How to implement Facebook to my app - iphone

I am used Facebook for my application where I have to post comment on wallpaper. But now I have to modify that application. I want page after user login it will give option like
post to wall
retrieve friends
Can we implement this page after login instead of direct opening the page of post wall.
If yes then provide me some code with brief details. Even your previous code help me lot to solve my previous problem

I am not sure if I correctly understand your question, but if you are looking for an easy way to post comments and images to a wall or also to retrieve friends etc ... go check out BMSocialShare - currently better use the dev branch though! In case you want to share to many other platforms as well try ShareKit.


Share to multiple friends walls on Facebook from my website

I will try to be as clear as I can with my request but as I am still unsure as to what I am looking for I might come across as vague.
I was hoping I could get some help understanding the best approach to allowing a user to post a link with an attached image to the walls of a selection of their friends on Facebook. There are lot of approaches and answers out there but I am having trouble determining what is best.
Thanks for helping me see straight
Its really up to the user if your using the JS toolkit.
Click share under your question. Then when dialog pops up you get the option of where to share it.
So solution 1) leave it in the hands of the user.
If you want to force them into share on friends wall you will need to find something that does this or
The DIY approach would be to have your site /app do oAuth authentication. Pass that to an oauth library and then list a users friends maybe with
Then issue the appropriate graph request to post to each one's time line.
The choice is yours but those are the 2 approaches I know of.

Sharing links posted to a wall via an app

I've created an app which enables business to post links to their Facebook wall as the business (have proper business auth tokens, etc.).
However the links posted via the app do not have a share link, only comments and like. When a link is posted through the Facebook UI to the business wall it does contain a share link along with comments and like.
What am I missing to enable the link posted via my app to have a share link?
I am currently issuing a POST request to the following URL to create the posts:[profileId]/feed?message=[message]&link=[link]&...
this is a reported bug and have not been fixed yet. have a look (
I think you will need publish_stream permission for that and publish what they write. IMO Facebooks makes difference between feed and stream. Just my thoughts :)
that's the standard procedure when you have a user post via app. I don't think there's a way to have users post as themselves, as far as links are concerned. What you can do is have them post a status update and that one will be seen as posted by the user (no app information).
There's no other procedure I am aware of that can do that. I hope this helps

Simple Facebook Integration

I want to integrate a friends website (photographer) with Facebook. I've been trying to find the answer in the Facebook Developers guide, but it doesn't seem clear to me.
What would I need if:
I want to have a like button per photo album he has
I want to publish his news that he enters in my cms to his facebook wall
Do I need an application? Or can I accomplish this with plugins?
Thanks in advance.
the like button can just be added by inserting a code snipped
facebook will take care of the rest.
if you however want to do more with your liked pages like send updates and have statistics, you need to register an app and supply the app id as meta tag in your website. the open graph notation is used.
to publish news post you can obtain a permament token and publish using the graph api, but there are also alternative and probably easier methods
You should keep it simple and be able to accomplish these with just plugins... FB's documentation is quite rich:
In here it explains how to add the like button:
And this to post to his wall:

How to enable comments and likes for my posts made with my Facebook app?

When my Facebook app posts to the users stream those posts do not get links for Like and Comment. Other Facebook publishing apps, like Instagram, get these links.
I can't find it in my Facebook application's settings. Anyone knows how to do it?
(I think this is the same question as this one: Facebook : Like and Comment Functionality against Wall Post but I'm not sure.)
See Traroth's comment to get a more to the point description of what it is I'm asking about.
It seems Nathat Totten is right about how these links are defaults and that they are controlled by Facebook. There are three things that confuses this issue.
One is that Facebook Test Users behave a bit more special than you might think. Even when they are friends, they are not fully so. Making these default links turn up only for the user that posts them (for Test Users, mind you, I'm hoping it'll work all right for real users).
Another is the documentation for actions in the Facebook Graph API documentation for publishing Post objects:
A list of available actions on the post (including commenting, liking, and an optional app-specified action). read_stream. A list of JSON objects containing the 'name' and 'link'.
Which made me start to try find out how to include the commenting and liking links myself. I can't find this info anywhere, so maybe that changed without the above quoted documentation reflecting the change.
Anyway, if, indeed this is a Test User issue, then I don't need to do anything special to fix this. I'll try to remember to come back here when my (iPhone) app is ready for the real Facebook world and I get to see if it works in that environment or not.

How can I remove posts from a Facebook Fan page?

I've really few experience with Facebook development, just made few things...
I'd like to know how to programatically modify a fan page, the particular requirement that I've right now is to control posts from users, I'd like to be notified for a new post and also have the ability to delete posts.
Could you guide me to accomplish this task? What should I use / read to get this done.
Thanks a lot!
As far as I know there is now way to receive an email through facebook when someone adds a new wall post to a Fan Page.
Follow this thread:
A user did mention "If you're using Firefox, install Update Scanner to your addons"
I'm sure the docs can help you on programmatically deleting a post. Try here: