How to make voice/video call in pidgin (XMPP)? - xmpp

I'm using ejabberd as my XMPP server and Pidgin as my client.
My ejabberd version is 22.05 and my Pidgin version is 2.14.10
I have configured my ejabberd server for making voice/video call by following this article.
Now what should I do to make voice/video call through pidgin? I didn't see any plugins for enabling voice/video chat in pidgin.

As at today (7/11/2022), the pidgin website says that the voice and video calls support is still under development. Check this link:
I only know Gajim Client and Conversations Client does support voice and video calls.


How to configure Xmpp library in flutter?

I was searching for solution to use xmpp library on flutter to connect with ejabberd server for chatting app. Anyone's suggestion will be very help for me.
XMPP connection made with flutter by using the xmpp_stone library. My Github repository is here. The main problem is, it connects without tls connection. In your ejabberd configuration yaml file line starttls: true, starttls_required: true should be commented.
If you have a better solution please suggest me. Thanks in advance!!!
I founded one way to connecting ejabberd server flutter given Strophe library enter link description here Strophe.js is an XMPP library for JavaScript. Its primary purpose is to enable web-based, real-time XMPP applications that run in any browser.

How to capture xmpp traffic by tool

We are working on a project that uses Open fire(Xmpp) protocol. I have to capture that traffic(xmpp). suggest me tool and process.?
does wireshark work for xmpp traffic.?
Another suggestion only relevant if you happen to be using Smack:
If you are just trying to debug the traffic for a particular client while developing it and you happen to be using Smack as your client side library (just a guess since we are talking about openfire), then you can also make use of the Smack debug console. Adding the Java system property -Dsmack.debugEnabled=true will cause a debug console window to open each time an XMPP connection is established. IT shows traffic in/out and other useful information.
Yes, Wireshark works for XMPP traffic, as long as it is unencrypted.
If the connection is encrypted, you may be able to decrypt it by following the instructions at .
For monitors conversations and statistics of the openfire server,you can use Monitoring Service plugin in openfire.
For install
Go to server web amdin panel
Go to plugin menu
click on available plugin
find and install Monitoring Service plugin.

Send data from server to a client (Raspberry Pi) without pull request

I have a Raspberry Pi and I am developing an application on the Pi that can be controlled by a web portal.
So I need to know, if I change something in my website, how will that be transferred to my Pi which is a client without any pull request from the client.
One solution could be to install Apache on your Raspberry and setup a basic http PHP or Python API. When a change is posted on the website, the back-end script makes a API call to the Raspberry API service.
If you are using PHP as your web server, you could use json_decode(file_get_contents(...) to access the Raspberry API.
I'll suggest you to use Websockets.
Websockets are bidirectional and client and server can communicate whenever they want as TCP session is ongoing. So, yo will not need to do polling.
You can download and compile libwebsockets for your raspberry as server or as I did in one of my previous projects, you can install nodejs into the raspberry and use library to handle all. Of course, you will need to do some modifications in your web page to behave like websocket client or client.
Good luck!

Enabling Stream Management in ejabberd server

Hi I am developing an XMPP chat application. The chat is working properly and I have a problem with Stream Management. I have added the following settings in my server
In this I enabled stream_management. But I am not able to get sm xmlns='urn:xmpp:sm:3’ while connecting. Is there any other setting required for this? Please help me to solve this issues.
I expect that you are using an old ejabberd version (like for example ejabberd 2.1.11. ejabberd 2.1.11 does not support stream management, so what you see is the expected behaviour.
If you want to use stream management, you need at least ejabberd 14.07, but preferably the most recent version is better.

Does ijab chat only work with Apache server?

The question is about ijab (facebook, gmail style chat bar) chat.
I have seen this tutorial for configuring ijab with Openfire XMPP server
but not able to connect it with Openfire server.
In the tutorial ijab is being used with Apache webserver but I am using Tomcat with urlrewritefilter for redirecting my request to Openfire server.
Does ijab chat only work with Apache server?
Is there any way of using ijab chat with other web servers like Tomcat, Weblogic, jboss etc?
I think It will only work in Apache since it requires mode_rewrite configuration.