Add a tab to a Facebook page that allows users to post photos to already created albums - facebook

I am wondering if a tab in a Facebook Page can be created that would allow the users of the page to upload photos to the page's albums. I've looked everywhere for such solution, but I can not find it.
Does such ready solution exists? If now, can someone provide me with a ready solution for such functionality? I would be very grateful.

You need to use Facebook Graph API to achieve this.
Familiarize with the following links, they will put you on the right track: (#1) (#5) (#4) (#2) (#3)
The first thing you want to do is create an app (#1). Then you need to authorize the page you want to use with your app (#2; offline_access, publish_stream is what you are after). If you are developing using PHP then see #3 link. This will make things easier handling signature_request.
Assuming you want to create a form on a Page that will allow anyone to upload pictures to your Page. Create file upload form as usual. Once you have the file, initiate file upload to the Page gallery using Graph API (#4; You also might want to authorize every user who uses your upload form, to distinguish uploaders.


Facebook: custom Open Graph needs Login?

I would like to share a link on Facebook and make it show up on the Timelime as a map.
I have seen some apps like Runtastic are able to publish links as maps, by definining the map coordinates inside the html source of the link.
Ideally I would like to share such links using the simple Share Dialog, without implementing the full Facebook Login systems inside my Android and iOS apps.
But I found this written on the documentation:
To publish Open Graph stories with the Share dialog, you do not need
to implement Facebook Login or ask for additional permissions. For
more information, see Share Dialog.
If you create a custom sharing UI to publishing Open Graph stories,
you need to implement Facebook Login and request the publish_actions
permission from people using your app. This also means you need to
submit your app for review, see Login Review.
Does it mean that if you want to share custom Open Graph stories, you always need to implement Facebook Login on your mobile apps?
As far as i know, and as i understand it, it depends whether you want to share it from inside your app or not.
If you want to share it from inside your app, then yes, you'll need a login.
If you are ok with just giving the link over to the facebook app, then giving permissions is al you need, and then make the final post inside facebook, as you usually are logged in aready.
How to create the Open Graph Object is described in Facebooks API:
And also is there another answer which could help you:
Using Facebook Open Graph Story with map attachment (GeoPoint)
I hope this helps you

Share existing post to Facebook app by id/url using Graph API

So in my app I display some Facebook posts from a predefined page. I get the posts from my server (the server gets them from Facebook directly) and this way I avoid using the Facebook SDK.
For each post, I have both the id and the URL and whenever a user presses on a post I open the Facebook app on that given post.
Now I'd like to add the possibility for users to share these posts to their profile pages, but when a user opens a post (on the Facebook app) it doesn't appear any option to share it (only like and comment). Other option would be to use the standard android sharing feature (ACTION_SEND), but whenever I share a post's URL this way the app only shares a picture from that post, not the actual post.
Any help would be much appreciated,
There is currently no way to mimic the "share" behavior that exists on the website using graph API. The closest thing would be to use the link field that you mentioned.

Is there a way to store the likes,share of facebook,google in database?

I am developing a which we have pictures,video which users can share/like/tweet
facebook , google and twitter
Can i save the clicks by getting response that post is shared successfully?
eg: someone liked/shared the video than i want to get a response from facebook that post is shared successfully.
also if some liked and then disliked it save only unique likes
Is there any way to accomplish this?
I found something for fb share Is it possible to add a link to download a file that can only be downloaded by sharing it on Facebook?
Perhaps not the best by-the-book solution but you could attach an onclick event handler to each of the buttons (or iframe container).
Also, for the Facebook API you can use edge.create. I am not too familiar with the other APIs.

How to display my photo albums and photos that are in FB on my own website

I would like to display my photo albums and photos that are in FB on my own website. However everything I have tried requires an access token that I seem to only get if I login to FB. I don't want visitors to my site to have to login to FB to see my photos.
Is there a way to get this data and not require a login? I want to pull data from my own FB account. Or is there a different way to authenticate my access behind the scenes so visitors don't have to login, to see my photos?
Facebook has recently launched a way to share the album with public without having to Signin. Every album will have link below this key word Share this album with anyone by sending them this public link. Take a look at this HOW TO for more information.
EDIT: However, for embedding refer this SO which explains how to grant permanent access to your photo albums
Another option is using 8 photo restricted Facebook Photo Badge
Showzey seems to be working on liberating your photos and provides widgets.
Facebook has a badges page that has different options for embedding Facebook content onto your site. The photo badge should fit your criteria.
May be this method could help you guys.
You can do it through a public fan page or a business page.
I put this script together a while back: Working on a more legit version - will post when complete.
You can combine galleria (open source javascript image gallery framework) with a plug-in to integrate with facebook.
You can find the links bellow:
I'm using this very nice plugin for Joomla. Take a look.

Simple Facebook Integration

I want to integrate a friends website (photographer) with Facebook. I've been trying to find the answer in the Facebook Developers guide, but it doesn't seem clear to me.
What would I need if:
I want to have a like button per photo album he has
I want to publish his news that he enters in my cms to his facebook wall
Do I need an application? Or can I accomplish this with plugins?
Thanks in advance.
the like button can just be added by inserting a code snipped
facebook will take care of the rest.
if you however want to do more with your liked pages like send updates and have statistics, you need to register an app and supply the app id as meta tag in your website. the open graph notation is used.
to publish news post you can obtain a permament token and publish using the graph api, but there are also alternative and probably easier methods
You should keep it simple and be able to accomplish these with just plugins... FB's documentation is quite rich:
In here it explains how to add the like button:
And this to post to his wall: