How can you play a .wmv file in Flutter web? - flutter

I am creating a video player that supports video from multiple formats and i cant play video from .wmv format.
So when i try to run .wmv file in different video player packages, formats like(mp4,3gp..) supports except .wmv file and it says "Track cant be played". Any idea on how to do is appreciated. Thank you.

The .wmv format is not supported on a lot of browsers. You'll probably have to just scrap the idea of including that format.


How can i create a video file with a bunch of image directories?

I have an NSMutableArray which there are image paths in it. I want to combine them into a video file. Is there any way to do that? I've searched it but i couldn't find any spesific answer.
The FFmpeg library can convert image-sequences into videos.
Compile FFmpeg for iOS and run FFmpeg through NSTask.
Two related questions to get you started:
Image sequence to video quality
Using FFMPEG library with iPhone SDK for video encoding

iphone dev creating .mov or .wmv file from images

I want to create physical .mov or .wmv file from sequence of images for an iphone app, means user will provide me with some images and i will create a video for the user, and if user wants .mov or may be .wmv file, then in that case i will create a video file for the user, and i also want to add sound in that file, now i have searched a lot for this but didn't find anything very use full, can any one tell me is there any tutorial or help full material to do this, or provide me some guidance for how to go about this, thanx and regards Saad

HTML5 video player on iPad

Does the HTML5 video player on the iPad Safari have the capability to play equivalent Flash content ?
Since the iPad does not have Flash support, is there any way by which the same content can be converted into an HTML5 format (something which can be played on the iPad) ? If yes, does HTML5 support creation of highly complex Flash like content ?
I see this as two questions:
Since the iPad does not have Flash support, is there any way by which the same content can be converted into an HTML5 format (something which can be played on the iPad) ?
By the same token that you can take a video and convert it to .flv format, you can (and will need to) convert the video to mp4/m4v/h.264 codec format. A tutorial for converting a video to h.264 with Handbrake is found here:
Please note that your server may need to have the filetype identified to properly serve video. A quick description of adding Mime types to Apache is found here:
If yes, does HTML5 support creation of highly complex Flash like content ?
Yes, you can do much of what can be done with Flash with HTML5. To see great examples of all the things currently being done with HTML5 (using mostly <Canvas>), see:
This is a pretty good article on the topic as far as video is concerned:
If you are looking for a solution for interactive content have a look at
Flash plays MP4 video files.
HTML5 video can also play MP4 video files (except on Firefox which requires WebM or Ogg).
So basically the answer is: Yes.

Converting video to .mp4 format within the app before uploading to server

Can u help me in this issue ? I am recording videos through my appliction.Is it posiible to record the video in the mp4 format or otherwise i need to convert it to .mp4 format recording it in default format before uploading it to the server? Is there any possibilities to convert the video to .mp4 format through coding, if possible please post a sample for it.
See Using FFMPEG library with iPhone SDK for video encoding

http live streaming for mp3 files

I need help in converting mp3 files to Apples Http Live Streaming protocol files. I am working on a music application and wants to use Live streaming in this app.
I got this link from google but it contains how to live stream video files.
Can anybody help me with mp3 files.
With ffmpeg you're also able to convert mp3-files only (no video).
Just use:
ffmpeg -i yourmp3.mp3 ...your arguments... output.mp3
To add to Tim's answer, HLS supports mp3 codec. So if your audio is already in mp3, all you would need is the segmenter