UIWebView setting custom width for the content - iphone

I have the html content for my web view. When I load the content my web view makes the content scrollable in both directions, horizontal and vertical.
What I want is to limit content to width of the screen, so that each line of text just wraps onto next line on reaching screen width.
Currently my data loads the text correctly. It is scrollable vertically and text does not go out of the bounds and width.
But there are images in my content that goes out of the bounds in horizontal direction, and user need to scroll horizontal to see full image. I just want that if the image width is more than 320, then I could just resize into same aspect ratio to 320, so that my content is only verticality scrollable.
I have looked up on Stack Overflow and apparently these type of customizations can be done using JavaScript, but I don't know JavaScript.


Notification Content Extension Header Height

How can the height of the 'Header' to a content extension be ascertained at run time (including the dismiss button)?
I have a content extension that lazy loads content, and then is dynamically resized by manipulating the preferredContentSize of the View Controller.
The content we need to show could be very long and tall, taller than the screen of the device. The content should not display past the edge of the screen, which would cause the user to scroll. If the content is long and tall we need to take into account the height of the content extension's header and dismiss button to calculate a content size that will fit on the screen. The sizing code could use a magic number for this height <104px, indicated by the red square in the included image>, but it would be better to dynamically calculate it.
From debugging, it's not clear what object I have access to at runtime that will allow me to find the origin of the Notification Content Extension View. Any ideas?

Trying to set a wide image in UIScrollview, with a fixed height

Novice that has been stuck on this problem for 2 days (please help!). I have an image that is much wider than the screen. I want the user to be able to scroll horizontally on the Image, and also want the image to be a specific height while maintaining it's aspect ratio.
Currently the UIImageView is nested within the ScrollView. The ScrollView has constraints to the Safe Area in all 4 directions, that place it in the upper half of the screen (250 from the bottom of the Safe Area). The ImageView has all 4 constraints of 0 to the "Content Layout Guide" of the Scrollview, and a 5th constraint of having an equal height to the "Frame Layout Guide" of the ScrollView.
I initially tried to set the image Content Mode to "Aspect Fit". This maintained the aspect ratio and set the image with the desired height within the ScrollView, however left a huge amount of transparency either side of the image so the user has to scroll for a while before seeing the image. For this I could not find a solution that contained the scrollview within the bounds of the non-transparent section only, so I then changed the image Content Mode to "Aspect Fill".
This removed the transparency either side but the image is now too tall and goes off the screen vertically. I have set "Clip to bounds" on the ImageView Size Inspector and also set it to true in code, but the image is still to tall and outside the height constraint specified. I also used:
scrollView.contentSize = gym_imageView.frame.size
But none of this is fixing it.
My expected result was that the image with original dimensions (W: 12064px, H: 1696px)
Would resize itself to the constraint height (0 to top & bottom of Content Layout Guide of Scrollview, which in turn is constraint 0 to top of Safe Area, 250+ to bottom of Safe Area) while maintaining aspect ratio.
Any ideas?
The Content Mode changes how the image appears in the imageView, but it does nothing to resize the imageView itself.
You should set an explicit aspect ratio constraint on your imageView with a multiplier of 12064:1696. Then Auto Layout will be able to calculate the correct width of your imageView based upon the fact that it already knows the desired height.

Trying to resize my UIView containers to fit smaller iPhone screen sizes

I am trying to have my layout fit on multiple iPhone screen sizes, but I am having trouble resizing my UIView's to resize themselves when on screen sizes smaller than the iPhone xr.
I have constrained the views, labels, and buttons properly and everything is aligned, but when viewing the app on smaller screen size, I don't fully understand how to resize my UIView containers to resize themselves to fit smaller screens.
On smaller screens, my button does not show up because the screen size is too small. The UIView's are the issue and the stack views inside them also need to resize or shrink the text to fit everything on the screen.
Image of my storyboard, and respective screen sizes
"I don't fully understand how to resize my UIView containers to resize themselves to fit smaller screens." -UIViews won't resize according to the screen, you will have to add constraint for them so that they pick their width and height. Alternatively you have to set constraint for fixed height and width.
In my opinion, for supporting smaller screen size, you must use scrollviews as parentview. So that user can scroll in the app. Also you can give relative width and height for views inside scrollview.
Scrollviews are required because you will always want some minimum width and height for buttons, labels etc. Otherwise on larger screen like Ipad they will be very large, while on smaller screens they will be very small.
You can use TPKeyboardAvoidingScrollView: How to use TPKeyboardAvoidingScrollView, or just google for that. It handles keyboard showing and hiding task, which is a headache otherwise.
Here is how I think you can solve your issue:
Set Some minimum height and width for your topmost view(scrollview preferably).
Now add other views inside it and use relative width and height. In relative width and height you give values in ratios. Here you can get an idea how to do that: -Giving width in % values in autolayout.
Also add additional constraint on your internal views for minimum height and width so they don't fall below certain size.
I would not suggest, but you may always use UIScreen.main.bounds.size.width and UIScreen.main.bounds.size.height to get the width and height of screen. And according set values for your constraints in your view/controller class. Here is a link for setting value of constraint in swift class:
set contraint value programatically

UIScrollView Causing "Misplaced Views" AutoLayout issues

I'm running into a strange AutoLayout related issue when I use a UIScrollView (the issue does not occur without it).
I have a UIScrollView that is constrained to the boundaries of a UIView (contained within a UIViewController), and within that, I am attempting to place a UILabel and UITextField side by side. I have constrained the UILabel to the left and upper boundaries, with it's width and height constrained (see screenshot below):
Right next to this UILabel is a UITextField, which is constrained to the left, top, and right, as well as having the height constrained. However, this results in a "Misplaced Views" warning, that states "Expected width = 163, Actual width = 413", shown in the screenshot below:
When I choose to "Reset to Suggested Constraints", the "Misplaced Views" issue disappears, but in it's place I am left with a width constraint of 413 points, which is something I'm hoping to avoid, as I would not like this UIViewController to be horizontally scrollable on smaller devices.
A scroll view has a size (the size it takes up on the screen) and a content size (the size of the entire scrollable area). In Auto Layout, the content size is automatically computed from the constraints of the items in the scroll view. This is a problem, because you are trying to make the scroll view have the same width as your screen, and then have the items constrained to that. When you do that, Auto Layout insists that you give your text field an explicit width so that it can calculate the width of your scrollable area.
To do what you want, do the following:
Add a "content view" to your scroll view. This view will be the only top level item in your scroll view. It will hold all of your content as subviews of it. Drag out a UIView and add it to your scroll view. Constrain its top, leading, bottom, and trailing edges to the scroll view. Constrain its width to the width of the scroll view. Give it a height constraint and set it however big you want your content area to be.
Add all of your labels and textfields to this content view. Now you can constrain them centered in your content view or constrained to the edges, and it will work as you want.

How to create a horizontal transparent scroll bar?

I am trying to create something like this (look at the time), you can basically slide it horizontally.
Can anyone give me any suggestions on how to do this in iOS?
You'd use UIScrollView which you can constrain to just horizontal movement. The Scrolling demo may help to get you started.
It is pretty easy:
create a scrollview with frame of (xOrigin,yOrigin,SCREEN WIDTH,Height).
set the content size to (CONTENT WIDTH, Height).
setShowsHorizontolScrollIndicator to no to hide the scroll indicator.
Note: Width of the contentSize property should be greater than the frame width to make it horizontally scrollable.