get the height and width - android-webview

Can I get the hight and width the page web when i enter the Url to the webview for android i need to get the width and hight to this page.

If WebView fits the HTML page in the view to avoid scrolling, then the width and the height of the view applies for the page as well.


How can I set ion-modals height to be equal to its content

I have a modal which should have height based on its content, since content could differ from modal to modal. Modal is shown from bottom of the page and is not full screen.
How can I achieve modal behaviour where modals height is equal to its content. Currently whenever modal is opened I calculate height of modals content and then set modals height to it, but this is very bad IMO since it does this on every modal open. If I set height to something like auto or content-fit it is not shown at all. There must be easier way to do this.

Notification Content Extension Header Height

How can the height of the 'Header' to a content extension be ascertained at run time (including the dismiss button)?
I have a content extension that lazy loads content, and then is dynamically resized by manipulating the preferredContentSize of the View Controller.
The content we need to show could be very long and tall, taller than the screen of the device. The content should not display past the edge of the screen, which would cause the user to scroll. If the content is long and tall we need to take into account the height of the content extension's header and dismiss button to calculate a content size that will fit on the screen. The sizing code could use a magic number for this height <104px, indicated by the red square in the included image>, but it would be better to dynamically calculate it.
From debugging, it's not clear what object I have access to at runtime that will allow me to find the origin of the Notification Content Extension View. Any ideas?

How can I align in Flutter an area at the bottom of screen only if the content above does fit in screen. If not, all content should be scrollable

I would like to have a screen in Flutter with 2 buttons that should always stay at the bottom screen, unless the height of the content above the buttons plus the height of the 2 buttons overflows the screen height, in which case I would like that all content should be scrollable. How can I achieve this?

bootstrap v4 modal height 100% (media-sensitive)

How to set height of modal window min-height 100% via classes? For example, h100 for all screens, and h100-sm-up, h100-md-up?
It looks very well if modal height is as usual, but at mobile it resizes to 100% height.

UIWebView setting custom width for the content

I have the html content for my web view. When I load the content my web view makes the content scrollable in both directions, horizontal and vertical.
What I want is to limit content to width of the screen, so that each line of text just wraps onto next line on reaching screen width.
Currently my data loads the text correctly. It is scrollable vertically and text does not go out of the bounds and width.
But there are images in my content that goes out of the bounds in horizontal direction, and user need to scroll horizontal to see full image. I just want that if the image width is more than 320, then I could just resize into same aspect ratio to 320, so that my content is only verticality scrollable.
I have looked up on Stack Overflow and apparently these type of customizations can be done using JavaScript, but I don't know JavaScript.