BOSH XMPP iPhone library - iphone

Is there a XMPP library for iPhone development with BOSH support? I checkout xmppframework but that does not seem to have bosh support.

Have you tried this:

Please also check this:
I don't see that this project was forked from : though


How to make voice/video call in pidgin (XMPP)?

I'm using ejabberd as my XMPP server and Pidgin as my client.
My ejabberd version is 22.05 and my Pidgin version is 2.14.10
I have configured my ejabberd server for making voice/video call by following this article.
Now what should I do to make voice/video call through pidgin? I didn't see any plugins for enabling voice/video chat in pidgin.
As at today (7/11/2022), the pidgin website says that the voice and video calls support is still under development. Check this link:
I only know Gajim Client and Conversations Client does support voice and video calls.

How to configure Xmpp library in flutter?

I was searching for solution to use xmpp library on flutter to connect with ejabberd server for chatting app. Anyone's suggestion will be very help for me.
XMPP connection made with flutter by using the xmpp_stone library. My Github repository is here. The main problem is, it connects without tls connection. In your ejabberd configuration yaml file line starttls: true, starttls_required: true should be commented.
If you have a better solution please suggest me. Thanks in advance!!!
I founded one way to connecting ejabberd server flutter given Strophe library enter link description here Strophe.js is an XMPP library for JavaScript. Its primary purpose is to enable web-based, real-time XMPP applications that run in any browser.

could not connect to APNS(Apple Push Notifications Server) using Rails, apn_sender gem

I am using Rails 3.2.2 and apn_sender 1.0.5 gem. I have generated proper apn_development.pem and apn_production.pem. I have added them in my rails application. By looking at some article, i have modified the apn_production.pem files permissions also. still i am not able to connect to Apple's APNS Server from my Rails Application.
feedback_data = => :production), still returns
#<APN::Feedback: Connection not currently established to on 2196>
Am i missing something or does any body have a detailed tutorial of how to send (APNS) Apple push notifications from a Rails Application.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I have found solution. After generating proper certificates, i was having issue with "development build of the application for other environments". By replacing the mobile application with appropriate build, problem was solved.
the returns # which is a bit misleading. I thought there was a connection elsewhere that I had to make.
Turns out, I just had to call the .data method to start the connection
feedback_data =

What are node libraries to send mail that support TLS/STARTTLS negotiation?

What are libraries for node version 0.4.1 that send mail and support TLS/STARTTLS negotiation?
Have you tried with emailjs? According to the examples they support connecting to gmail (uses ssl).
Hope it helps!
I have successfully used so you might want to give that a shot.

Any FTP server library package for iPhone/iPad?

Any FTP server library package for iPhone/iPad ?
Is DiddyFtpServer good ?
Yes, diddy is probably what you are looking for. Other than that, you will have to write your own ftp server.