bootstrap v4 modal height 100% (media-sensitive) - modal-dialog

How to set height of modal window min-height 100% via classes? For example, h100 for all screens, and h100-sm-up, h100-md-up?
It looks very well if modal height is as usual, but at mobile it resizes to 100% height.


How can I set ion-modals height to be equal to its content

I have a modal which should have height based on its content, since content could differ from modal to modal. Modal is shown from bottom of the page and is not full screen.
How can I achieve modal behaviour where modals height is equal to its content. Currently whenever modal is opened I calculate height of modals content and then set modals height to it, but this is very bad IMO since it does this on every modal open. If I set height to something like auto or content-fit it is not shown at all. There must be easier way to do this.

Notification Content Extension Header Height

How can the height of the 'Header' to a content extension be ascertained at run time (including the dismiss button)?
I have a content extension that lazy loads content, and then is dynamically resized by manipulating the preferredContentSize of the View Controller.
The content we need to show could be very long and tall, taller than the screen of the device. The content should not display past the edge of the screen, which would cause the user to scroll. If the content is long and tall we need to take into account the height of the content extension's header and dismiss button to calculate a content size that will fit on the screen. The sizing code could use a magic number for this height <104px, indicated by the red square in the included image>, but it would be better to dynamically calculate it.
From debugging, it's not clear what object I have access to at runtime that will allow me to find the origin of the Notification Content Extension View. Any ideas?

Trying to resize my UIView containers to fit smaller iPhone screen sizes

I am trying to have my layout fit on multiple iPhone screen sizes, but I am having trouble resizing my UIView's to resize themselves when on screen sizes smaller than the iPhone xr.
I have constrained the views, labels, and buttons properly and everything is aligned, but when viewing the app on smaller screen size, I don't fully understand how to resize my UIView containers to resize themselves to fit smaller screens.
On smaller screens, my button does not show up because the screen size is too small. The UIView's are the issue and the stack views inside them also need to resize or shrink the text to fit everything on the screen.
Image of my storyboard, and respective screen sizes
"I don't fully understand how to resize my UIView containers to resize themselves to fit smaller screens." -UIViews won't resize according to the screen, you will have to add constraint for them so that they pick their width and height. Alternatively you have to set constraint for fixed height and width.
In my opinion, for supporting smaller screen size, you must use scrollviews as parentview. So that user can scroll in the app. Also you can give relative width and height for views inside scrollview.
Scrollviews are required because you will always want some minimum width and height for buttons, labels etc. Otherwise on larger screen like Ipad they will be very large, while on smaller screens they will be very small.
You can use TPKeyboardAvoidingScrollView: How to use TPKeyboardAvoidingScrollView, or just google for that. It handles keyboard showing and hiding task, which is a headache otherwise.
Here is how I think you can solve your issue:
Set Some minimum height and width for your topmost view(scrollview preferably).
Now add other views inside it and use relative width and height. In relative width and height you give values in ratios. Here you can get an idea how to do that: -Giving width in % values in autolayout.
Also add additional constraint on your internal views for minimum height and width so they don't fall below certain size.
I would not suggest, but you may always use UIScreen.main.bounds.size.width and UIScreen.main.bounds.size.height to get the width and height of screen. And according set values for your constraints in your view/controller class. Here is a link for setting value of constraint in swift class:
set contraint value programatically

get the height and width

Can I get the hight and width the page web when i enter the Url to the webview for android i need to get the width and hight to this page.
If WebView fits the HTML page in the view to avoid scrolling, then the width and the height of the view applies for the page as well.

iPhone App Phone Call Situation

When a phone call occurs, my app moves down, and the bottom of the app is cut off slightly. Is there anyway to shrink or resize that whole view when a call occurs.
Preferably through interface builder.
Indeed, your application window does shrink its subview. For example, if you have a status bar so the frame of your root view is (0,20,320,460), then if the in-call status bar is on, then the frame becomes (0,40,320,440).
Then why does the bottom of your app seem to be cut off? It's simply because the root view autoresizes its content in that way. For example, its autoresizingMask property says it has a fixed top margin and a fixed content height. So,
If you want to 'squeeze' the view, try fixing both top and bottom margins and having flexible content heights.
If you want the in-call status bar to look as if it goes over your app, fix the content heights and the bottom margin, and have a flexible top margin.
If you have a fixed top margin and a fixed content height, then your app will seem to slide down.