iPhone app code signing - iphone

I recently finished my first app for iPhone, I'm really new in programming and Xcode has lots of options that I can't understand. :(
I want to send my app to beta testers. When I archive my app and try to intall it with iTunes, I get a message like this: "The application has not been installen because the authorizations are not valid." (I get the message in spanish and I just translated it)
I think it's because of the code sign but I don't really understand what are the differences are among the options:

I just submitted my first app last night as well. I had NO clue how to do it other than it "was going to be a pain".
The good news, I have an account with Lynda.com and they have a chapter that is all video tutorials on how to submit the app. It collectively is about a 30 minute chapter with video demos of EXACTLY what to do. Step by step. They offer a free 7 day trial. I cannot recommend you watch this chapter highly enough. Its a MUST see for a first time submission. And no, I do not work for them or associated to them what so ever. They just have a great product and I do not hesitate to recommend them.
After you submit you can cancel your account before being charged.
You can see an example of how they teach w/videos by clicking the link below.
They will allow you to watch 1 or two videos, but must sign up on the trial version to see the rest of them.
Trial version link:
Happy coding! :)

Congrats on getting your first app up and running. Here are some links that may help:
And, of course, this post on SO: How do you beta test an iphone app?
Good luck!

Check this, it is a step by step guide into the process. If you have never done it, be prepared, it's not a 5 minutes thing...


IAP available in sandbox, but can not fetch it using "product id" after the app get online in appstore

I have tested all my IAP product in the sandbox environment, but after the app been approved by Apple's review team, it just do not work:
I downloaded and installed my app from the appstore, when I pressed the product, my app tried to fetch the product's information using the "product id" but got 0 result.
Then I deleted the app, and installed it using the Xcode, and the app worked pretty well, as you know, at this time it connected to the andbox.itunes.apple.com environment.
Does anyone have met such a problem? Can you help me please?
I'm experiencing exactly same issue right now. Having in mind you are asking same question 15 mins earlier than me, I may suggest this is something going weird on Apple's servers. I have googled this and looked for the similar questions here, and it appears that it takes some time before IAP are available. So I dropped message to Apple support, but I guess we need just wait some time.
Anybody met such a problem just have to wait for 2 days, be patient, this is an issue of Apple itself!

App store review process for apps that rely on specific geolocation

I'm getting ready to submit an App that relies on the user being at specific locations to watch a video. (Kind of a mashup of geocaching and youtube.) Needless to say none of these videos are anyway near Apples headquarters. So how will the App store review people be able to properly review the App? Do I have to provide test data in their vicinity or can I instruct them to fake their geolocation to a location that works?
I guess the best way is to just submit it once, wait ~7 days and see what they have to say,
but since they have special toolchains to test apps, it shouldn't be a problem.
Just make sure to mention it in the review notes.
I've submitted an update to an app once that requires an user and password to login, and gave them a test user. When I checked the server logs, they never logged in once - but the app was still approved.
The iOS Simulator can 'fake' its location :) Though I doubt what they DO review in their process, because once they accepted one of my Apps' update which crashed upon launch...
Recently had to deal with this myself... submitted a location specific app without any extra review notes, and the app got rejected. In the rejection notice I was given the instruction to create a video of the app in action and then provide a link in the review notes.
So I used another iPhone to take the video, put some basic explanation text in the video using iMovie, uploaded to YouTube, put the link in the reviewers notes, re-submitted the app and then 5 or so days later it was approved.
As I understand, they review team does NOT test the usability nor stability of your app during app reviewing. All you need to do, is to provide an testing account, and some sample data, screenshots to them helping understand how your app works. If the app does not show any data because of a reasonable circumstance, it's not the problem of your app quality nor user usage, but data coverage. So you won't have problem with it.

Need help from scratch with getting apps running on my iPod Touch and to upload apps to the app store

I really need help with this. This time 2 days ago, my app was going onto my ipod touch fine. I followed a tutorial to put it on the app store. Errors. Tried fixing them, more errors. I deleted all the keys and followed tutorial after tutorial on how to get it working but i'm just getting so many code signing errors, and this is all i've been dealing with over the past two days. I can't even build to my ipod anymore. Apple need's to sort this out, because it's beyond stupid and ridiculous.
I'm the 'team leader', as i'm the only member of my team. Can somebody link me to a decent tutorial or give a rundown of what i need to do in order to get my app running on my ipod touch again, and get it on the app store. I'm really at my wits end with this. I have no idea what i'm supposed to do now.
Please have a look at the URL How to Build
From above link instead of selecting adhoc profile, select developer profile. That's the only difference.
Its pretty easy if you understand step by step of what Apple gave in documentation. I agree that it seems to be difficult procedure for a fresher. I too felt like that. But when I understood the flow, its a 2 minute job for me.

What happens after submitting an iOS app for review?

I have been looking around for an answer for a specific question but just got hints for it here and there. I want to know when i submit an app for review for the AppStore:
First, how long does the review process usually take? I know that it may vary but just want to have rough estimate if possible
Second, when an app is accepted does it go automatically to the app store or the developer has the control over when to release it there?
check out details, which is my recent app on appstore,
It take 1 week for approval , As I remember, it was taken 3 days too once.
Time taken to publish is all in their hand.
App will be publish directly to appstore.
But you can remember the option for publish by you or apple :) at the time of submitting app
From my experience review takes about 2 weeks recently, but it varied from 2 days to about a month in the past.
When you submit an application you have an option - whether to make application available on appstore immediately after it was approved by Apple, or hold it before developer does that manually, so if you did not select that option then Application should be published on Appstore by default. (See pages 75-76 in iTunesConnect Guide (warning - large pdf file here))

InApp Purchase rejected in App Store

I just got rejected on my Free app from app store. I uploaded 3 apps, HD(iPad), PayedIphone and freeiphone. In the free-version I had a link to the fullversion.
Apparently I need inAppPurchase in the free-version rather than linking to the fullversion.
How should I implement this in the easiest way? All I want is a button that says Buy full version and then the free-version becomes the full version. Is it possible to use just those two or do i need to create another full version for this purpose.
I have no idea how to make the inAppPurchase except the tutorials Google give me, any recommendations or example code I can use?
I found this site very helpful in setting up an in-App purchase:
I got it working after watching this tutorial on u-tube. I can really recommend it.
All you need is this: http://blog.mugunthkumar.com/coding/iphone-tutorial-%E2%80%93-in-app-purchases/
By far the easiest In-App storekit to implement... He walks you through the whole thing and then there is a link at the bottom with the source code zip file. Make sure you read it and get a good understanding. Rule of thumb: Never implement any one else's source code without understanding it first. You will save yourself a lot of headaches with debugging later.
Remember though: Now you have to build in a network check to see if a network exists prior to them clicking the "upgrade" button or else your app will get rejected once again. Luckily, I have just the thing for you: How to check for an active Internet connection on iOS or OSX?
Also, I agree that NSUserDefaults are the best way to go, and luckily that source code link above does all of that for you! It seriously doesn't get any easier. Props to this guy
No way. The proper way to do that is to include all the functionality of the fill version in the free version and only unlock those functionalities whenever the user buy your inApp purchase item.
start by attentively (details really matters when inApp purchase is concerned) reading the inApp purchase developer guide at developer.apple.com
There is a sample project here..