Converting video to .mp4 format within the app before uploading to server - iphone

Can u help me in this issue ? I am recording videos through my appliction.Is it posiible to record the video in the mp4 format or otherwise i need to convert it to .mp4 format recording it in default format before uploading it to the server? Is there any possibilities to convert the video to .mp4 format through coding, if possible please post a sample for it.

See Using FFMPEG library with iPhone SDK for video encoding


How can you play a .wmv file in Flutter web?

I am creating a video player that supports video from multiple formats and i cant play video from .wmv format.
So when i try to run .wmv file in different video player packages, formats like(mp4,3gp..) supports except .wmv file and it says "Track cant be played". Any idea on how to do is appreciated. Thank you.
The .wmv format is not supported on a lot of browsers. You'll probably have to just scrap the idea of including that format.

How to convert itunes music files in to a low bandwidth PCM for uploading

i will like to convert itunes music files in to a low bandwidth PCM for uploading.
How to convert m4a file to aac adts file in Xcode?
Real-time converting the PCM buffer to AAC data for iOS using Remote IO and Audio Convert Service
iOS: Create an MP3 on device
i saw a few threads but not too sure how do i go about it. Could anyone provide me a tutorial link please ?
any comment are greatly appreciated.
The easiest way to convert your audio files is by using the EXTAudioFileConvert API from Apple.
Tutorial on using the EXTAudioFileConvert can be found at: Easy AAC compressed audio conversion on iOS.

Uploading a large AVCHD video file to facebook

What is the best way to upload a ~700MB of AVCHD (1080p, 50fps) video file to facebook to get the best performance?
Uploading it the regular way gets video and audio out of sync, and the video appears "stuttering"...
Maybe convert it to so some sort of format?
user handbrake ( to convert it into mp4 format (the normal preset).

http live streaming for mp3 files

I need help in converting mp3 files to Apples Http Live Streaming protocol files. I am working on a music application and wants to use Live streaming in this app.
I got this link from google but it contains how to live stream video files.
Can anybody help me with mp3 files.
With ffmpeg you're also able to convert mp3-files only (no video).
Just use:
ffmpeg -i yourmp3.mp3 ...your arguments... output.mp3
To add to Tim's answer, HLS supports mp3 codec. So if your audio is already in mp3, all you would need is the segmenter

how to convert data to mp4 format

in my apps im able downloaded a short video file from my server using NSURLConnection but the data i received is in data format which cannot be played using MPMoviePlayerViewController. My question is: it is possible to convert NSdata to mp4 file? and how do i play it using MPMoviePlayerViewController. would really appreciate some code snippets cos i'm at a lost. Thanks in advance.
Look at AVAssetWriter. This allows you to encode image frames and audio into a MOV or MP4 file using hardware-accelerated methods where possible.