I'm using the JavaFX designer in NetBeans for the first time, and I'm not sure how to control the order of my objects layering. I wanted to put an ImageView behind a group of buttons, but it always appears above them. How do I tell the designer that it goes below the buttons?
Darn, I knew this would happen. Spend an hour searching, post a question, find the answer five minutes later. The Navigator panel in the bottom left. Just click and drag the item up or down to control ordering.
Normally I can select the layer I want then select the text tool and edit it but for some reason, after putting in some key frames so the texts fades in and out I can't seem to select the text to edit.
I've locked all the other layers so only the text layer I want to edit is editable but I can't change it. All I can do is move it about.
I know this question is old but for future searchers - I think this is a bug so I don't have a "solution", but a workaround.
To make a change to your text:
Switch to 'Code View',
Search (ctrl + F) for your text
Change your text
Switch back to design view
This is a hack, but its the best option - especially if you've already invested lots of time into this and now find yourself stuck.
Okay, I figured out the actual bug causing this and have a solution that is less of a hack. The reason you can't select text is because there are visible layers above your text layer blocking your click. You would assume that if those visible layers are locked, you can click through but that isn't how Google Web Designer works (right now).
So, make all layers invisible, then make just your text layer visible and then you can click to edit it.
I have encounter this problem when editing a template. I could only edit the text of first layer... In order to edit the second layer text and so on you must hide the fist layer.
I have just found out there is another way: Try to copy all layers to a new document with the same preferences. sometimes it`s rather easier than change the code
In my iPad application there are many buttons (around 50), and I want to make a group box which contain buttons arranged by category.
I am looking for something like a C# or .NET GroupBox/Panel.
There is no Group Box / Panel Box in iPhone.
You need to manage by your self.
Use the UITableView to put all the button in on category.
It may be worthwhile to look into UIPopoverController views. These are the little popup views that appear when you click stuff. YOu could easily break your menu system into smaller parts with these.
You may draw a group panel by making two views. make a view of frame say 20,20,280,199 and then another one with frame 21,21,278,197. now put the 2nd view on the last one and change the color of last to some dark than later one. enjoy :)
remember that the should be in same hierarchy. that no one should be parent or child of any of these.
I am making a vertical Menu using GWT MenuBar and selection of particular MenuItem shows content on the right, I am trying to make something similar to TabPanel, but with Tabs on left instead of being on top. Now, since I've got the Menu items and actions in place, I want to remove the effect of hovering over and changing color, and keep that menu item selected which was clicked last and whose content is loaded on the right.
I am open to any comments, if you have a better solution to implement this, using some other components(with-in) GWT, please drop in a comment with your suggestions, I'll really appreciate that.
Or if you can just tell me how can I disable this effect, of hovering and sticking to only that selection, That would be awesome too..
Thanks to everyone, taking time to read this and suggesting a solution.
It's all defined in the CSS of your GWT's theme (probably the default one), so it's a matter of overriding those styles - make sure it's not the other way around :) Inspect the code with a tool like Firebug to see what's exactly being set and change that.
I'm an iPhone developer, but new to web development. I've done some basic HTML websites and made one in iWeb as well. I'm trying to branch out to mobile web development now, so I checked out Dashcode.
Anyway, I'm trying to put a Call Button, Mail Button, and Map Button in horizontal alignment. I realize that I can add a Column Layout and have two buttons in a row, but that's the most I've gotten.
Any ideas? Thanks!
Edit: I still haven't figured this out yet. I was given advice about a fixed position button bar, but I am not sure how to implement it. I've been looking at code, but haven't gotten it yet. Still trying though. Any help is appreciated!
What i do usually is to select the element you can't align horizontally and then go to the inspector -> dimension tab and in disposition you select fixed absolute.
This should work but beware because if you've the intention to change element's place dynamically you may have some surprise...
I think you are looking for something like this.
A fixed position button bar is created with several buttons side by side.
I would like to arrange UIControls in WPF in a similar way to the applications on the iPhone. They should be positioned on a grid, but a user should be able to drag them somewhere else, after releasing the mouse button (or the finger in case of an iPhone) the selected UIControl should snap back to the next position in the grid. The other UIElements should be rearranged automatically.
Further the user should also be connect two elements with a line or something.
I'm not experienced with WPF. The first question is if there is a container which is suitable for something (System.Windows.Controls.Grid ?) or if I have to extend canvas or somethig else for this.
I would like to know which elements from the WPF framework can be used and which elements I have to write myself.
For people who do not own an iPhone: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3omhu2AUWC8
I've looked at AnimatedTilePanel in the BangOTricks examples (see below), this one explains how to create your own Panel and how to let it arrange things there.. However I still need an idea how to implement drag and drop correctly in this example..
Unfortunately, you'll have to write a lot of things yourself, as WPF doesn't automatically do what you're looking for.
For positioning the controls, you can use either UniformGrid or Grid. Assuming it's much like the iPhone video you showed, you can just use the UniformGrid with 4 columns and however many rows you need.
For the dragging animation, layout-wise, you could start by manipulating the RenderTransform property on whatever is being dragged, but you'll have to set a handler to check once you've met whatever threshold necessary to move into the another "cell" -- and at that point, you'll have to changed the order of the items in the tree.
Take a look at AnimatedTilePanel from Kevin's Bag-o-Tricks at:
It doesn't do everything you want but it will show you how to write a panel that animates its children when changing size or order.
New input to this old post in 09. Earlier this year (2012) someone has wrote a FluidWrapPanel and open sourced it. I tried it and it works like a charm - just like that on the iPhone menu.
You can also apply to other UI Elements or UserControl.