http live streaming for mp3 files - iphone

I need help in converting mp3 files to Apples Http Live Streaming protocol files. I am working on a music application and wants to use Live streaming in this app.
I got this link from google but it contains how to live stream video files.
Can anybody help me with mp3 files.

With ffmpeg you're also able to convert mp3-files only (no video).
Just use:
ffmpeg -i yourmp3.mp3 ...your arguments... output.mp3

To add to Tim's answer, HLS supports mp3 codec. So if your audio is already in mp3, all you would need is the segmenter


Using MP4 file in M3u8 file

I would like to use MP4 file/link in m3u8 file. The reason I would like to do this is because I would like to start m3u8 link at specific time. Is this possible?
No, HLS only supports segmented transport streams in an m3u8 playlist. You may find it to work in some players, but it is not part of the standard, and will not work in iOS.

IPhone Video Streaming Problem

I want to implement video streaming in my project. So, Is there any tutorial that works? Videos are stored at server side. So, to fetch video using url and play it on MPMoviePlayerViewController .
Thank You.
For video streaming in iPhone you can use ffmpeg concept.FFmpeg is a complete, cross-platform solution to record, convert and stream audio and video. It includes libavcodec - the leading audio/video codec library.Have a look at these sites for samples,
Check this solution, it's a full audio and video streamer.

Can we stream only flash videos throught RTMP?

I am planning to use Red5 streaming server. The documentation says it uses only RTMP - I am confused if I can stream media in formats other than flash.
Is it possible to stream MP4 / RM / AVI files through RTMP - or rather Red5 ?
Thanks !
Please take a look at the red5 google site, from there you can learn, that Red5
is able to stream not only over RTMP
but also RTMPT, RTMPS, and RTMPE
protocols, and
can stream not only FLV but also F4V,
MP4, 3GP, MP3, F4A, M4A and AAC media
For RM and AVI you must use a converter to create the appropriate streamable formats. The best way in my opinion to do so is using ffmpeg.
If you need to convert media on the fly, you can use ffmpeg from your java classes. It's easy and offers a large list of parameters 'guaranteeing' that you'll get what you need.

Can MPMoviePlayerController play SMI files?

Can a MPMoviePlayerView play a .smi file? If not, is there any other way to play this type of file?
Unfortunaly, there's no way to play that format on iOS. It only supports mp4/m4v (h264) video format with AAC audio codec.
You should try to convert it into those supported formats.
Also, take a look at HTTP Live Streaming.
HTTP Live Streaming, FFMPEG & FFSERVER, and iPhone OS 3

Open Source program for converting wave files for RTMP streaming

Can anyone suggest any open source linux program for converting .wav files to flash format for RTMP streaming? Does RTMP support any format other than flash?
Flash Media Server supports three audio formats for streaming: Nellymoser, MP3, and ACC. You also can play MP3 files directly from the Flash Player view HTTP download, you don't really need to use RTMP (which is more advantageous for video due to higher bitrate).
Here's a good article on streaming audio with FMS:
For conversion, you can use ffmpeg.
You can stream via the CRTMP server to flash clients. VLC can play RTMP streams.