Simple Facebook Integration - facebook

I want to integrate a friends website (photographer) with Facebook. I've been trying to find the answer in the Facebook Developers guide, but it doesn't seem clear to me.
What would I need if:
I want to have a like button per photo album he has
I want to publish his news that he enters in my cms to his facebook wall
Do I need an application? Or can I accomplish this with plugins?
Thanks in advance.

the like button can just be added by inserting a code snipped
facebook will take care of the rest.
if you however want to do more with your liked pages like send updates and have statistics, you need to register an app and supply the app id as meta tag in your website. the open graph notation is used.
to publish news post you can obtain a permament token and publish using the graph api, but there are also alternative and probably easier methods

You should keep it simple and be able to accomplish these with just plugins... FB's documentation is quite rich:
In here it explains how to add the like button:
And this to post to his wall:


Posting something that happened to Facebook through an HTML Button

I've looked through several tutorials on using the Facebook API, but none of them address what I'm trying to do.
I'm working on a website for a small college. When the user applies online, they would like it to redirect to a page with a link that will put a post on your Facebook wall that says, "Billy just applied to Awesome State College" with a link to apply and an image of some sort (probably the school's logo).
I guess it would be similar to the way Facebook games throw up posts, saying "Gertrude just clubbed 300 baby seals in 'Clubbing Baby Animals Pro'!" But I wouldn't need to create a whole new Facebook app for this, would I?
Posting on a user's wall requires an access token, which you can get with the help of
one of Facebook SDKs, which will need your app id.
Reference for posting on user's wall:
See section Publishing.
You can use Facebook Javascript SDk as the need is simple:

How to share feed into the Facebook using GraphAPI?

I am working on Facebook app and wanted to add Share functionality so how I can do share functionality using Facebook graph API?
By the poor way, you can use the Like Button to the desired URL, but with the label "Recomend".
The better way is to develop the application with some Authorization to post inside the user's feed. By this way, you can use the Graph API to post inside user's feed.
If both ways are too time-expensive for you, try to use ShareThis.

Add a tab to a Facebook page that allows users to post photos to already created albums

I am wondering if a tab in a Facebook Page can be created that would allow the users of the page to upload photos to the page's albums. I've looked everywhere for such solution, but I can not find it.
Does such ready solution exists? If now, can someone provide me with a ready solution for such functionality? I would be very grateful.
You need to use Facebook Graph API to achieve this.
Familiarize with the following links, they will put you on the right track: (#1) (#5) (#4) (#2) (#3)
The first thing you want to do is create an app (#1). Then you need to authorize the page you want to use with your app (#2; offline_access, publish_stream is what you are after). If you are developing using PHP then see #3 link. This will make things easier handling signature_request.
Assuming you want to create a form on a Page that will allow anyone to upload pictures to your Page. Create file upload form as usual. Once you have the file, initiate file upload to the Page gallery using Graph API (#4; You also might want to authorize every user who uses your upload form, to distinguish uploaders.

How to like facebook post from my webpage

I have a webpage, and facebook page. I would like to have a "like" button that wouldn´t like the facebook page but the last post I made on the facebook page. Is this possible?
sorry but having an external like button pointing to a single facebook content is not possible at the moment. Although there are codes in the Graph API: Publishing documentation that relate to this.
Using the said code can make users (who authorized you app) like a content, just like what you are asking for, but I've tried this before and it says that the application needs to be white-listed. I've researched more into this matter and a few more people experienced this as well.
More references:

How to implement Facebook to my app

I am used Facebook for my application where I have to post comment on wallpaper. But now I have to modify that application. I want page after user login it will give option like
post to wall
retrieve friends
Can we implement this page after login instead of direct opening the page of post wall.
If yes then provide me some code with brief details. Even your previous code help me lot to solve my previous problem
I am not sure if I correctly understand your question, but if you are looking for an easy way to post comments and images to a wall or also to retrieve friends etc ... go check out BMSocialShare - currently better use the dev branch though! In case you want to share to many other platforms as well try ShareKit.