Changing window faster in Emacs (or repeating last shortcut with a single strike) - emacs

if I want to change windows in emacs I do C-x o and that's fine with me...but when I want to change window lots of times in a row C-x o is not so there a way to change window with just one strike after first C-x o ?
and in there a (single) strike that would repeat my last shortcut?

I use C-tab to switch windows:
(global-set-key [C-tab] 'other-window)
Holding down the Control key, you can jump windows repeatedly just by hitting the tab key.
EDIT: my original answer contained the following
I don't think there's a built-in way to repeat last command for basic commands like this ...
This is no longer true. Emacs now contains repeat.el, which allows for exactly the behaviour rabidmachine9 asked for.
The following code will create a repeating other-window, such that after pressing C-x o the first time, pressing o afterwards will continue moving to the next window.
(require 'repeat)
(defun make-repeatable-command (cmd)
"Returns a new command that is a repeatable version of CMD.
The new command is named CMD-repeat. CMD should be a quoted
This allows you to bind the command to a compound keystroke and
repeat it with just the final key. For example:
(global-set-key (kbd \"C-c a\") (make-repeatable-command 'foo))
will create a new command called foo-repeat. Typing C-c a will
just invoke foo. Typing C-c a a a will invoke foo three times,
and so on.
See related discussion here:!topic/"
(fset (intern (concat (symbol-name cmd) "-repeat"))
`(lambda ,(help-function-arglist cmd) ;; arg list
,(format "A repeatable version of `%s'." (symbol-name cmd)) ;; doc string
,(interactive-form cmd) ;; interactive form
;; see also repeat-message-function
(setq last-repeatable-command ',cmd)
(repeat nil)))
(intern (concat (symbol-name cmd) "-repeat")))
(global-set-key (kbd "C-x o") (make-repeatable-command 'other-window))
The function make-repeatable-command than then be used to create other repeating commands, using the same template.

Check out windmove; it lets you just hold down a modifier key and press an arrow key to move to the window in that direction. I've been using it for years with the default modifier (shift) and strangely enough it doesn't interfere with my impulses to use shift-arrow text selection in other applications.
There's also an equivalent for frames, which I should really try...

You have, say, 10 windows in the frame, and you are doing M-x other-window a lots of times in a row, I take it you mean to jump from, say window #2 to window #8 and then on to window #1 and so on. By doing lots of other-window in a row, I would imagine you do nothing of importance until you reach the desired window.
See if universal-argument bound to C-u helps. In the 10 window frame, if you are in window #3 and want to go to window #9, you are hopping to the 6th next window. So you would do C-u 6 C-x o. Or, you could as well do C-u -4 C-x o and reach window #9 from window #3.

Bit late to the party, but there is also window-numbering (known as 'window-number' in MELPA).
This includes a window number in the modeline -1-, -2- etc, and provides M-1, M-2 etc key bindings to directly select them. Very quick.


Opening a window into a specified buffer

How can I open a new window (for example using C-x 3) into a new buffer, rather than a mirrored buffer that just echoes what I type.
So for example, let's say I'm messing around with python and I want to run the script in the shell. As it is currently I do this: C-x 3, M-x shell and then start it up and running. I'd rather just C-x 3 and it automatically opens into shell. I'm really new to Emacs so I don't know where to look for this.
It sounds to me like this, or something similar, is what you are looking for:
(defun pop-to-buff-at-right (buffer)
"Pop to BUFFER at the right of the current window."
(interactive "B")
(pop-to-buffer buffer '(display-buffer-in-side-window
(side . right)
(inhibit-same-window . t))))
You do not want to just split the window, which is specifically about showing the same buffer twice. You want to switch to another buffer, but you want it to be displayed to the right of the current window.
In emacs it is easy to define custom commands and bind it to keys. For instance, if you add this to your init file:
(defun open-shell-at-left ()
(interactive) ;; Tell emacs this function can be called interactively
(split-window-right) ;; Just what C-x 3 does
(shell)) ;; Just what M-x shell does
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c 3") 'open-shell-at-left)
You will have what you want when you type C-c 3. In general, you can find documentation about what a key binding does by typing C-h k and the keybinding. From that point, it is easy to chain existing commands into new ones.

emacs multi-keystroke binding [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to write a key bindings in emacs for easy repeat?
(5 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
I'm still very new to EMACS, but are getting familiar when i'm going through the emacs and elisp manual. But right now i'm stuck on this:
Is there a simple way to bind input sequences in regexp style?
eg: the default binding for function enlarge-window-horizontally is "C-x {", is it possible to rebind it to something like "C-x ({)+" so that enlarge-window-horizontally can be called repeatedly by repeating "{" character, instead of release Ctrl key multiple times?
There is another way to archive what you desire:
The first time you want to repeat the last command, press C-x z, afterwards you may repeat your command as often as desired by just pressing z.
The advantage of this approach is that it works with every command you use and not just for a specific one.
For additional reference here is the output of C-h f
8.11 Repeating a Command
Many simple commands, such as those invoked with a single key or with
M-x COMMAND-NAME , can be repeated by invoking them with a
numeric argument that serves as a repeat count (*note Arguments::).
However, if the command you want to repeat prompts for input, or uses
a numeric argument in another way, that method won't work.
The command C-x z (`repeat') provides another way to repeat an
Emacs command many times. This command repeats the previous Emacs
command, whatever that was. Repeating a command uses the same
arguments that were used before; it does not read new arguments each
To repeat the command more than once, type additional z's: each
z repeats the command one more time. Repetition ends when you type
a character other than z, or press a mouse button.
For example, suppose you type C-u 2 0 C-d to delete 20
characters. You can repeat that command (including its argument) three
additional times, to delete a total of 80 characters, by typing C-x z
z z. The first C-x z repeats the command once, and each subsequent
z repeats it once again.
The "Emacs way" is to use C-u as a prefix key. E.g. C-u20C-x{.
Having said that, it's possible to do what you ask for. However, it would require you to bind C-x { and { separately. The former would be defined like it is today, but the latter would have to look something like:
(defun my-open-brace ()
(if (eq last-command 'shrink-window-horizontally)
(setq this-command 'shrink-window-horizontally)
(call-interactively 'shrink-window-horizontally))
(call-interactively 'self-insert-command)))
Unfortunately, if you have many sequences ending in {, you would have to write one function to handle them all.
You can also define your own repeatable command and bind it to C-x {. You can then use it exactly as you requested: C-x { { { {..., instead of having to use C-x { C-x z z z z...
Here is what you do:
(defun your-repeat-command (command)
"Repeat COMMAND."
(let ((repeat-message-function 'ignore))
(setq last-repeatable-command command)
(repeat nil)))
(defun your-shrink-window-horizontally ()
"Shrink window horizontally.
You can repeat this by hitting the last key again..."
(require 'repeat nil t)
(my-repeat-command 'shrink-window-horizontally))
(define-key ctl-x-map "{" 'your-shrink-window-horizontally)
You can do this with any command you like --- use my-repeat-command to make a repeatable version of it. I do this all the time, in several of my libraries.
Write a multi repeat command for emacs by using minor mode. I name it smart-repeat-mode

Emacs move around split windows in a specified direction?

In Terminal Emacs (no mouse), I'm using split windows to work with multiple buffers at the same time. I'm finding moving between the split windows much more painful than how I do it in Vim. Reading the documentation it looks like I'm doing it correctly (C-x o), but that just cycles around the windows in a clockwise direction. If I move to an adjacent window to make a quick edit, I need to hit C-x o a few times before I'm back where I was. Sometimes I accidentally press it too many times in a hurry and have to cycle all the way back through the windows again.
Far from install yet-another-external-package, is there any way I can just either move directly to a window (by, say, a number), or at least cycle around the windows in the opposite direction?
In Vim C-w C-w is like C-x o in Emacs, but there's also C-w ARROW to move in a specified direction... something like that? :)
Add this to your init file:
Then you can use SHIFT+arrow to move to the next adjacent window in the specified direction.
You can specify a different modifier if you prefer, by passing an argument (defaults to 'shift).
Or just bind whatever you like to these functions:
You can also add FrameMove to the mix, to make this work transparently across multiple frames.
For numbered window navigation, there's switch-window.el.
Add this to your init file (e.g. ~/.emacs):
Then do SHIFT+arrow to move to the window in that direction.
You can give a prefix argument to C-x o like this C-u -1 C-x o. This way you can go any number of windows forward or backward. Personally I think it's easier to create a special key for moving back one window. I have this in my .emacs:
(defun other-window-backward ()
"Goto previous window"
(other-window -1))
(global-set-key (kbd "\C-x p") 'other-window-backward)
I use the following to navigate to the next (same as C-x o), previous, first, and last window:
(defun my-previous-window ()
"Previous window"
(other-window -1))
(global-set-key "\C-xp" 'my-previous-window)
(global-set-key "\C-xn" 'other-window)
(defun my-select-first-window ()
(select-window (frame-first-window)))
(defun my-select-last-window ()
(select-window (previous-window (frame-first-window))))
(global-set-key "\C-x<" 'my-select-first-window)
(global-set-key "\C-x>" 'my-select-last-window)
Use window-jump, e.g.:
;; C-x <direction> to switch windows
(use-package window-jump
:bind (("C-x <up>" . window-jump-up)
("C-x <down>" . window-jump-down)
("C-x <left>" . window-jump-left)
("C-x <right>" . window-jump-right)))
For help with use-package, see
For the sake of completion, there is window-numbering and ace-window too
I wrote an elisp module a while back to expand on windmove to make it a bit more useful: You can bind stumpwm-move-window-[left/right/up/down] to whatever keys you want and the windows will move in the correct direction, even into another another frame (tested with 2 frames). There's also an stumpwm-interactive-resize-window for handy interactive window resizing using C-n/C-p/C-f/C-b with Return to end resizing.

Emacs switch to the next window regardless of frame

I'd like for the C-x o command (next window) to include windows in other frames as well as windows in the current frame.
Does anyone know how to pull this off? Is there another command that I should be using? Is there some snippet of elisp magic that can do this with ease?
C-x o is other-window. To go to an other frame use C-x 5 o which is other-frame.
Not sure if this is what you mean, but if you want to just cycle through buffers in the buffer list, regardless of frame:
Ctrl x→
Ctrl x←
These are bound to (next-buffer) and (previous-buffer), respectively.
This can be a first approximation.
other-window has a parameter to control how it deals with frames.
(global-set-key (kbd "C-x o") (lambda ()
(other-window 1 t)
(let ((nframe (window-frame (selected-window))))
(select-frame-set-input-focus nframe)
(make-frame-visible nframe))))
You must press C-x 5 o C-h to see all functions about working with frames.
Some of these function is other-frame.
I use the version 2.0 of ace-jump-mode. It takes about two minutes to understand how it works and since version 2.0 it allows to "jump" to another frame. You can jump to any character from any buffer/frame/window that you can actually see on a screen in three or four keypresses. It's very hard to beat.
It's a gigantic time saver anyway so I'd recommend checking it out because it's really convenient.
And the "Emacs Rocks! Episode 10: Jumping around" two minutes screencast showing it in action:
From C-h f next-window:
(next-window &optional WINDOW MINIBUF ALL-FRAMES) ...
ALL-FRAMES nil or omitted means consider all windows on WINDOW's
frame, plus the minibuffer window if specified by the MINIBUF
argument. If the minibuffer counts, consider all windows on all
frames that share that minibuffer too. The following non-nil values
of ALL-FRAMES have special meanings:
t means consider all windows on all existing frames.
`visible' means consider all windows on all visible frames.
0 (the number zero) means consider all windows on all visible and iconified frames.
A frame means consider all windows on that frame only.
Anything else means consider all windows on WINDOW's frame and no
Somewhat ironically, other-window supports this as well, as it uses next-window. Unfortunately, I don't know of a way to pass non-numeric arguments interactively, but a simple function should do the trick:
(defun my-other-window (count)
(interactive "p")
(other-window count t))
You say "Is there a way to cycle through windows regardless of what frame they're in? That's really what I'm looking for?"
Yes, there is, with Icicles.
What you request is what command icicle-select-window does when you use a prefix arg. If you want that behavior always, you can define your own command that does it without a prefix arg:
(defun my-select-window ()
"Select window by name. Windows of all visible frames are candidates."
(let ((current-prefix-arg 1)) (icicle-select-window)))
You are prompted for the window name. But if you just want to cycle, without narrowing the candidates by typing part of the name, then just use C-down to get the window you want.
(A window name is the name of its displayed buffer, but suffixed as
needed by [NUMBER], to make the name unique. For example, if you have
two windows showing buffer *Help*, one of the windows will be called
*Help*[2] for use with this command.)

How to properly configure Ctrl-Tab in Emacs

I converted from Visual Studio to Emacs for most of my development (mainly due to switching programming languages). However, there is one cool feature of Visual Studio that I truly miss: Ctrl-Tab between "buffers".
The ctrl-tab that in Visual Studio is not the same as C-x b in Emacs. So, it's not just a keyboard mapping issue. Here are the features of my ideal Ctrl-Tab:
Hold down ctrl hit tab, you see the next buffer before you let go of ctrl.
There is no need to hit enter.
If this is not the buffer you want, hit tab again until you see the buffer you want.
The moment that ctrl is released, the buffer ring is updated. The next buffer in the ring is the buffer where you first pressed ctrl.
I've seen some Emacs plugins that try to simulate this behavior, but #4 is the most difficult. It seems like Emacs is unable to detect when the ctrl key is released. Instead, the code waits for the user to be in the buffer for a certain time or waits for a buffer to change..and then the buffer is added to the ring. It's different enough to really frustrate me and just never use my beloved ctrl-tab again. For now I just deal with C-x b. ido-mode makes C-x b more tolerable, but I still dream of a day when I can ctrl-tab in emacs.
Has anyone out there found a way to configure Ctrl-Tab in Emacs to work like Visual Studio?
I was searching for exactly the behavior that you describe and came across
the iflipb package: and bound it to C-tab, C-S-tab.
Unfortunately it doesn't restart the cycling either after releasing the ctrl key, so in that regard is the same as the my-switch-buffer in the answer above. Any new insights into this issue are highly appreciated.
If you are using GNU Emacs 22.1 or more recent releases, \C-x<Right> fires M-x next-buffer and \C-x<Left> fires M-x previous-buffer. This page on EmacsWiki has a link to C-TAB Windows style buffer cycling. The page also talks about how to bring this behavior on older releases of Emacsen.
This question from yesterday looks very similar to what you want to achieve, except that the question talks about Notepad++ instead of Visual Studio.
I think this is close to what you want. As you mentioned, Emacs doesn't receive events for the control key, so you can't quite get the functionality you want. However, this will not record the buffer switch until you do something other than press C-tab (i.e. scroll, type something, click the mouse, use a command M-x ...):
(global-set-key (kbd "<C-tab>") 'my-switch-buffer)
(defun my-switch-buffer ()
"Switch buffers, but don't record the change until the last one."
(let ((blist (copy-sequence (buffer-list)))
(key-for-this (this-command-keys))
(key-for-this-string (format-kbd-macro (this-command-keys)))
(while (not done)
(setq current (car blist))
(setq blist (append (cdr blist) (list current)))
(when (and (not (get-buffer-window current))
(not (minibufferp current)))
(switch-to-buffer current t)
(message "Type %s to continue cycling" key-for-this-string)
(when (setq done (not (equal key-for-this (make-vector 1 (read-event)))))
(switch-to-buffer current)
(clear-this-command-keys t)
(setq unread-command-events (list last-input-event)))))))
I like the cycling and toggling behavior of iflipb too, it's very much like Windows Alt-Tab behavior. However, as previously pointed out, Emacs doesn't make it easy to notice when you release the control key. This makes toggling between the top two buffers imperfect: if you press C-Tab (and release) and then C-Tab (and release), you haven't toggled between the top two. Instead, iflipb just marches further down the buffer list. But if you perform any other Emacs command between the two C-Tab events, then iflipb recognizes that it is starting over in the buffer march, so it does the toggle.
On Windows, AutoHotKey can come to the rescue and send Emacs a keystroke when you release the control key. Here's my script:
#if WinActive("ahk_class Emacs")
Send {Blind}^{Tab}
SetTimer, WaitForCtrlUp, 10
if(!GetKeyState("LControl", "P") and !GetKeyState("RControl","P"))
if WinActive("ahk_class Emacs")
Send ^c:
SetTimer, WaitForCtrlUp, Off
Whenever C-Tab is pressed in emacs, the script starts polling the state of the control key. When the key is released, it sends Emacs the C-c : key sequence. I have that key bound to a "null" command, which is enough to get iflipb to notice what's going on.
Here's the relevant .emacs excerpt:
; see
(require 'iflipb)
(global-set-key (kbd "<C-tab>") 'iflipb-next-buffer)
(if (featurep 'xemacs) (kbd "<C-iso-left-tab>") (kbd "<C-S-tab>"))
(defun null-command ()
"Do nothing (other than standard command processing such as remembering this was the last command executed)"
(global-set-key "\C-c:" 'null-command)
So, it's kind of hacky, but it does work. Thanks to the posters at, who were trying to solve a similar problem.
Add the following to your .emacs file:
(global-set-key (kbd "<C-tab>") 'next-buffer)