OAuth for iPhone SDK - iphone

I have project which wants to login with OAuth authentication link the twitter and Facebook OAuth. Is there any library available for OAuth in IOS for the login purpose. If any one know how to do or where to get this library please help me. I tried a lot to create a library with the help of twitter OAuth, but no luck.

i got the library f oAuth in iPhone application .this the link for svn,you cn copy paste this svn link to mac terminal and enter,it will utmaticlly download the entire library in your system
svn checkout http://mpoauthconnection.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ mpoauthconnection-read-only


Facebook Login with WebWorks

I have been trying for some days now to login to facebook via a webworks application, I undesrtand that the FB.login can't work beacuse of a popup, and the oauth login has to go through a web server, I am currently trying to implement this plugin
but the readme file isn't really clear about how to implement, I understand that you need an ext directory in the app folder but not sure if I need to add something to the config.xml file or to any other.
Please help!
I created some examples of how to integrate your app with Facebook, Twitter, and foursquare via OAuth. They're targeted for BlackBerry 10, but should work on earlier versions as well.
Note: I'll be updating them (for BlackBerry 10) to make use of the new ChildBrowser API.
OAuth Samples are available on GitHub # https://github.com/ctetreault/BB10-WebWorks-Samples

Twitter+linkedin Issue in IPhone?

I have an application with facebook,twitter and linkedin integrating to it.But when i am using twitter and linkedin it is causing some problem.I found some results in stack saying
remove the library files of linkedin sdk and add the source files of it with oAuth files from twiiter sdk then it works ok for linkedin
then I integrate all twitter code then project run ok without error but for twitter login interface it shows "PAGE NOT FOUND"
But then Notice that I have given the same key and secret to both linkedin and twitter after changing them it solved
But can u please suggest how to do this.it is so confusing.thats why i am going for a clear picture.Any help will be greatly appreciated?
Instead of integrating Facebook & Twiter into you application seperately, you can use ShareKit. It supports:
Google Reader
Read It Later
Get the code from GitHub.
I have no idea about LinkedIn.

creating "login using facebook" in blackberry app

I have been researching a lot on implementing logging into my blackberry app using facebook login. I have downloaded the latest BlackBerry Facebook SDK from Sourceforge. I received two jar files and a "not at all useful" readme.pdf. Can somebody kindly tell me how do I use these jar files in my app? I am creating a game app for BlackBerry and I want to give the user, an option of logging in using his/her fb account. I went through that strawberry program classes but I could not find source helping me to login. I have implemented FB in android as well. and it works fine.
Briefing again
1) Help me out with Login using fb account for BlackBerry(using the jar files)
2) Any tutorial link or pdf giving a detailed explanation about using BB FB SDK.
FYI, I am using SDK version 0.8.25. Here is the link for list of different versions https://facebook-bb-sdk.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/facebook-bb-sdk/tags/
Check ShowUserScreen class in the strawBerry App,there it will be go thr showuserAsync(),which will somehow invoke the browserfield,and after it will ask login option,and after enter the user and password,it will get thr Fb account,and you will get Information.

iPhone SDK - gdata oauth

I am about to build an application in iPhone which uses gmail. I am new to web application. I know a bit how to authenticate using OAuth and the process of OAuth. But I dont know where to find the OAuth libraries for gmail. Please, I need a guidance to get the OAuth for gmail. Thanks in advance.
Check the following link:

How to set up my iphone application with twitter?

How to Set up my application with twitter and then register the application with twitter so that people can send tweets from my app.
Please, can anybody help me in resolving this problem.
OAuth is a pain in the butt. Thankfully, Twitter-OAuth-iPhone combines both MGTwitterEngine by Matt Gemmel and OAuthConsumer (which makes MGTwitterEngine connect to Twitter using OAuth — basic authentification will eventually be taken down by Twitter). The package features a pretty simple example, too.
Don't forget you'll need to register your app as an oauth-client with Twitter to get your API key and secret, which authenticates your app with Twitter OAuth.
You could use MGTwitterEngine by Matt Gemmel. Here's a version and a tutorial with built in OAuthConsumer Library!
Checkout this free open source Twitter client made for iPhone.. it implements OAuth authentication and API calls for accessing all timelines:
Its a git repository. To download it to your mac, install a git client, and then open up a terminal and type:
git clone http://github.com/takuma104/ntlniph
Next open up this project, go to Project > Edit Project Settings. Select the Build tab, and select the iPhone SDK you are using from your list. Select Build > Run and you should be good to go.
I've studied this code very extensively for a similar client I had to build. Let me know if you have any questions on which files to use.
I think it's explained in Twitter api docs and there's a link in faq - see link in http://dev.twitter.com/pages/api_faq#attribution