iPhone SDK - gdata oauth - iphone

I am about to build an application in iPhone which uses gmail. I am new to web application. I know a bit how to authenticate using OAuth and the process of OAuth. But I dont know where to find the OAuth libraries for gmail. Please, I need a guidance to get the OAuth for gmail. Thanks in advance.

Check the following link:


How to logout of Facebook and Gmail with api during native app automation?

I'm automating native iOS app with Appium. Which has scenarios related to connect with facebook or gmail.
As base state, I want to make sure user has logged out of facebook and gmail.
Please let me know if this is possible with api calls?
Thanks & Regards,
Same issue here.
Workaround: As a precondition, open the safari browser on device and logout. Use SafariLaucher https://github.com/budhash/SafariLauncher, create webapp steps to logout in BeforeClass/Method.

Twitter login in Phone Gap for Ios

I am new in application development and recently while working in my application which is in PhoneGap (Cordova 2.5) i need twitter login for my app.
I have googled for this and what I got is
but in github all the info is not given so that I can run my app for twitter login .
Is there anyone who could help me to create twitter login in PhoneGap??
Do some reading on OAuth. Implementing OAuth authentication on your own is not that bad. Although, Twitter uses OAuth 1, not OAuth 2, so that might make it a little more tricky. If I had more PhoneGap experience, I could could provide more direct answers, but I've only done native development. Best of luck.

OAuth Authentication Iphone

I am doing an iPhone app which requires OAuth 2.0 protocol to be implemented for the login of the user to a particular website. I have the client id and client secret which i got after registering my application on the website. I would like to know a few things about this.
I saw a number of links regarding this. But yet in my head I'm not very sure of whether i need to use OAuth classes or OAuth consumer classes?
Is authentication of the user possible in OAuth without sending the email id and password of the user in a query string?
Is is possible to load the website in a uiwebview and login to the website and get the user credentials for the further screen functionalities.
This is the first kind of such an app I'm developing. It would be great if someone could help me out so that i can know clearly how i should go about.
EDIT: if there any good tutorials for achieving Login to a website using OAuth please do share.
Thanks in advance
OAuth spec and documentations
OAuth 1.0 protocol: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc5849
OAuth 2.0 protocol: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc6749
SDKs for OAuth on iOS
YToolkit (OAuth 1.0 & 2.0)
Source on GitHub
OAuthConsumer (OAuth 2.0)
Source on Google Code
LROAuth2Client (OAuth 2.0)
Source on GitHub
Simple document
Demo project
MPOAuthConnection (OAuth 1.0)
Source on GitHub
(Speaking of "a particular website", does it have official or third-party SDK for iOS? If yes then you don't need to implement OAuth authorization yourself.)
You can find a good tutorial on OAuth Tutorial.
This tutorial is a for MAC applications and uses Google OAuthCustomer library.
OAuthCustomer related readings and source codes can be find within the below URLs
Google OAuthCustomer
Sample Application
Make sure to remove non ARC stuff from the OAuthCustomer Library files for iOS applications

OAuth for iPhone SDK

I have project which wants to login with OAuth authentication link the twitter and Facebook OAuth. Is there any library available for OAuth in IOS for the login purpose. If any one know how to do or where to get this library please help me. I tried a lot to create a library with the help of twitter OAuth, but no luck.
i got the library f oAuth in iPhone application .this the link for svn,you cn copy paste this svn link to mac terminal and enter,it will utmaticlly download the entire library in your system
svn checkout http://mpoauthconnection.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ mpoauthconnection-read-only

How to implement Google credentials from my iPhone application

I have to inplement Google credentials from my iPhone application.
Can anyone suggest the solution for this?
Take a look at gdata-objectivec-client. It supports, amongst many other things,:
Google ClientLogin authentication