Looking for equivalent Windsor Castle's features in Autofac - autofac

I have been been Windsor Castle IoC container for the last 3 years; I am trying to put together a proof of concept using Autofac and is having trouble finding equivalent Windsor's Castle's features in Autofac.
• In Windsor Castle's IWinsorContainer API, there is a Release method that allow immediate release of a component instance. Is there an equivalent method in Autofac container?
• Windsor Castle has a concept of “pooled” lifestyle, please see the link below. Is there an equivalent in Autofac?
• Windsor Castle’s DynamicProxy provide a way to do method interception. I found the link below and followed Nicholas’s instruction but I am not able to find the IInterceptor interface in AutofacContrib.DynamicProxy2 or the source code that he mentioned.
I would appreciate any information you could provide!

There is no explicit Release in Autofac. Component lifetimes in Autofac are managed by lifetime scopes. The closest you could probably get to explicit release of an object is to make use of the IDisposable support inherent in lifetime scopes.
Say you have a class that implements IDisposable and you register it:
var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
var container = builder.Build();
If you create a lifetime scope from which to resolve the component, then when the lifetime scope is disposed, so is your component:
using(var lifetime = container.BeginLifetimeScope())
var myThing = lifetime.Resolve<IMyDependency>();
// myThing.Dispose() gets called at the end of the using
Alternatively, you may look into owned instances, where you control when IDisposable.Dispose() gets called.
There is no equivalent of the Pooled lifetime in Autofac. You have your choice of...
Per Dependency: Create a new instance each time the component is resolved.
Per Lifetime Scope: Create a new instance once for each owning lifetime scope (like you saw in the above example).
Single Instance: Just create one.
There's a wiki article about the lifetime scopes available here.
You could probably do some custom coding to get pooling to work involving creation of a custom IComponentLifetime implementation and an extension to IRegistrationBuilder so you could do something like...
...but I don't think it'll be a one-or-two-line thing. If you do end up creating it, consider contributing back to AutofacContrib.
The IInterceptor interface is in Castle.Core.dll - Castle.DynamicProxy.IInterceptor - not in AutofacContrib.DynamicProxy2.


IOC vs New guidelines

Recently I was looking at some source code provided by community leaders in their open source implementations. One these projects made use of IOC. Here is sample hypothetical code:
public class Class1
private ISomeInterface _someObject;
public Class1(ISomeInterface someObject)
_someObject = someObject;
// some more code and then
var someOtherObject = new SomeOtherObject();
My question is not about what the IOCs are for and how to use them in technical terms but rather what are the guidelines regarding object creation. All that effort and then this line using "new" operator. I don't quite understand. Which object should be created by IOC and for which ones it is permissible to be created via the new operator?
As a general rule of thumb, if something is providing a service which may want to be replaced either for testing or to use a different implementation (e.g. different authentication services) then inject the dependency. If it's something like a collection, or a simple data object which isn't providing behaviour which you'd ever want to vary, then it's fine to instantiate it within the class.
Usually you use IoC because:
A dependency that can change in the future
To code against interfaces, not concrete types
To enable mocking these dependencies in Unit Testing scenarios
You could avoid using IoC in the case where you don't control the dependency, for example an StringBuilder is always going to be an StringBuilder and have a defined behavior, and you usually don't really need to mock that; while you might want to mock an HttpRequestBase, because it's an external dependency on having an internet connection, for example, which is a problem during unit tests (longer execution times, and it's something out of your control).
The same happens for database access repositories and so on.

Autofac and Quartz.Net Integration

Does anyone have any experience integrating autofac and Quartz.Net? If so, where is it best to control lifetime management -- the IJobFactory, within the Execute of the IJob, or through event listeners?
Right now, I'm using a custom autofac IJobFactory to create the IJob instances, but I don't have an easy way to plug in to a ILifetimeScope in the IJobFactory to ensure any expensive resources that are injected in the IJob are cleaned up. The job factory just creates an instance of a job and returns it. Here are my current ideas (hopefully there are better ones...)
It looks like most AutoFac integrations somehow wrap a ILifetimeScope around the unit of work they create. The obvious brute force way seems to be to pass an ILifetimeScope into the IJob and have the Execute method create a child ILifetimeScope and instantiate any dependencies there. This seems a little too close to a service locator pattern, which in turn seems to go against the spirit of autofac, but it might be the most obvious way to ensure proper handling of a scope.
I could plug into some of the Quartz events to handle the different phases of the Job execution stack, and handle lifetime management there. That would probably be a lot more work, but possibly worth it if it gets cleaner separation of concerns.
Ensure that an IJob is a simple wrapper around an IServiceComponent type, which would do all the work, and request it as Owned<T>, or Func<Owned<T>>. I like how this seems to vibe more with autofac, but I don't like that its not strictly enforceable for all implementors of IJob.
Without knowing too much about Quartz.Net and IJobs, I'll venture a suggestion still.
Consider the following Job wrapper:
public class JobWrapper<T>: IJob where T:IJob
private Func<Owned<T>> _jobFactory;
public JobWrapper(Func<Owned<T>> jobFactory)
_jobFactory = jobFactory;
void IJob.Execute()
using (var ownedJob = _jobFactory())
var theJob = ownedJob.Value;
Given the following registrations:
A job factory could now resolve this wrapper:
var job = _container.Resolve<JobWrapper<SomeJob>>();
Note: a lifetime scope will be created as part of the ownedJob instance, which in this case is of type Owned<SomeJob>. Any dependencies required by SomeJob that is InstancePerLifetimeScope or InstancePerDependency will be created and destroyed along with the Owned instance.
Take a look at https://github.com/alphacloud/Autofac.Extras.Quartz. It also available as NuGet package https://www.nuget.org/packages/Autofac.Extras.Quartz/
I know it a bit late:)

How to carry out custom initialisation with autofac

I'm adding autofac to an existing project and some of the service implementations require their Initialize method to be called and passed configuration information. Currently I'm using the code:
builder.Register(context =>
var service =
new SqlTaxRateProvider(context.Resolve<IUserProvider>());
return service;
which works but I'm still creating the object myself which is what I'm trying to get away from this and allow autofac to handle it for me. Is it possible to configure a post create operation that would carry out the custom initialisation?
To give you an idea of what I'm after ideally this would be the code:
.OnCreated(service=> service.Initialize(config))
I am using Autofac-
.OnActivating(e => e.Instance.Initialize(...))
should do the trick.
You might also investigate the Startable module (see the Startable entry in the Autofac wiki).
Mark's suggestion to do initialisation in the constructor is also a good one. In that case use
.WithParameter(new NamedParameter("config", config))
to merge the config parameter in with the other constructor dependencies.

Autofac Session Scope

I am investigating the use of Autofac in our web application having previously used Castle Windsor in the past.
The thing that I really like with Autofac is being able to express dynamic component construction through lamda expressions, as opposed to creating DependancyResolvers etc. in Windsor.
One scenario I have is that I want a particular component to be registered at ASP.NET session level scope. With Windsor I would create/source a new LifestyleManager, however with Autofac I came up with this:
//Register SessionContext at HTTP Session Level
builder.Register(c =>
HttpContext current = HttpContext.Current;
//HttpContext handes delivering the correct session
Pelagon.Violet.Core.Interfaces.SessionContext instance = current.Session["SessionContext"] as Pelagon.Violet.Core.Interfaces.SessionContext;
if (instance == null)
instance = c.Resolve<Pelagon.Violet.Core.Interfaces.SessionContext>();
current.Session["SessionContext"] = instance;
return instance;
Which at some point I might be able to turn into an extension method. I accept this implemtation will bomb if the HttpContext.Current.Session is null as it should only be used in a web app.
The question is:
What is the best practice for such a registration in Autofac. I have seen a lot of mention about the use of nested containers etc. but no concrete examples, and I am keen to understand what might be wrong with the above approach (only thing I can think of is the automatic disposal stuff).
This looks fine.
Marking the component 'ExternallyOwned()' will ensure that Autofac doesn't call Dispose() on it.
The only gotchas here are that your session-scoped component could resolve dependencies of its own via the current container, and thus hold references to things that may belong to the current request (for instance.) This should be easy to spot in testing though.

Windsor Container: How to specify a public property should not be filled by the container?

When Instantiating a class, Windsor by default treats all public properties of the class as optional dependencies and tries to satisfy them. In my case, this creates a rather complicated circular dependency which causes my application to hang.
How can I explicitly tell Castle Windsor that it should not be trying to satisfy a public property? I assume there must be an attribute to that extent. I can't find it however so please let me know the appropriate namespace/assembly.
If there is any way to do this without attributes (such as Xml Configuration or configuration via code) that would be preferable since the specific library where this is happening has to date not needed a dependency on castle.
You can use the Castle.Core.DoNotWireAttribute attribute to stop a property from being wired up by the IoC container (this is in the Castle.Core assembly, which means your library only needs to take a dependency on the lightweight Castle.Core assembly - if for example you want to use the code without an inversion of control container altogether, or in a different IoC container).
I don't believe there's any way to prevent wiring from occurring in the Xml configuration, but it would be reasonably easy to add support for this - if I had to do this I would probably:
Introduce some kind of attribute on the property declaration in the xml: <myprop wire="false" />
Inherit from PropertiesDependenciesModelInspector, overriding the InspectProperties method to apply some additional logic to identifying which properties should be added as dependencies to the components model (inspecting the model.Configuration for the wire="false" attribute/value pair).
Inherit from DefaultComponentModelBuilder and override the InitializeContributors to include your replacement PropertiesDependenciesModelInspector - or just remove the existing properties contributor and add your own at run time via the AddContributor/RemoveContributor methods.
Replace the ComponentModelBuilder service instance assigned to the kernel of your container.
Another approach which could work for you is to just manually remove the dependencies from the model before any instances of the service are requested ie.
kernel.GetHandler(typeof(MyComponent)).ComponentModel.Dependencies.RemoveAll(d => d.DependencyKey == "PropertyThatShouldNotBeWired");
YMMV with that approach though - especially if you have startable services or other facilities which may be eagerly instantiating your component after it's registered.
I created a facility to help with this:
I do not know which version of Castle you guys were using at that time, but none of the solution mentioned were working. Plus, there is a lot of dead links.
With castle 3.1, here the solution I came up with (thanks to some castle source code digging):
.Properties( propertyInfo => propertyInfo.PropertyType != typeof(MyOtherType)));
The 'Properties' function adds a property filter used by castle when constructing the ComponentModel. In my case, all properties dependency will be satisfied except the property type 'MyOtherType'.
Maybe it will be helpful for someone. In Windsor 4.1 there is PropertiesIgnore method during registration.
Component.For<Role>().LifestyleTransient().PropertiesIgnore((model, propertyInfo) => true)
Class: http://svn.castleproject.org:8080/svn/castle/trunk/Core/Castle.Core/Attributes/DoNotWireAttribute.cs
Test: http://svn.castleproject.org:8080/svn/castle/trunk/InversionOfControl/Castle.Windsor.Tests/IgnoreWireTestCase.cs
This can be achieved by the following code:
var container = new WindsorContainer();
// We don't want to inject properties, only ctors
var propInjector = container.Kernel.ComponentModelBuilder
Source Castle Windsor Documentation
Posted this on the google groups forum too here: http://groups.google.com/group/castle-project-devel/browse_thread/thread/43aa513817bd057a