Problem to use GWT client to call a Restlet web service - gwt

I am using Restlet framework, and I want to use GWT as the client side. I have already created some ServerResources in Restlet. Here is the codes for the GWT client:
public interface BookResourceProxy extends ClientProxy
public void getBooks(Result callback);
The class that use this Proxy:
BookResourceProxy wrp = GWT.create(BookResourceProxy.class);
wrp.getBooks(new Result<String>()
public void onFailure(Throwable caught)
Window.alert("Fail" + caught.getMessage());
public void onSuccess(String json)
When I run the application, I always receive the error:
"No source code is available for type org.restlet.resource.ClientProxy; did you forget to inherit a required module?"
But if I inherit it in the .gwt.xml:
Another error occurs:
Unable to find 'org/restlet/Restlet.gwt.xml' on your classpath; could be a typo, or maybe you forgot to include a classpath entry for source?
[ERROR] Line 13: Unexpected exception while processing element 'inherits'
Does anybody know why?
Thanks in advance!

Make sure you are using the GWT edition of Restlet and that org.restlet.jar is in the GWT compiler's classpath.

In GWT side you'll have to use package org.restlet.client.*, on GAE side you use org.reslet.


Swagger + jaxrs + embedded jetty + no web.xml

I have maven project with embedded jetty server.
I have already created apis using JAX-RS, which are working properly. Now I want to create swagger documentation for my apis.
To start with swagger I have added servlet configuration as describe below :
#WebServlet(name = "SwaggerConfig")
public class SwaggerServlet extends HttpServlet {
public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException {
System.out.println("init SwaggerServlet");
BeanConfig beanConfig = new BeanConfig();
beanConfig.setSchemes(new String[]{"http"});
Also, in main method,
along with my jersey configuration I have added following code :
ServletHolder swaggerServletHolder = new ServletHolder(SwaggerServlet.class);
swaggerServletHolder.setInitParameter("swagger.api.basepath", "http://localhost:8082");
context.addServlet(swaggerServletHolder, "/api/*");
//swagger end
So, the problem is, I am not able to find where swagger.json will be created.
In this case, swagger scans packages as server log says it, but swagger.json still not getting created.
Note: I am currently not adding swagger-ui as I think it is not mandatory for creating swagger.json
I got swagger json by hitting url "localhost:8082/swagger.json". I used same configuration as posted in my question.

java ee lookup ejbs from from different app

Java EE Tutorial is not helpful at all. Internet search was underwhelming.
I have an EJB module that is deployed to glassfish by itself. It has #Local and #Remote annotated iterfaces which are both implemented by the concrete class.
Then i have a REST resource that needs to get a reference to that ejb module and invoke some methods.
Can you give me a barebones, simple example of how that is done? I mean, i can't even inject SessionContext into my rest app, as it crashes... Please, keep it simple.
The ejb should just have a:
public String getMsg(){
return "ohai";
The rest service:
public String asd(){
return <the myterious ejb that was injected somehow>.getMsg();
Alright, i figured it out. Using NetBeans, but probably applicable to Eclipse. Server - glassfish
Create webapp, an EJB -> call EJB from webapp. All these run inside the same server as separate modules.
First: create an EJB module, it will be deployed on its own:
remote interface:
package main;
import javax.ejb.Remote;
public interface YourRemoteInterface{
public String tellMeSomething();
public void otherMethod(); //etc...
then create the EJB implementation class:
concrete implementation
package main;
import javax.ejb.Remote;
import javax.ejb.Stateless;
import javax.ejb.EJB; //crucial to JNDI lookup
#EJB(name="java:global:/MYSTUFF", beanInterface=YourRemoteInterface.class)
public class YourConcreteClass implements YourRemoteInterface{
public String tellMeSomething(){//...} //and do the other methods
#EJB name attribute names your bean, that you will use to look it up. Can by any name. For ex: "some-name", or "java:global/YourConcreteClass"
Part two - webapp:
For web app i used a rest service, but surely can be another EJB or a SE client app. For SE client you'd need to set connection info, but that for another life.
public class Service{
public String qwe(){
javax.naming.InitialCOntext ic = new javax.naming.InitialContext();
YourRemoteInterface rb = (YourRemoteInterface)ic.lookup("java:global:/MYSTUFF");
return rb.tellMeSomething();
} catch (Exception ex) {
return "F*uck your life";
Now, from Project Properties of your webapp, you need to:
1) add the ejb jar file to Libraries so it shows in the Compile tab. I used the "Add project" button
2) Build -> Packaging: add the ejb jar file to WAR content. I used "Add file/folder", where i navigated to NetBeans projects / the EJB module / build / dist
note: you may experience an error when trying to deploy the ejb, or redeploy it. Error name is: java.lang.RuntimeException: Error while binding JNDI name main.RemoteInterface#main.RemoteInterface for EJB RemoteBean . Skipping the vague explanation, to cure it, you need to execute a command in glassfish:
asadmin set"true"
Now, you can compile the webapp and deploy it. Should work.
At the end it's that simple. I swear i've eaten the WHOLE ejb section in glassfish tutorial and nowhere do they tell you this stuff. It's so annoying.

Where do I place jetty.xml

Where do I need to place jetty.xml, in case of embedded Jetty?
jetty-web is placed inside WEB-INF and it is loaded automatically. I tried to put there jetty.xml, but it failed to load (it does not see it). I am using mvn jetty:run to run the service.
Their WIKI example doesn't work?
public class FileServerXml {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
Resource fileserver_xml = Resource.newSystemResource("fileserver.xml");
XmlConfiguration configuration = new XmlConfiguration(fileserver_xml.getInputStream());
Server server = (Server)configuration.configure();
It sounds like you need to restructure your jetty.xml in any event.

Connecting standalone client to Stateless SessionBean in Glassfish 3

I've followed the instructions here to create a client to a remote SessionBean. I run the client on the same machine that Glassfish 3.1.2 beta is running on. When I use the gf-client.jar from the 3.1.2 beta Glassfish I get the following Exception which is the same Exception if I leave the gf-client.jar out of the classpath:
javax.naming.NoInitialContextException: Need to specify class name in environment or system property, or as an applet parameter, or in an application resource file: java.naming.factory.initial
If I use a 3.1.1 gf-client.jar from a Maven repository I get a huge stack trace with complaints about it not being able to find some .jar files from Derby which I'm not even using. Apparently a version mismatch problem.
Has anyone gotten a standalone client to connect to Glassfish 3.1.2 beta? Did this change in JavaEE 6?
Here's the code:
public class LockTestDeadlockService implements LockTestDeadlockServiceI {
public int getP1Id() throws SQLException {
int parentId = -1;
return parentId;
public interface LockTestDeadlockServiceI {
public int getP1Id() throws SQLException;
public void insertChildUpdateParent(int parentId) throws SQLException;
Here's my client:
public class LoadTestClient {
static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(LoadTestClient.class);
public static void main(String[] args) {
String jndiName = "java:global/locktest-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT/LockTestDeadlockService";
try {
LockTestDeadlockServiceI lockTestService =
(LockTestDeadlockServiceI) new InitialContext().lookup(jndiName);"Got lockTestService Remote Interface");
} catch (NamingException e) {"Failed to get lockTestService Remote Interface: " + e);
The short answer is that to connect to GF 3.x from a client, you need a mini-glassfish install via the Application Client Container (ACC) using either webstart or the package-appclient script. Open up the gf-client.jar and look at its classpath in the manifest file. There are a ton of files listed in there. This was similar in GF 2.x, but it seemed to need less dependencies on the client (though it was 15MB with that version).
See these:
Create an "Application Client" with Maven in Java EE
With which maven dependencies can i create a standalone JMS client for Glassfish?

Shorten path of REST service in JBoss Seam application

I'm pretty new to JBoss and Seam. My project has a REST service of the style
public class MediaService {
public Response getTest() throws Exception {
String result = "this works";
ResponseBuilder builder = Response.ok(result);
I can reach this at http://localhost:8080/application/resource/rest/media/test. However, I don't like this URL at all and would prefer something much shorter like http://localhost:8080/application/test.
Can you please point me in the right direction on how to configure the application correctly? (Developing using Eclipse)
web.xml will contain seam resource servlet mapping , this should be modified to /*, and if you have more configuration to the path it will be in components.xml ,if it is resteasy seam is configured to use, it will look like the following
<resteasy:application resource-path-prefix="/rest"/>