Emacs switch to the next window regardless of frame - emacs

I'd like for the C-x o command (next window) to include windows in other frames as well as windows in the current frame.
Does anyone know how to pull this off? Is there another command that I should be using? Is there some snippet of elisp magic that can do this with ease?

C-x o is other-window. To go to an other frame use C-x 5 o which is other-frame.

Not sure if this is what you mean, but if you want to just cycle through buffers in the buffer list, regardless of frame:
Ctrl x→
Ctrl x←
These are bound to (next-buffer) and (previous-buffer), respectively.

This can be a first approximation.
other-window has a parameter to control how it deals with frames.
(global-set-key (kbd "C-x o") (lambda ()
(other-window 1 t)
(let ((nframe (window-frame (selected-window))))
(select-frame-set-input-focus nframe)
(make-frame-visible nframe))))

You must press C-x 5 o C-h to see all functions about working with frames.
Some of these function is other-frame.

I use the version 2.0 of ace-jump-mode. It takes about two minutes to understand how it works and since version 2.0 it allows to "jump" to another frame. You can jump to any character from any buffer/frame/window that you can actually see on a screen in three or four keypresses. It's very hard to beat.
It's a gigantic time saver anyway so I'd recommend checking it out because it's really convenient.
And the "Emacs Rocks! Episode 10: Jumping around" two minutes screencast showing it in action:

From C-h f next-window:
(next-window &optional WINDOW MINIBUF ALL-FRAMES) ...
ALL-FRAMES nil or omitted means consider all windows on WINDOW's
frame, plus the minibuffer window if specified by the MINIBUF
argument. If the minibuffer counts, consider all windows on all
frames that share that minibuffer too. The following non-nil values
of ALL-FRAMES have special meanings:
t means consider all windows on all existing frames.
`visible' means consider all windows on all visible frames.
0 (the number zero) means consider all windows on all visible and iconified frames.
A frame means consider all windows on that frame only.
Anything else means consider all windows on WINDOW's frame and no
Somewhat ironically, other-window supports this as well, as it uses next-window. Unfortunately, I don't know of a way to pass non-numeric arguments interactively, but a simple function should do the trick:
(defun my-other-window (count)
(interactive "p")
(other-window count t))

You say "Is there a way to cycle through windows regardless of what frame they're in? That's really what I'm looking for?"
Yes, there is, with Icicles.
What you request is what command icicle-select-window does when you use a prefix arg. If you want that behavior always, you can define your own command that does it without a prefix arg:
(defun my-select-window ()
"Select window by name. Windows of all visible frames are candidates."
(let ((current-prefix-arg 1)) (icicle-select-window)))
You are prompted for the window name. But if you just want to cycle, without narrowing the candidates by typing part of the name, then just use C-down to get the window you want.
(A window name is the name of its displayed buffer, but suffixed as
needed by [NUMBER], to make the name unique. For example, if you have
two windows showing buffer *Help*, one of the windows will be called
*Help*[2] for use with this command.)


emacs dispatch help window from original buffer

Whenever I do apropos, describe-key, or some other help function in emacs, it displays the help in my other window. In order to get rid of it, I must change windows/buffers to go there, type "q", and then change back to my original working buffer.
Is there a way I can do this in code somehow? I know how to save-excursion, switch buffers, etc, but I don't know how to send the "q" to the minibuffer/emacs while I'm over in the other buffer. Thanks
The help-window-select variable might be exactly what you want.
If you set its value to true (setq help-window-select t) then the help window will automatically be selected when you open it via one of the help commands. You can then press q to quit out of it and go back to your original buffer. There are many other options so you should check those out too.
For the apropos window or any window that uses display-buffer you can use.
(add-to-list 'display-buffer-alist
'("*Apropos*" display-buffer-same-window))
display-buffer-same-window is one options of many; it opens the buffer in the current window. The other possible options can be seen by looking up the docs on the display-buffer function.
Here's my solution to this problem. I bind this command to C-c q:
(defvar my/help-window-names
;; Ubiquitous help buffers
;; Other general buffers
"*Command History*"
"*disabled command*")
"Names of buffers that `my/quit-help-windows' should quit.")
(defun my/quit-help-windows (&optional kill frame)
"Quit all windows with help-like buffers.
Call `quit-windows-on' for every buffer named in
`my/help-windows-name'. The optional parameters KILL and FRAME
are just as in `quit-windows-on', except FRAME defaults to t (so
that only windows on the selected frame are considered).
Note that a nil value for FRAME cannot be distinguished from an
omitted parameter and will be ignored; use some other value if
you want to quit windows on all frames."
(let ((frame (or frame t)))
(dolist (name my/help-window-names)
(quit-windows-on name kill frame)))))
I suggest putting (winner-mode 1) in your init file, and then using C-c<left> to call winner-undo (repeatedly, if necessary) to return to a previous window configuration.

How to control which window to be used for new contents in Emacs?

Often I have multiples windows carefully arranged within a frame.
However, certain command, say M-x man RET will grab one of the visible windows to display its own content. Sometimes this is annoying because the window that was taken away is one that I need to keep it visible.
e.g. I have 3 windows on screen, one useful source-code window and two useless windows. I want to keep the soure-code window visible while checking the man page. But very often Emacs just take away the code-window for the newly opened man page.
One way I can think of is to display the (chronological) open order of each window, so that I can focus point on n-th window and be confident that Emacs will grab (n+1)-th window for new content.
Is there a way to display such order, e.g. in the mode-line of each window?
Or is there another way for better control for displaying new window?
A little late to the party but as discussed in the comments, using dedicated windows is a good way to control where new content is displayed (+1 to #lawlist for bringing it up and to #phils for mentioning toggling!).
I'm pretty sure you'd be able to implement a command that toggles dedicatedness yourself at this point, but since I have the code for this handy I'll share it anyway:
(defun toggle-window-dedicated ()
"Control whether or not Emacs is allowed to display another
buffer in current window."
(if (let (window (get-buffer-window (current-buffer)))
; set-window-dedicated-p returns FLAG that was passed as
; second argument, thus can be used as COND for if:
(set-window-dedicated-p window (not (window-dedicated-p window))))
"%s: Can't touch this!"
"%s is up for grabs.")
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c d") 'toggle-window-dedicated)
Now, in a multi-window setup you can simply press C-c d in each window you would like to "protect".
I'll throw this example usage of display-buffer-alist into the mix, given that it was mentioned in the comments, and is indeed a general mechanism for controlling how and where buffers are displayed (even though, as Drew indicates, it is far from trivial).
Start with the help for the variable itself:
C-hv display-buffer-alist RET
From there you'll get to the help for display-buffer, and no doubt acquire some idea of the complexities involved :)
In any case, the following is an example of using a custom function to decide how to display buffers named *Buffer List*.
You can easily see that if you can write a function which can figure out how to display a buffer where you want it to, then you can use display-buffer-alist to make it happen.
(defun my-display-buffer-pop-up-same-width-window (buffer alist)
"A `display-buffer' ACTION forcing a vertical window split.
See `split-window-sensibly' and `display-buffer-pop-up-window'."
(let ((split-width-threshold nil)
(split-height-threshold 0))
(display-buffer-pop-up-window buffer alist)))
(add-to-list 'display-buffer-alist
'("\\*Buffer List\\*" my-display-buffer-pop-up-same-width-window))
A key quote regarding the ACTION functions is:
Each such FUNCTION should accept two arguments: the buffer to
display and an alist. Based on those arguments, it should
display the buffer and return the window.

Use emacs to copy kill-ring to window/buffer based on position

This may be too involved.
In emacs in r-mode or lisp mode (etc) information can be sent directly (copied, pasted, evaluated) from one buffer to the the R or Lisp interpreter.
I typically configure an emacs session to have 3 windows - a large horizontal window on top and two windows beneath it. (How) could I configure, which keys/ commands might I use to send the kill-ring to the last cursor position of the top window / buffer?
The buffer / window will not always necessarily have the same contents/file. (How) could I name it upon initialization?
Similar to C-X, C-B or C-X, B how might I specify which of the three window positions to go to (based on position)?
See window-at. For example,
(defun yank-into-top-window (&optional arg)
(interactive "*P")
(with-selected-window (window-at 0 0)
(yank arg)))
I think you're going to have to write lisp code to do this effectively. Basically, you'd want a minor mode that sets up the two subwindows -- which isn't hard, it happens in compile mode from M-x compile -- and then make special keybindings for the keys you want to use.

Changing window faster in Emacs (or repeating last shortcut with a single strike)

if I want to change windows in emacs I do C-x o and that's fine with me...but when I want to change window lots of times in a row C-x o is not so convenient...is there a way to change window with just one strike after first C-x o ?
and in general...is there a (single) strike that would repeat my last shortcut?
I use C-tab to switch windows:
(global-set-key [C-tab] 'other-window)
Holding down the Control key, you can jump windows repeatedly just by hitting the tab key.
EDIT: my original answer contained the following
I don't think there's a built-in way to repeat last command for basic commands like this ...
This is no longer true. Emacs now contains repeat.el, which allows for exactly the behaviour rabidmachine9 asked for.
The following code will create a repeating other-window, such that after pressing C-x o the first time, pressing o afterwards will continue moving to the next window.
(require 'repeat)
(defun make-repeatable-command (cmd)
"Returns a new command that is a repeatable version of CMD.
The new command is named CMD-repeat. CMD should be a quoted
This allows you to bind the command to a compound keystroke and
repeat it with just the final key. For example:
(global-set-key (kbd \"C-c a\") (make-repeatable-command 'foo))
will create a new command called foo-repeat. Typing C-c a will
just invoke foo. Typing C-c a a a will invoke foo three times,
and so on.
See related discussion here:
(fset (intern (concat (symbol-name cmd) "-repeat"))
`(lambda ,(help-function-arglist cmd) ;; arg list
,(format "A repeatable version of `%s'." (symbol-name cmd)) ;; doc string
,(interactive-form cmd) ;; interactive form
;; see also repeat-message-function
(setq last-repeatable-command ',cmd)
(repeat nil)))
(intern (concat (symbol-name cmd) "-repeat")))
(global-set-key (kbd "C-x o") (make-repeatable-command 'other-window))
The function make-repeatable-command than then be used to create other repeating commands, using the same template.
Check out windmove; it lets you just hold down a modifier key and press an arrow key to move to the window in that direction. I've been using it for years with the default modifier (shift) and strangely enough it doesn't interfere with my impulses to use shift-arrow text selection in other applications.
There's also an equivalent for frames, which I should really try...
You have, say, 10 windows in the frame, and you are doing M-x other-window a lots of times in a row, I take it you mean to jump from, say window #2 to window #8 and then on to window #1 and so on. By doing lots of other-window in a row, I would imagine you do nothing of importance until you reach the desired window.
See if universal-argument bound to C-u helps. In the 10 window frame, if you are in window #3 and want to go to window #9, you are hopping to the 6th next window. So you would do C-u 6 C-x o. Or, you could as well do C-u -4 C-x o and reach window #9 from window #3.
Bit late to the party, but there is also window-numbering (known as 'window-number' in MELPA).
This includes a window number in the modeline -1-, -2- etc, and provides M-1, M-2 etc key bindings to directly select them. Very quick.

Is there any way to get Ediff to not open its navigation interface in an external window?

Not being using Emacs all that long (v23, windows) and just discovered M-x ediff. Fantastic.
Although I'm not to keen on the fact it opens its help/navigation in a separate frame/window, meaning that if I lose focus to that window, the single key shortcuts don't work.
For example as soon as I press ? to expand the window, it shifts over top of my current window, so I have to pick up my mouse and move it to another screen. Then if I lose focus to that window and press p / n / j or any other key to work with the diff, it inserts it into my document. So i have to undo, grab mouse, focus to other window, and repeat.
Is there any way to configure these options to show in a split instead?
I didn't know how to do it but it is usually easy to learn with Emacs. First I asked about ediff customizations:
M-x customize-apropos
I saw there is something called Ediff Window Setup Function which takes the values Multi Frame, Single Frame, or Other Function. Mine was set to Multi Frame and changed it to Single Frame and saved it for future sessions. And Voila! as they say somewhere.
(setq ediff-window-setup-function 'ediff-setup-windows-plain)
M-x describe-variable ediff-window-setup-function will enlighten you
For reference my ediff customisation is fairly simple:
(if (locate-library "ediff")
(autoload 'ediff-files "ediff")
(autoload 'ediff-buffers "ediff")
(eval-after-load "ediff" '(progn
(message "doing ediff customisation")
(setq diff-switches "-u"
ediff-custom-diff-options "-U3"
ediff-split-window-function 'split-window-horizontally
ediff-window-setup-function 'ediff-setup-windows-plain)
(add-hook 'ediff-startup-hook 'ediff-toggle-wide-display)
(add-hook 'ediff-cleanup-hook 'ediff-toggle-wide-display)
(add-hook 'ediff-suspend-hook 'ediff-toggle-wide-display)))))
From chapter Window and Frame Configuration in Ediff User's Manual:
The following variable controls how
windows are set up:
The multiframe setup is done by the ediff-setup-windows-multiframe
function, which is the default on
windowing displays. The plain setup,
one where all windows are always in
one frame, is done by
ediff-setup-windows-plain, which is
the default on a non-windowing display
(or in an xterm window). In fact,
under Emacs, you can switch freely
between these two setups by executing
the command ediff-toggle-multiframe
using the Minibuffer of the Menubar.
'(ediff-window-setup-function (quote ediff-setup-windows-plain))
Not that you would set the variable this way, but it allows you to know these things:
The variable you are interested in is ediff-window-setup-function
The value it needs to be set to is ediff-setup-windows-plain
You can configure the variable from customize: M-x customize-group RET ediff-window
Ediff Window Setup Function: Menu Single Frame
Note: you can avoid using the mouse to go back to the ediff control window by using M-x other-frame. Also found on C-x 5 o.
This no longer works in 2017 gnu emacs (24.5, 25.2, 2017) on windows
(setq ediff-window-setup-function 'ediff-setup-windows-plain) ; stopped working
ediff-toggle-multiframe ; no longer has any effect now.
It works in emacs22.3 on windows, so I have use older emacs from 2008!