Cloning a Guardian Edge Protected Drive [closed] - cloning

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I need to clone/ghost a GE protected hard drive, but I am running into various issues. Norton Ghost seems to just freeze up, XXClone puts up strange errors. I realize the entire drive is encrypted, but would that make a difference to a cloning software?
Anybody have any experience with this?

Under Linux you can use the dd command to clone data from one drive to another.
If you don't have a machine running Linux, you can download a bootable CD from e.g. which will have dd and other useful commands for dealing with hard drives and data recovery.


Is there a way to replicate a preconfigured ubuntu os? [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I am trying to replicate an ubuntu OS which is has (NAT,Firewall etc) setup.I am trying to find away to install a preconfig os or the os image in production, to avoid installing and setting up manually in each and every machine.Is there a way to solve this problem?
Thank you
Two methods come to mind--both variations on a theme. There may be other better methods that others know of, but lets at least start with the following.
Method #1. Assuming that the hardware is exactly the same between systems, you may be able to copy an install from one disk to another (or clone it using 'dd').
Method #2. If you are using virtual machines, you may have a master copy that you copy as needed (instead of identical hardware, you have identical virtual hardware).

How Can I Determine the Drive Letter for the Drive My Script is Currently Running On? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I will need to find a way of knowing what drive my usb is on, so I could copy some files from the PC on to the flash drive. I already know how to do this using powershell, however I need a way of doing it via .bat and cmd.
Thanks in advance.
Your running script is always, %0 and the drive letter holding your running script can be referenced using variable modifiers.
From Call/?
%~d1 - expands %1 to a drive letter only
Echo %~d0

snapshot script via DigitalOcean [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I'm running a Digital Ocean server (4 GB) and I'm trying to enable automatic snapshots using the information found at Digital Ocean. This script doesn't appear to be doing anything other than shutting down my droplet, however.
In order to take a snapshot a Droplet, it needs to be powered down first. The script that you linked to makes an API call to do that. So you can not run the script from the Droplet itself or it will not complete.
You can see how it does it in this function:
def power_off(droplet_id)
url = $baseUrl + "droplets/#{droplet_id}/actions"
params = {'type' => 'power_off'}
post(url, params)
You can try this tool, much closer to your case.
Command line, fully automated. Multi-threaded.
I'm author, questions are welcome.

Is there any reason a System V init script has to be written in bash? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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This question does not appear to be about a specific programming problem, a software algorithm, or software tools primarily used by programmers. If you believe the question would be on-topic on another Stack Exchange site, you can leave a comment to explain where the question may be able to be answered.
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Is it possible to write a System V init script (the scripts usually stored in /etc/init.d and run with service) in Perl, and have the shell recognize the #!/usr/bin/perl? Would there be any downside to doing this?
The scripts themselves can be written in any language, but support tools may need to parse the script for metadata required to decide when the initscript will start/stop. This restricts the choices to those which can make this metadata available in the form that the tools accept.
Additionally, there may be external files written in shell script which the initscript will require in order to operate properly/efficiently/effectively. Unless these files are very simple, any parser used to read them may grow very complex.

qemu failed in loadvm while the guest system is windows xp [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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The guest system is in Windows XP and in the monitor.
First I run savevm test which looks ok
Then i run loadvm, the system xp halted, all i can do is run system_reset in the monitor to restart the xp system.
Does anyone know why?
Here's what I found: using -rtc base=localtime,clock=vm, I can restore it. I think that the sudden jump in clock time is what freezes the OS.
Note that you can then adjust the clock inside the guest if needed.