could not connect to APNS(Apple Push Notifications Server) using Rails, apn_sender gem - iphone

I am using Rails 3.2.2 and apn_sender 1.0.5 gem. I have generated proper apn_development.pem and apn_production.pem. I have added them in my rails application. By looking at some article, i have modified the apn_production.pem files permissions also. still i am not able to connect to Apple's APNS Server from my Rails Application.
feedback_data = => :production), still returns
#<APN::Feedback: Connection not currently established to on 2196>
Am i missing something or does any body have a detailed tutorial of how to send (APNS) Apple push notifications from a Rails Application.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I have found solution. After generating proper certificates, i was having issue with "development build of the application for other environments". By replacing the mobile application with appropriate build, problem was solved.

the returns # which is a bit misleading. I thought there was a connection elsewhere that I had to make.
Turns out, I just had to call the .data method to start the connection
feedback_data =


SAPUI5 Can't run local Fiori Application properly from VS Code

We used this tutorial to start developing Fiori apps with VS Code:
Everything works fine so far, except the connection to the backend services. When we want to start the application locally we get the following error by getting the OData metadata.
Our server config in ui5-local.yaml:
Before switching to VS Code we used the local WebIDE which worked fine. So I guess there is no configuration on the SAP system which blocks the request.
Did anyone face the same issue and has a solution for us? I searched online and couldn't find anything that fits our problem.
Thanks a lot for any hints.
try this npm install ui5-middleware-proxy-basicauth --save-dev
Are you by any chance in corporate network which uses Self-Signed Certificate. If so npm might fail. Change the ignoreCertError: true and give it a try.

Setup a server on my laptop/desktop for app

I want to setup a server as a backend for my android/web app with mongodb(nosql) (Just like Firebase) on my own laptop/desktop with all the functionality and API.
I read something about creating a server with apache but not sure what to do.
And please tell if there is anything to do of parse server.
Can anyone suggest a video or give great description for this.
Parse Server needs NodeJS not Apache.
Make sure you have installed NodeJs and git to your computer first. Other steps are written in page. Follow the steps one by one

Has anyone successfully used Talend MDM community edition over SSL?

We've managed to get talend MDM UI working fine over SSL, but we've not managed to get the MDM studio talk to the MDM server over SSL. Has anyone managed this? I've not tried the data integration input steps yet over SSL either.
I tried the forums - no joy.
I suspect for some reason it's not possible - And the reason I suspect this is that when you add an MDM server in TOS it prompts for port, hostname, user and password. Nowhere does it prompt for protocol.
One assumes that the EE version must surely support this? But we have a very simple model and wont be using EE as it would be OTT.
So it turns out this is a bug/unimplemented feature, and has been pencilled in to be fixed in 5.3.0 with luck!

Login with Facebook via Rails

As a relative newbie to Rails, I'm not sure how to approach this. I am looking to add a basic "Login with Facebook" feature to a practice site I am developing. I am stuck on two fronts:
Most Rails plugins dealing with Facebook seem out of date or poorly documented. I've encountered Facebooker (seems to have died off from what I see) and Mini_FB (more recent, but very little documentation). I tried to install Mini_FB, but I am still very unfamiliar about working with Gems. I ran gem install mini_fb, then bundle install, and finally added gem 'mini_fb' to my Gemfile, but my server complains of a no such file to load error. Are there any other steps necessary to allow your app to use a gem?
I am confused by how the "Login with Facebook" feature works from an overall birds-eye view. I understand that my App ID is passed into the login feature, and I ultimately get an access token (after resubmitting with my App Secret Key and an authorization code). But how does this integrate with some kind of user system on a Rails site? Since this access code doesn't last forever, do I need to renew it periodically? Is that done by simply waiting to catch an access token error from a Graph request and redoing the entire authorization procedure?
Have you tried OmniAuth?
It supports a whole host of external providers, including facebook.
There are also a number of railscasts on it's use.
The correct order of installing a gem on your application would be first adding it to your Gemfile.rb, then running bundle install on your console. That being said, OmniAuth is probably the best path for you

Multiple App Support Using APN on Rails Gem

I have a couple iPhone apps talking to one ruby on rails server. I have been using the apn_on_rails gem by mark bates/PRX ( to offer push notifications to both apps.
The README specifies how to support one app, but I need to support two apps. Not only that, but I would like to send out these notifications in batches using the included rake task, as recommended in the README.
Any help would be most appreciated!
The new gem by prx now supports multiple apps.