How to implement Google credentials from my iPhone application - iphone

I have to inplement Google credentials from my iPhone application.
Can anyone suggest the solution for this?

Take a look at gdata-objectivec-client. It supports, amongst many other things,:
Google ClientLogin authentication


IOS linkedin integration (Send Connection Request, Search People)

I'm using the linkedin OAuth sdk.
I have the oauth functionality working and my iPhone App is able to successfully logged in to LinkedIn.
i want to implement these two things.
I want to search people using the JSON protocol.
I want to send connection request people which i got from search.
Please provide me assistance asap. suggest me Sample codes if any.
thanks in advance.
I couldn't offer you specific answer for your question, but you should check on this open-source project.
LinkedIn Share for iOS

OAuth integration in iphone app

I have one problem regarding OAuth integration in iPhone App.
Can anyone help me how to integrate OAuth 2.0 with facebook in iPhone ?
I have referred so many sites about OAuth but I haven't got satisfied answer yet. I referred this question of stackoverflow. There is one good option about ShareKit. But my client wants only OAuth 2.0.
I downloaded framework from google code. I integrated it in my application. But How to use it ? Without guidance I can't implement it in proper way.
I have got stuck between my application and 0Auth 2.0 since last 3 days. Please can anyone give me idea or demo project or any another tutorial ?
Rather than implement OAuth for Facebook, make use of the Facebook iOS SDK which makes handling Facebook Auth and Requests much easier. You can read about it and download it here...
I just done a research
This post will really help you
Also please look at the below posts
OAuth and Facebook iPhone SDK
The framework you mentioned in your post is not for OAuth 2, but for OAuth 1.0a.
You can try the OAuth2Client we developed for talking to the SoundCloud API. It's build against draft 10 of the spec. I'm not sure which one is used by Facebook. Unfortunately the spec is not final yet and over the years different services adopted different drafts of the spec.
If you're able to argue with your client I'd try to convince him to let you go with the official iOS SDK. This gives you many benefits like automatic token refresh, single sign on via the official app & much more.

IOS Good practise to login using facebook and twitter

we are developing a platform with web and one iphone application. We have our own system for authentication but we want to improve it in order to support facebook and twitter login.
Through the web we haven't any problems, but through the mobile application we don't know how to manage correctly the facebook login and we don't find any tutorial or cookbook that explains what are the steps to do it in a good way.
Should the iphone application request the token from facebook and then send it to the server? Or is better take the facebook_id and then send it? Since we don't want to have two different accounts for the same person, is it necessary to check if the emails is already in database?
Any help would be much appreciate or at least one guide / tutorial in order to read about this topic.
"Any help would be much appreciate or at least one guide / tutorial in order to read about this topic."
For the Facebook authentication for iOS, see:

iPhone SDK - gdata oauth

I am about to build an application in iPhone which uses gmail. I am new to web application. I know a bit how to authenticate using OAuth and the process of OAuth. But I dont know where to find the OAuth libraries for gmail. Please, I need a guidance to get the OAuth for gmail. Thanks in advance.
Check the following link:

Facebook and Twitter API help for Iphone SDK

Im trying to implement Facebook and twitter into my app, anyone link a place with a good step by step for each.
I have tried several on various sites and youtube, and all have made my app crash. Any help would be appreciated thanks.
One place to start might be using ShareKit:
That bundles together a lot of social platform updates in something easy to integrate. I think you can customize it beyond what is there.
Don't forget you'll need application ID's for each service you intend to link to - you need to create a twitter and Facebook app account.
For twitter I use cocoa built in
for iOS apps.
USE MGTwitter Engine to use twitter api in iphone.and PlainOauth library..It can be downloaded from githubsite..