iPhone twitter integration: NSXMLParserDelegate protocol not found error - iphone

Im very new to iPhone programming, and am facing this really weird issue with importing the Twitter+OAuth libraries for implementing some basic twitter integration into my program.
My SDK is iPhone 3.1.3. After i drag-drop the twitter+oauth library, i add the header path and the library search path
[$(SDKROOT)\usr...whatever as i found in this tutorial ]
I then added the libxml2.dylib framework to the project. When i compile the project, i get six errors, all the same from different .h files that say
"NSXMLParserDelegate protocol not found".
Please help! :(

From the documentation of NSXMLParserDelegate
Available in iOS 4.0 and later.
It simply wont work if you are using SDK 3.1.3
See this question for further info


iOS Custom Framework Development?

I am trying to create a framework since I am developing a library.
I have Googled a lot, but didnt find any proper tutorial to create. Please give me some suggestions and steps to be followed to create a iOS framework.
I am Using iOS 6 and XCode 4.5.
I followed this framework tutorial with a lot of success. My callout from the tutorial is that it doesn't specifically mention (from what I recall) building the target, then the bundle before archiving the bundle. I also found it easier to directly copy the archived bundle from its source directory instead of relying on the script.

#import "PhoneGapDelegate.h" error message in phonegap?

Am very new to iPhone development and also am looking to work with PhoneGap Framework to create iPhone apps. I have created HTML, JavaScript in my PhoneGap project. I have imported those files in my project. When i compile my project the XCode shows the below error,
'PhoneGapDelegate.h' file not found
I have searched google to solve this error, but i can't find any single ideas from there. And also am very fresher in development. I have found this below link from google search i don't know how to use this in my project,
In project i don't have any PhoneGap Framework. And I have downloaded the sample app from PhonGap site.
Could you please help me to solve this issue and run the project?
Did you say it was inside a framework? You may need to do something on the lines of
#import <PhoneGap/PhoneGapDelegate.h>

Linking OAuthConsumer to Xcode Project

I want to use OAuth in my iPhone app. I found the OAuthConsummer framework, but after reading the documentation I still don't understand how to add this in Xcode (because of my poor English...).
Firstly, is OAuthConsumer the best way to use OAuth in my iPhone app? Secondly, how do I link the OAuthConsumer framework to my Xcode project?

Facebook API not working perfectly for IOS5

I ve Downloaded Facebook API fro IOS 5....But its showing some errors regrading the memory release...Since apple has introduced autorelease in IOS 5....
I referred this and tried blocking ARC for certain files ,bt it doesn't work for me...
Is there any other methods to stop ARC in IOS 5?
How to overcome this?
Any one plz provide me the link for downloading the Facebook API for IOS 5...
If you use official SDK, you should compile it as a static library, not with your code, and then link your app with that library. You could see how it is done in SDK examples, and also here is some information about building process. Hope it will help.
Here is the link with working Source Code:
Download complete source code from "Source Code/Downloads"

Implementing Cocoa XML-RPC framework for iphone

I have my drupal xml-rpc service setup, and now I want to retrieve content for my iphone app.
I'm attempting to use https://github.com/eczarny/xmlrpc, however I dont know where to begin. How do I add the project to my own project for use? I've added a static library before; is it the same process? Just drag the proj file to my project and add the xml-rpc library?
Any tips would be appreciated.
Try dragging the project file for xmlrpc framework into the code list in XCode for starters. Next make the framework target in the xmlrpc framework a build dependency. Finally add the xmlrpc.framework to your linked frameworks. Exactly how you do this depends on whether you are using XCode 3 or 4