Linking OAuthConsumer to Xcode Project - iphone

I want to use OAuth in my iPhone app. I found the OAuthConsummer framework, but after reading the documentation I still don't understand how to add this in Xcode (because of my poor English...).
Firstly, is OAuthConsumer the best way to use OAuth in my iPhone app? Secondly, how do I link the OAuthConsumer framework to my Xcode project?


Swift library bindings to Xamarin

I am developing a Xamarin.iOS app. Some functionality is not possible for me to do in Xamarin that I have seen that they are able to do in Swift code.
When searching I came across something called "library bindings" and just want to see if I have understood it correctly.
To my understanding, I would be able to download a SDK to a Xcode project, and through binding use that code in my Xamarin app?
For example: Download Facebook Audience Network SDK to Xcode, bind it to Xamarin and then be able to download ads from my Xamarin code?

iOS Custom Framework Development?

I am trying to create a framework since I am developing a library.
I have Googled a lot, but didnt find any proper tutorial to create. Please give me some suggestions and steps to be followed to create a iOS framework.
I am Using iOS 6 and XCode 4.5.
I followed this framework tutorial with a lot of success. My callout from the tutorial is that it doesn't specifically mention (from what I recall) building the target, then the bundle before archiving the bundle. I also found it easier to directly copy the archived bundle from its source directory instead of relying on the script.

iSpeech iPhone SDK for monotouch?

Is there a way to use the iSpeech SDK for iPhone in my monotouch project?
This looks like an ObjectiveC library. The way to use this inside a MonoTouch project is to create .NET bindings for the library.
There's one reference of this already? existing in their forums but I could not google it. You might want to ask them (iSpeech) if they are aware of it before starting your own bindings.

How to integrate twitter to my iphone application

i need to integrate Twitter to my iPhone application. I have tried many 3rd party SDks, but non worked since i have enabled ARC to my project.
1.) So i need to know if there's a Native Twitter API which will be owned by Twitter it self ?
2.) I have tried sharekit, but may i know if there's other 3rd party APIs that i could use to integrate twitter for my application.
note: It should work for both iOS 4.3 and above. Also do not say this question is duplicated (i have looked at other questions but didn't find a solution to my problem yet) :)
i have already looked at this.
If you are using sharekit, be sure to be using sharekit 2.0, it has compatibility with iOS 5.
I recommend you ShareKit because it has a lot of other functionalities that may be useful for you, if you change your mind and give sharekit a second chance, just ask me and I will try to help you.
Also, if you have the ARC activated, I think your application won't have compatibility with iOS 4.3, so think about it. In case you insist in using ARC with 3rd party SDKs, just remove all the "retain", "release" and other expressions that are not allowed with it. XCode will tell you which expressions are not available with ARC.

iPhone twitter integration: NSXMLParserDelegate protocol not found error

Im very new to iPhone programming, and am facing this really weird issue with importing the Twitter+OAuth libraries for implementing some basic twitter integration into my program.
My SDK is iPhone 3.1.3. After i drag-drop the twitter+oauth library, i add the header path and the library search path
[$(SDKROOT)\usr...whatever as i found in this tutorial ]
I then added the libxml2.dylib framework to the project. When i compile the project, i get six errors, all the same from different .h files that say
"NSXMLParserDelegate protocol not found".
Please help! :(
From the documentation of NSXMLParserDelegate
Available in iOS 4.0 and later.
It simply wont work if you are using SDK 3.1.3
See this question for further info