Is there a way to replicate a preconfigured ubuntu os? [closed] - operating-system

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I am trying to replicate an ubuntu OS which is has (NAT,Firewall etc) setup.I am trying to find away to install a preconfig os or the os image in production, to avoid installing and setting up manually in each and every machine.Is there a way to solve this problem?
Thank you

Two methods come to mind--both variations on a theme. There may be other better methods that others know of, but lets at least start with the following.
Method #1. Assuming that the hardware is exactly the same between systems, you may be able to copy an install from one disk to another (or clone it using 'dd').
Method #2. If you are using virtual machines, you may have a master copy that you copy as needed (instead of identical hardware, you have identical virtual hardware).


Is it possible to install postgres second time? [closed]

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Closed 11 months ago.
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So right now due to ERP system that I use in company I have heavily modified version 11 of Postgresql.
Now I need to have a clean version of Postgresql installed? Is that somehow possible to install Postgresql twice?
you can install the new version in another directory and start new postgresql in another port 5432 (example: 5433)
Yes, it is possible (see this answer also), but settings will slightly be different depending on OS that you use. Postgres uses by default port 5432 but you can change this, so even if you need both of versions to run at the same time it is not a problem. You just need to set a correct port. So simply put you can do that but need to change config file of one of the versions.

How do I restore deleted code inside a file? [closed]

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Closed 12 months ago.
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I'm using autosave in vscode and I accidently deleted important code and I can't restore it anymore even using CTRL + Z
Is there any solution to restore the lost code?
If it is no longer possible with CTRL + Z and you have not initiated a version software for your project, it is no longer possible to reconstruct the code.
An unlikely case would be if you have not yet saved the file you have edited, the original code would at least still be contained in the file. But I guess that's not the topic here because you use autosave.
Is your project perhaps under version control? If yes, you could grab the missing code from the previous state of the project. If not, I suggest you look into code version control systems, mainly git (, it will prevent similar situations from arising in the future, plus it enables multiple people to work on the same code.

Can I have two different operating systems for two different users on a single machine [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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My computer has two users. So can I install two different operating system for each user?
Just like windows for user1 and ubuntu for user2?
Possible with GRUB
But only if it's not a problem if one user can boot up into the other OS. ( he couldnt do anything because he has no password. )
Yes, it's possible. If you use a encryption tool with a secure bootloader like DiskCryptor, you can even password-protect one operating system and boot into an alternate operating system if the password isn't entered.

It is possible to simulate inside of a sun netra T5220? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I want to know if it is possible simulate a SO inside of a T5220.
Because two servers are needed with different specific software that works on a T5220, but there is only one T5220 physically with one hard disk and the software works on solaris 10.
I am new in this kind of themes, but simulate this kind of platform in an x86 architecture is possible? Because there are servers of this kind available for this use.
I am seeking for all kind of options.
The software also is compatible with the next platforms: SunFire V440, Netra T2000, Netra 440 and Sun Fire X4270 M2. Any of those can be simulated? and if it is possible, what do i need?
You can create both multiple logical domains and multiple zones on a T5220.
With logical domains (Oracle VM for SPARC), you simulate different physical machines, each one with its own Operating System.
With zones, you have OS level virtualization including the ability to simulate older Solaris releases with S9 and S8 branded zones.
On the other hand, I'm not aware of any usable and current Solaris on SPARC emulation layer available for x86.

Cloning a Guardian Edge Protected Drive [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I need to clone/ghost a GE protected hard drive, but I am running into various issues. Norton Ghost seems to just freeze up, XXClone puts up strange errors. I realize the entire drive is encrypted, but would that make a difference to a cloning software?
Anybody have any experience with this?
Under Linux you can use the dd command to clone data from one drive to another.
If you don't have a machine running Linux, you can download a bootable CD from e.g. which will have dd and other useful commands for dealing with hard drives and data recovery.