emacs multi-keystroke binding [duplicate] - emacs

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How to write a key bindings in emacs for easy repeat?
(5 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
I'm still very new to EMACS, but are getting familiar when i'm going through the emacs and elisp manual. But right now i'm stuck on this:
Is there a simple way to bind input sequences in regexp style?
eg: the default binding for function enlarge-window-horizontally is "C-x {", is it possible to rebind it to something like "C-x ({)+" so that enlarge-window-horizontally can be called repeatedly by repeating "{" character, instead of release Ctrl key multiple times?

There is another way to archive what you desire:
The first time you want to repeat the last command, press C-x z, afterwards you may repeat your command as often as desired by just pressing z.
The advantage of this approach is that it works with every command you use and not just for a specific one.
For additional reference here is the output of C-h f
8.11 Repeating a Command
Many simple commands, such as those invoked with a single key or with
M-x COMMAND-NAME , can be repeated by invoking them with a
numeric argument that serves as a repeat count (*note Arguments::).
However, if the command you want to repeat prompts for input, or uses
a numeric argument in another way, that method won't work.
The command C-x z (`repeat') provides another way to repeat an
Emacs command many times. This command repeats the previous Emacs
command, whatever that was. Repeating a command uses the same
arguments that were used before; it does not read new arguments each
To repeat the command more than once, type additional z's: each
z repeats the command one more time. Repetition ends when you type
a character other than z, or press a mouse button.
For example, suppose you type C-u 2 0 C-d to delete 20
characters. You can repeat that command (including its argument) three
additional times, to delete a total of 80 characters, by typing C-x z
z z. The first C-x z repeats the command once, and each subsequent
z repeats it once again.

The "Emacs way" is to use C-u as a prefix key. E.g. C-u20C-x{.
Having said that, it's possible to do what you ask for. However, it would require you to bind C-x { and { separately. The former would be defined like it is today, but the latter would have to look something like:
(defun my-open-brace ()
(if (eq last-command 'shrink-window-horizontally)
(setq this-command 'shrink-window-horizontally)
(call-interactively 'shrink-window-horizontally))
(call-interactively 'self-insert-command)))
Unfortunately, if you have many sequences ending in {, you would have to write one function to handle them all.

You can also define your own repeatable command and bind it to C-x {. You can then use it exactly as you requested: C-x { { { {..., instead of having to use C-x { C-x z z z z...
Here is what you do:
(defun your-repeat-command (command)
"Repeat COMMAND."
(let ((repeat-message-function 'ignore))
(setq last-repeatable-command command)
(repeat nil)))
(defun your-shrink-window-horizontally ()
"Shrink window horizontally.
You can repeat this by hitting the last key again..."
(require 'repeat nil t)
(my-repeat-command 'shrink-window-horizontally))
(define-key ctl-x-map "{" 'your-shrink-window-horizontally)
You can do this with any command you like --- use my-repeat-command to make a repeatable version of it. I do this all the time, in several of my libraries.

Write a multi repeat command for emacs by using minor mode. I name it smart-repeat-mode


Emacs. How to delete until and including bracket?

I used to use M-d to delete long sub strings in lines like:
if ( aaaaa[dddd(d,s,d)] + bbbbbb[ssd] ) {
but it always annoying me that i need to delete the last bracket. For example to delete first term aaaaa[dddd(d,s,d)] i need to press M-d 4 times and C-d 2 times.
I wonder, is there a command which will delete every-thing until a closing bracket, which corresponds to first opening bracket?
So it should delete whole dddd(d,s,d) if your cursor stays at d, whole aaaaa[dddd(d,s,d)] if you start from a and whole if ( aaaaa[dddd(d,s,d)] + bbbbbb[ssd] ) if you start at the beginning of the line.
In principle set of commands M-d C-space M-C-f C-w will do the job, but I looking for one standard solution.
Try either M-C-k (kill-sexp), or M-z ] (zap-to-char).
I'm using the code from this question
to do the task that you describe.
It's basically a generalized kill-sexp - it will kill
any list with the point inside it. Also works for strings.
smartparens-mode (https://github.com/Fuco1/smartparens or MELPA) knows how to deal with expressions enclosed in various types of parentheses/brackets/etc. It's behavior is often language-specific. For instance, if you bind
(define-key sp-keymap (kbd "C-M-k") 'sp-kill-sexp)
then if you are on the first( in your expression, C-M-k will kill everything including the final ). Or see this c++ example. I realize this is not the exact behavior you described but the package has many (mode-specific) tweaks configuration options.
As an alternative, the regular zap-up-to-char and zap-to-char accept numerical argument. I bound zap-up-to-char to M-z, so, say C-u 2 M-z ) kills everything up to final ).
I use these methods:
(defun zdo/zap-up-to-pair-and-delete-pair ()
(call-interactively 'zap-up-to-char)
((delete-pair-blink-delay 0))
(defun zdo/zap-up-to-pair-and-delete-pair-round ()
(zap-up-to-char 1 ?\()
((delete-pair-blink-delay 0))
In case (| is cursor location)
WHERE foo = ${|escape(bar)}
the second method makes it
WHERE foo = ${|bar}

A quick way to repeatedly enter a variable name in Emacs?

I was just typing in this sort of code for Nth time:
menu.add_item(spamspamspam, "spamspamspam");
And I'm wondering if there's a faster way to do it.
I'd like a behavior similar to yasnippet's mirrors, except
I don't want to create a snippet: the argument order varies from
project to project and from language to language.
The only thing that's constant is the variable name that needs to be
repeated several times on the same line.
I'd like to type in
and with the point between the quotes, call the shortcut and start typing,
and finally exit with C-e.
This seems advantageous to me, since there's zero extra cursor movement.
I have an idea of how to do this, but I'm wondering if it's already done,
or if something better/faster can be done.
UPD The yasnippet way after all.
Thanks to thisirs for the answer. This is indeed the yasnippet code I had initially in mind:
(defun yas-one-line ()
(insert "$")
(let ((snippet
"\\$" "$1"
(yas/expand-snippet snippet)))
But I'm still hoping to see something better/faster.
yasnippet can actually be used to create a snippet on-the-fly:
(defun yas-one-line ()
(let ((snippet (delete-and-extract-region
(yas-expand-snippet snippet)))
Now just type:
and call yas-one-line. The above snippet is expanded by yasnippet!
You could try
(defvar sm-push-id-last nil)
(defun sm-push-id ()
(if (not sm-push-id-last)
(setq sm-push-id-last (point))
(text-clone-create sm-push-id-last sm-push-id-last
t "\\(?:\\sw\\|\\s_\\)*")
(setq sm-push-id-last nil)))
after which you can do M-x sm-push-id RET , SPC M-x sm-push-id RET toto and that will insert toto, toto. Obviously, this would make more sense if you bind sm-push-id to a convenient key-combo. Also this only works to insert a duplicate pair of identifiers. If you need to insert something else, you'll have to adjust the regexp. Using too lax a regexp means that the clones will tend to overgrow their intended use, so they may become annoying (e.g. you type foo") and not only foo but also ") gets mirrored on the previous copy).
Record a macro. Hit F3 (or possibly C-x (, it depends) to begin recording. Type whatever you want and run whatever commands you need, then hit F4 (or C-x )) to finish. Then hit F4 again the next time you want to run the macro. See chapter 17 of the Emacs manual for more information (C-h i opens the info browser, the Emacs manual is right at the top of the list).
So, for example, you could type the beginning of the line:
Then, with point at the end of that line, record this macro:
F3 C-SPC C-left M-w C-e , SPC " C-y " ) ; RET F4
This copies the last word on the line and pastes it back in, but inside of the quotes.

A basic function for emacs

I have never written an emacs function before and was wondering if anyone could help me get started. I would like to have a function that takes a highlighted region parses it (by ",") then evaluates each chunk with another function already built into emacs.
The highlighted code may look something like this: x <- function(w=NULL,y=1,z=20){} (r code), and I would like to scrape out w=NULL, y=1, and z=20 then pass each one a function already included with emacs. Any suggestions on how to get started?
A lisp function is defined using defun (you really should read the elisp intro, it will save you a lot of time - "a pint of sweat saves a gallon of blood").
To turn a mere function into an interactive command (which can be called using M-x or bound to a key), you use interactive.
To pass the region (selection) to the function, you use the "r" code:
(defun my-command (beg end)
"Operate on each word in the region."
(interactive "r")
(mapc #'the-emacs-function-you-want-to-call-on-each-arg
;; split the string on any sequence of spaces and commas
(split-string (buffer-substring-no-properties beg end) "[ ,]+")))
Now, copy the form above to the *scratch* emacs buffer, place the point (cursor) on a function, say, mapc or split-string, then hit C-h f RET and you will see a *Help* buffer explaining what the function does.
You can evaluate the function definition by hitting C-M-x while the point is on it (don't forget to replace the-emacs-function-you-want-to-call-on-each-arg with something meaningful), and then test is by selecting w=NULL,y=1,z=20 and hitting M-x my-command RET.
Incidentally, C-h f my-command RET will now show Operate on each word in the region in the *Help* buffer.

Repeat-like copycat function for Emacs

I would like some copycat function, that takes the previous input and repeats it (like repeat), but does not get written over when something else is done, and thus remains repeatable. Anyone has any ideas?
EDIT: The way I intend this is to have some mode in which D keypress will act exactly like repeat (if some other input has been done, repeat that), while d will repeat the last thing assigned to the last D key press.
EDIT2: If I would yank, and then press C-x z (in my mode also bound to D), then it will repeat the yank. However, when I would move the cursor down, and I try to press D, it then repeats the down cursor. In this case, I would like the small d to do the behavior of the last repeat (that is, yank) while D would repeat the down cursor command. So, d would store the last repeated command, while D would repeat the last command.
This was just too long for a comment:
It feels like you essentially want a shorter version of keyboard macros? I'll try to explain briefly, and see if it is close:
C-x ( - start recording the macro.
Do whatever you want (may be just a single command). For example, yank something, i.e. M-d
C-x ) - finish recording the macro.
Now you can C-x e to replay the macro (you can do other stuff after you've recorded the macro, C-x e will do what you have previously recorded (i.e. M-d in this case).
Maybe you can create a shorthand version of start-macro end-macro recording, if you are sure there will be only one command, but these are really minor improvements. Once you get used to macros, you'll do it unconsciously, so that one keystroke saved won't matter really.
Also, if I didn't guess what you were after, this may prove to be interesting to you: http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/elisp/Command-History.html
My best attempt. It works, though it didn't incorporate all the error handling that repeat has.
(defun Navi-repeat ()
;; Checks whether the last repeatable command is the same as repeat var.
;; If yes, set repeat-navi to that command, and call it.
;; If no, check whether the Navi-repeat variable has been set before:
;; If bound, call it.
;; If not bound,
;; give it the value of the last-repeatable command, and call it.
(if (eq last-repeatable-command 'repeat)
(progn (setq repeat-navi repeat-previous-repeated-command)
(call-interactively repeat-navi))
(if (boundp 'repeat-navi)
(call-interactively repeat-navi)
(progn (setq repeat-navi last-repeatable-command)
(call-interactively repeat-navi))

Changing window faster in Emacs (or repeating last shortcut with a single strike)

if I want to change windows in emacs I do C-x o and that's fine with me...but when I want to change window lots of times in a row C-x o is not so convenient...is there a way to change window with just one strike after first C-x o ?
and in general...is there a (single) strike that would repeat my last shortcut?
I use C-tab to switch windows:
(global-set-key [C-tab] 'other-window)
Holding down the Control key, you can jump windows repeatedly just by hitting the tab key.
EDIT: my original answer contained the following
I don't think there's a built-in way to repeat last command for basic commands like this ...
This is no longer true. Emacs now contains repeat.el, which allows for exactly the behaviour rabidmachine9 asked for.
The following code will create a repeating other-window, such that after pressing C-x o the first time, pressing o afterwards will continue moving to the next window.
(require 'repeat)
(defun make-repeatable-command (cmd)
"Returns a new command that is a repeatable version of CMD.
The new command is named CMD-repeat. CMD should be a quoted
This allows you to bind the command to a compound keystroke and
repeat it with just the final key. For example:
(global-set-key (kbd \"C-c a\") (make-repeatable-command 'foo))
will create a new command called foo-repeat. Typing C-c a will
just invoke foo. Typing C-c a a a will invoke foo three times,
and so on.
See related discussion here:
(fset (intern (concat (symbol-name cmd) "-repeat"))
`(lambda ,(help-function-arglist cmd) ;; arg list
,(format "A repeatable version of `%s'." (symbol-name cmd)) ;; doc string
,(interactive-form cmd) ;; interactive form
;; see also repeat-message-function
(setq last-repeatable-command ',cmd)
(repeat nil)))
(intern (concat (symbol-name cmd) "-repeat")))
(global-set-key (kbd "C-x o") (make-repeatable-command 'other-window))
The function make-repeatable-command than then be used to create other repeating commands, using the same template.
Check out windmove; it lets you just hold down a modifier key and press an arrow key to move to the window in that direction. I've been using it for years with the default modifier (shift) and strangely enough it doesn't interfere with my impulses to use shift-arrow text selection in other applications.
There's also an equivalent for frames, which I should really try...
You have, say, 10 windows in the frame, and you are doing M-x other-window a lots of times in a row, I take it you mean to jump from, say window #2 to window #8 and then on to window #1 and so on. By doing lots of other-window in a row, I would imagine you do nothing of importance until you reach the desired window.
See if universal-argument bound to C-u helps. In the 10 window frame, if you are in window #3 and want to go to window #9, you are hopping to the 6th next window. So you would do C-u 6 C-x o. Or, you could as well do C-u -4 C-x o and reach window #9 from window #3.
Bit late to the party, but there is also window-numbering (known as 'window-number' in MELPA).
This includes a window number in the modeline -1-, -2- etc, and provides M-1, M-2 etc key bindings to directly select them. Very quick.