IDs but its hidden and Apple manages it for you.
The hardware device IDs are the core to of the IP protection system. You can't get around them without jailbreaking.
Promo codes. Turns out they are available through iTunes Connect homepage as soon as the app is approved, even if it hasn't gone live in the iTunes store yet.
If your beta testers have Macs you could create an auto-installer for the iPhone Simulator as described here:
Sharing iPhone Apps for the Simulator

application development for iPhone Appstore

what does the domainname and application name in the APP ID generally means.
Can the iPhone unlocked one can be used for the iPhone Appstore application development and testing .
Can the iPhone jailBroken one can be used for the iPhone Appstore application development and testing .
As the process to test the application includes submission of the digital certificates from the apple and including the device UDID , i would like to know does apple makes the iPhone, not to allow the application running or disable the appstore application or any sort of problems can be faced from apple or not..
Thank u
I am not fully sure about what you mean, but from what I understand is that you have conserns if apple can deny an application to be installed in an iPhone that is Jailbroken?
If that is your question, no apple cannot. Apple cannot know which iPhones are jailbroken or not, not while developing and compiling it to your development device, nor when the application is released to the Appstore and customers buy/download your application.
You can find more information about jailbreaking on Wikipedia.
I hope I was able to answer your question.

How can I test my own application in ipod touch and iphone?

I have some iphone application that I created. I want to test my application in ipod touch. How can I test my application in ipod touch? Now I have no Apple id my own. If I open an id then how many applications can be tested with that id?
If you have an available solution then please give me the answer and help me.
If you want to test iPhone applications on a device, you'll need to be apply for the iPhone Developer Program. It costs $99 and will also let you submit applications to the App Store.
Once you are accepted, you can develop an unlimited number of applications (and submit them to the App Store) with your one identity.
Get an apple id and download the dev kit. It has all you need, including an emulator and a method for installing on local devices.