java ee lookup ejbs from from different app - rest

Java EE Tutorial is not helpful at all. Internet search was underwhelming.
I have an EJB module that is deployed to glassfish by itself. It has #Local and #Remote annotated iterfaces which are both implemented by the concrete class.
Then i have a REST resource that needs to get a reference to that ejb module and invoke some methods.
Can you give me a barebones, simple example of how that is done? I mean, i can't even inject SessionContext into my rest app, as it crashes... Please, keep it simple.
The ejb should just have a:
public String getMsg(){
return "ohai";
The rest service:
public String asd(){
return <the myterious ejb that was injected somehow>.getMsg();

Alright, i figured it out. Using NetBeans, but probably applicable to Eclipse. Server - glassfish
Create webapp, an EJB -> call EJB from webapp. All these run inside the same server as separate modules.
First: create an EJB module, it will be deployed on its own:
remote interface:
package main;
import javax.ejb.Remote;
public interface YourRemoteInterface{
public String tellMeSomething();
public void otherMethod(); //etc...
then create the EJB implementation class:
concrete implementation
package main;
import javax.ejb.Remote;
import javax.ejb.Stateless;
import javax.ejb.EJB; //crucial to JNDI lookup
#EJB(name="java:global:/MYSTUFF", beanInterface=YourRemoteInterface.class)
public class YourConcreteClass implements YourRemoteInterface{
public String tellMeSomething(){//...} //and do the other methods
#EJB name attribute names your bean, that you will use to look it up. Can by any name. For ex: "some-name", or "java:global/YourConcreteClass"
Part two - webapp:
For web app i used a rest service, but surely can be another EJB or a SE client app. For SE client you'd need to set connection info, but that for another life.
public class Service{
public String qwe(){
javax.naming.InitialCOntext ic = new javax.naming.InitialContext();
YourRemoteInterface rb = (YourRemoteInterface)ic.lookup("java:global:/MYSTUFF");
return rb.tellMeSomething();
} catch (Exception ex) {
return "F*uck your life";
Now, from Project Properties of your webapp, you need to:
1) add the ejb jar file to Libraries so it shows in the Compile tab. I used the "Add project" button
2) Build -> Packaging: add the ejb jar file to WAR content. I used "Add file/folder", where i navigated to NetBeans projects / the EJB module / build / dist
note: you may experience an error when trying to deploy the ejb, or redeploy it. Error name is: java.lang.RuntimeException: Error while binding JNDI name main.RemoteInterface#main.RemoteInterface for EJB RemoteBean . Skipping the vague explanation, to cure it, you need to execute a command in glassfish:
asadmin set"true"
Now, you can compile the webapp and deploy it. Should work.
At the end it's that simple. I swear i've eaten the WHOLE ejb section in glassfish tutorial and nowhere do they tell you this stuff. It's so annoying.


How do I access DispatcherServlet with MockMvc?

I have a basic SpringMVC Application which is running (and mapping) fine.
Now I wanted to set up my UnitTests with MockMvc to perform get requests and stuff.
But if I run the test there is an AssertionError "Status expected: <200> but was: <404>" and my console gives warning "No mapping found for HTTP request with URI [/] in DispatcherServlet with name ''".
I get the feeling my MockMvc cant communicate with my DispatcherServlet, so how do I define this connection?
Here is my short test class:
public class HomeControllerTest {
private MockMvc mvc;
private WebApplicationContext wac;
public void setup() throws ServletException {
mvc = MockMvcBuilders.webAppContextSetup(wac).build();
public void testLandingPagePath() throws Exception {
So I expected MockMvc to get the location of my DispatcherServlet by default. But it actually doesn't call it for mapping.
I have my "web.xml" and "dispatcher-servlet.xml" located in "WEB-INF" folder and no extra configuration defined.
I got the feeling the problem is based on my project structure, but this is a basic eclipse "Dynamic Web Application", the tests are located in "src/test/java", parallel to "src/main/java".
I appreciate any help, since I spend last 2 hours on reading for solutions but not getting the trick.
After some more time I got things right now:
There is still no way for me to access the dispatcher-servlet.xml in WEB-INF folder. I added a new "config" package to my test-package in parallel to my "controller" test package and put a copy of the dispatcher-servlet.xml in there, called "test-dispatcher-servlet.xml".
Now my test class is able to access this with
public class HomeControllerTest {
Hope this can help others who start with spring mvc testing :-)

Wildfly 10 JAX-RS REST Service is not working - Result 404 not found

I want to create a simple JAX-RS REST Service for Wildfly 10. My issue is that my REST Service is not found. Result in browser is 404 not found. I am not sure what exactly the issue is. I get no error or exception in wildfly log file. I am using eclipse neon 3 and wildfly 10. My project is using JAX-RS not resteasy.
Here my project setup and code:
I have created a Dynamic Web Project in Eclipse.
I have set JAX-RS(REST Service) support in the project facets. JAX-RS version is 2.0 (also tried with version 1.1)
I have create a subclass which extends Application (
I added the annotation #ApplicationPath("/yoshi-rest") to the class which extends Application.
I have created a class which contains my rest service method. The class itself has the #Path("/StatusService") annotation.
The affected method has the annotations #Get and #Path("/getStatus").
Due to I have the subclass of Application I didn't set the servlet mapping in web.xml.
Here the code:
Subclass of Application(RESTConfig):
public class RESTConfig extends Application {
REST Service class(StatusService):
public class StatusService {
public String getStatus() {
return "Yoshi is up and running";
I can see during startup of wildfly that the subclass RESTConfig is deployed:
11:09:23,777 INFO [org.jboss.resteasy.resteasy_jaxrs.i18n] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 61) RESTEASY002225: Deploying class
If I call the rest service url (http://localhost:8080/yoshi-rest/StatusService/getStatus) in browser, I get a '404 - Not found' as result.
Any idea what I am doing wrong?
You need to register service to connect to your RESTConfig:
public class RESTConfig extends ResourceConfig {
public RESTConfig() {
See more on ResourceConfig configuration options
Standard JAX-RS uses an Application as its configuration class. ResourceConfig extends Application.
Putting the project name in the url solved the issue.
Thanks for help.

JAX-RS service as #Stateless EJB : NameNotFoundException

I try to build a Java EE 7 app with Rest services and EJB injection.
I created a multi module maven project which I deploy on Glassfish 4. My final EAR contain a JAR with my EJBs, with for example my Rest services definitions :
public class CountryRest {
//StockService stockService;
public Response getCountries() {
//stockService.getAll(); --> firing a NPE, stockService is Null
return Response.ok().build();
public class StockService implements IStockService {
public List<Stock> getAllStock() {
return new ArrayList<Stock>();
When I deploy my app, I see the following logs which seems ok. Even if I wonder why it defines "java:global" JNDI since by default #Stateless EJB is #Local :
Portable JNDI names for EJB CountryRest: [java:global/GeoData-ear/GeoData-ejb-1.0-SNAPSHOT/CountryRest, java:global/GeoData-ear/GeoData-ejb-1.0-SNAPSHOT/CountryRest!]
Portable JNDI names for EJB StockService: [java:global/GeoData-ear/GeoData-ejb-1.0-SNAPSHOT/StockService, java:global/GeoData-ear/GeoData-ejb-1.0-SNAPSHOT/StockService!]
Then when I'm doing a GET on /rest/countries, the status is 200 as expected but I have a NameNotFoundException / NamingException :
Avertissement: An instance of EJB class,, could not be looked up using simple form name. Attempting to look up using the fully-qualified form name.
javax.naming.NamingException: Lookup failed for 'java:module/CountryRest' in SerialContext[myEnv={java.naming.factory.initial=com.sun.enterprise.naming.impl.SerialInitContextFactory,, java.naming.factory.url.pkgs=com.sun.enterprise.naming} [Root exception is javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: No object bound to name java:module/CountryRest]
I see that the lookup for "java:module/ContryRest" is not matching "java:global/.../CountryRest" but what am I doing wrong ?
EDIT 1 : I was able to make #Ejb injection work by placing my Rest definitions ans EJBs in my webapp maven module deploy as a WAR. So it seems that the problem occur only when I deploy my EJB in a JAR. Any idea ? What could be the difference between JAR and WAR deployment ?
It is required by the JAX-RS spec that all REST endpoints must live within your WAR file. Do you really need an EAR file?

Injecting EJB within JAX-RS resource in JBoss 5

Although there already are quite some StackOverflow questions, blog entries, etc. on the web, I still cannot figure out a solution to the problem stated below.
Similar to this question (Injecting EJB within JAX-RS resource on JBoss7) I'd like to inject a EJB instance into a JAX-RS class. I tried with JBoss 5, JBoss 7, and WildFly 8. I either get no injection at all (field is null), or the server does not deploy (as soon as I try to combine all sorts of annotations).
Adding #Stateless to the JAX-RS makes the application server know both classes as beans. However, no injection takes place.
Is there a way to inject EJBs into a REST application? What kind of information (in addition to that contained in the question linked to above) could I provide to help?
EDIT: I created a Github project showing code that works (with Glassfish 4.0) and does not work (with JBoss 5).
Commit 4bf2f3d23f49d106a435f068ed9b30701bbedc9d works using Glassfish
Commit 50d137674e55e1ceb512fe0029b9555ff7c2ec21 uses Jersey 1.8, which does not work.
Commit 86004b7fb6263d66bda7dd302f2d2a714ff3b939
uses Jersey 2.6, which also does not work.
Running the Code which I tried on JBoss 5 on Glassfish 4.0 gives:
Exception while loading the app : CDI deployment failure:WELD-001408 Unsatisfied dependencies for type [Ref<ContainerRequest>] with qualifiers [#Default] at injection point [[BackedAnnotatedParameter] Parameter 1 of [BackedAnnotatedConstructor] #Inject org.glassfish.jersey.server.internal.routing.UriRoutingContext(Ref<ContainerRequest>, ProcessingProviders)]
org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DeploymentException: WELD-001408 Unsatisfied dependencies for type [Ref<ContainerRequest>] with qualifiers [#Default] at injection point [[BackedAnnotatedParameter] Parameter 1 of [BackedAnnotatedConstructor] #Inject org.glassfish.jersey.server.internal.routing.UriRoutingContext(Ref<ContainerRequest>, ProcessingProviders)]
at org.jboss.weld.bootstrap.Validator.validateInjectionPointForDeploymentProblems(
EDIT3: The crucial information might be that I'd like a solution that works on JBoss 5
If you don't want to make your JAX-RS resource an EJB too (#Stateless) and then use #EJB or #Resource to inject it, you can always go with JNDI lookup (I tend to write a "ServiceLocator" class that gets a service via its class.
A nice resource to read about the topic:
A sample code:
try {
// 1. Retreive the Home Interface using a JNDI Lookup
// Retrieve the initial context for JNDI. // No properties needed when local
Context context = new InitialContext();
// Retrieve the home interface using a JNDI lookup using
// the java:comp/env bean environment variable // specified in web.xml
helloHome = (HelloLocalHome) context.lookup("java:comp/env/ejb/HelloBean");
//2. Narrow the returned object to be an HelloHome object. // Since the client is local, cast it to the correct object type.
//3. Create the local Hello bean instance, return the reference
hello = (HelloLocal)helloHome.create();
} catch(NamingException e) {
} catch(CreateException e) {
This is not "injecting" per-se, but you don't use "new" as-well, and you let the application server give you an instance which is managed.
I hope this was useful and I'm not telling you something you already know!
This is an excellent example:
As you stated in your comment, you'd like to inject it via annotations.
If the JNDI lookup is currently working for you without problems, and
If you're using Java EE 6+ (which I'm guessing you are), you can do the following:
#EJB(lookup = "jndi-lookup-string-here")
private RemoteInterface bean;

Configuring one ear to call remote ejb3 on another ear in JBoss

I am new to EJB3 and am missing something when it comes to accessing a #Remote #Stateless bean deployed as an ejb module inside an ear file. I want to access a remote bean in lima.ear from soup.ear.
Here is what I am doing now (somewhat abbreviated):
//deployed under lima.ear
public interface LimaBean {
String sayName();
I want to put LimaBean in the Soup:
//deployed in soup.ear
public class Soup implements SoupLocal {
private LimaBean limaBean;
public String taste() {
return limaBean.sayName();
When I start JBoss I get the following error:
java.lang.RuntimeException: could not resolve global JNDI name for #EJB for container Soup: reference class: com.example.LimaBean ejbLink: not used by any EJBs
I have had a hard time finding out what this ejbLink is about, if that is the right path to go down.
If I deploy LimaBean as a jar file in jboss then everything works great!
I ran accross an article that had a section called "2.5.3. References between beans in different jars and different ears"
Example of jboss.xml file for SB_BrowseRegions:
If I touch the soup.ear, after JBoss starts up then it deploys fine, so I am assuming I need to specify a dependency like the above article says.
But even after it deploys then I get an error when accessing the remote LimaBean:
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Can not set com.soup.LimaBean field com.soup.Soup.limaBean to $Proxy147
at sun.reflect.UnsafeFieldAccessorImpl.throwSetIllegalArgumentException(
at sun.reflect.UnsafeFieldAccessorImpl.throwSetIllegalArgumentException(
at sun.reflect.UnsafeObjectFieldAccessorImpl.set(
at java.lang.reflect.Field.set(
at org.jboss.injection.JndiFieldInjector.inject(
... 49 more
I have tried a few things but, if anyone can point me in the right direction about this I would appreciate it.
It looks like the JNDI properties need to be set as if it were a remote client outside of the app server because of the ear isolation we have setup.
properties.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, url);
InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext(properties);
Just specify the URL for the InitialContext and that should do the trick.