Is there any reason a System V init script has to be written in bash? [closed] - perl

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Is it possible to write a System V init script (the scripts usually stored in /etc/init.d and run with service) in Perl, and have the shell recognize the #!/usr/bin/perl? Would there be any downside to doing this?

The scripts themselves can be written in any language, but support tools may need to parse the script for metadata required to decide when the initscript will start/stop. This restricts the choices to those which can make this metadata available in the form that the tools accept.
Additionally, there may be external files written in shell script which the initscript will require in order to operate properly/efficiently/effectively. Unless these files are very simple, any parser used to read them may grow very complex.


What is the difference between sqldeveloper.exe and sqldeveloperW.exe? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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My antivirus blocking sqldeveloperw.exe and allowing sqldeveper.exe. I want to know the difference between these.
One prints debug info to the console when you run it (sqldeveloperw.exe) and one doesn't (sqldeveloper.exe)
You should always run the sqldeveloper.exe in the base directory unless instructed otherwise by support/R&D to run something out of the bin directory for debugging purposes.

How can i make my custom command available to all user in linux [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I have written a custom command under user 'krishna' on my laptop, and now i want it to be available for other all user without redefining to each user. For now, i have defined the command in /home/krishna/.bashrc As this file exist under user krishna and work only for krishna. is there any way i can defile it globally for all users?
You can define the command in the /etc/bashrc or /etc/bash.bashrc file (which one depends on your distribution). One of these should exist on your machine.
Commands you define in your local /home/[USER]/.bashrc are only available for [USER].
Commands or aliase defined in /etc/bashrc are available for all useres

MATLAB and Octave on the same system? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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Should I expect any kind of complications from installing MATLAB on a system which already has Octave installed?
No. They are completely different programs and it's no different than you running Minecraft and MATLAB on the same system. They each have their own binaries, configuration files, etc.

Permanently storing zsh aliases [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I created a new alias by typing:
~ alias gpo='git push origin'
I see my newly created alias when I type alias (which lists all the available aliases) but when I close my terminal and reopen it, they vanish.
How do I ensure that it is permanently available?
How do I keep a backup of all my aliases so I can carry them with me even if I move between computers?
You can keep it inside ~/.zshrc

DBD::ODBC package for fedora 17 [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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This question does not appear to be about a specific programming problem, a software algorithm, or software tools primarily used by programmers. If you believe the question would be on-topic on another Stack Exchange site, you can leave a comment to explain where the question may be able to be answered.
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DBD::ODBC package is not available in repo. How to install the DBD::ODBC in fedora 17?.
How to achieve the ODBC DB connectivity using DBI->connect () module.
Your OS vendor's repo is always a nice convenience, but hardly comprehensive. Get everything else from CPAN.
Also, when using ODBC on a *nix box, your 1st step is to configure your ODBC data source according to your ODBC driver's documentation. Then provided you've set up ODBC & your Environment correctly, connecting from perl is trivial, your connect string would be "dbi:ODBC:$DSN"