Jquery Selector Multiple Classes (this) - jquery-selectors

I have a page that lists content that are contained in a div with a class ad-container. in that container there is a hidden div with the class ad-contact. on the hover of the ad class i want to animate the display of ad-info. since there are multiple ads on a paticular page, i want only the ad-info of the currently hovered ad-container to slide in. my problem is that since there are more than 10 ads a page when you hover over any of the ads, all of the ads-contact divs slideDown and not the one you are hovering over.
$(document).ready(function() {
i think, (this) is used here but im not sure. and this would really shed the light for me.
<div class="ad-container">
<div class="ad-title">title<span class="ad-title-img">(pic)</span></div>
<div class="ad-description">texttext</div>
<div class="ad-contact" style="display:none">contact poster</div>
<div class="ad-sellerinfo" style="display:none">* Verified ***-****<br />
Paid Member</div>

The jQuery constructor accepts a 2nd parameter which can be used to override the context of the selection. Something like this should work:
$(document).ready(function() {
$(".ad-contact", this).slideDown(1000);
$(".ad-contact", this).slideUp(1000);
Also, worth mentioning, $(".ad-contact", this) is internally converted into: $(this).find(".ad-contact") so you can use this one instead, it might be slightly faster.

You could use the .children() selector:
This way you will only act on the class ad-contact if its a child of the object in context (which is the object currently being hovered)
See a working demo here

You should use event to handle this,
First you need like
and then this.show().delay(1000).hide();
the code sample provide may not work when copy paste you have to write your own code in editor.


TinyMCE - preserve style and function of selected element

I have decided to 'enhance' a textarea in a form with TinyMCE... however, doing so has interrupted the styling and jQuery functionality of the original element, as TinyMCE wraps that element in an iframe and a few divs. What I'd love to be able to do is to get the TinyMCE functionality (preserving text formatting, etc.) but not lose the styling and functions that I had associated with the original textarea. I looked through the TinyMCE documentation, but couldn't seem to find anything about this. Does anyone have any thoughts on how to accomplish this?
My form features the textarea like so:
<script>tinymce.init( { selector: 'textarea' } );</script>
<div class="form-element">
<div class="label-container">
<label for="body">Post</label><span class="warning">Please fill out this field</span>
<textarea id="body" class="input-field" name="body"></textarea>
but adding TinyMCE breaks the label/textarea relationship.
Also, jQuery functionality is broken, such as this validation script:
var inputFields = $(".input-field");
var proceed = true;
for(var i = 0; i < inputFields.length; i++){
if($(inputFields[i]).val() == ""){
$(inputFields[i]).css("border", "solid 3px #E86F3A");
var proceed = false;
$(inputFields[i]).css("border", "none");
since the textarea.input-field is no longer picked up in the inputFields variable.
So, in a nutshell, I'm looking for the TinyMCE wrapper to 'inherit' the styling and functionality of the element that it is attached to. Possible?
As you have correctly surmised when you invoke TinyMCE on a <textarea> the original <textarea> is no longer visible on the page and its replaced by an <iframe> and series of <div> elements.
If you want to keep the underlying <textarea> in sync you can use the tinymce.triggerSave() method. This will update all of the underlying <textarea> elements with the current value of the appropriate instance of TinyMCE.
You can do this when someone tries to save/submit the content or you can try to perform this when certain editor events happen (https://www.tinymce.com/docs/advanced/events/#editorevents). Unless you need real time accuracy of the contents of the <textarea> its far easier to call the triggerSave() method right before you perform you jQuery validation.
Note: Putting a border on the <textarea> won't have any impact on TinyMCE as you no longer see the underlying <textarea>. You can certainly try to add CSS to the editor's HTML in real time. The outer border of TinyMCE 4.4 has these classes attached:
class="mce-tinymce mce-container mce-panel"
...but do note that these classes could change over time so if you upgrade TinyMCE check to make sure your CSS still works before upgrading.

Kendo UI Hierarchical datagrid - How to access root viewModel from detail grid editor template MVVM

I have a grid within a grid, where parent grid is constructed in MVVM, child grid initialized on its data-detail-init http://jsbin.com/kuvejuw
<div data-role="grid"
{ 'field': 'FirstName'},
{ 'field': 'LastName'}
data-bind="source: dataSource"
If have a custom property (e.g. Text here) on the viewModel, and in the popup editor of the child grid, I would like to bind to this property. So e.g. in more complex scenarios I can populate a dropdownlist with a range of values by having an array (or observable array) on the viewModel.
var viewModel = kendo.observable({
dataSource: new kendo.data.DataSource ... // everything works here,
detailInit: detailInit,
Text: "This text should be displayed in editor in detail's grid",
kendo.bind(document.body, viewModel);
The problem is that this property (or overall viewModel) is not detectable in the template of the detail grid's editor:
function detailInit(e){
editable: {
mode: "popup",
template: kendo.template($("#child-editor-template").html())
Template is built like this:
<script type="text/x-kendo-template" id="child-editor-template">
<span data-bind="text: Text"></span>
but I also tried data-bind="text:viewModel.Text". I tried various solutions, setting the Text property on viewModel in detailGrid's edit event, or setting it on viewModel bind, but it does not work with this jsBin (3.2016 version).
Now funny thing is that I actually able able to access this property with a 2015v3 Kendo UI in my local project, but I cannot replicate it in this jsBin.
In my local project though I still cannot access the events in ViewModel e.g. I could do text: Text, but could not do events: {select: onSelect}.
Accessing the events would be ultimately the reason for asking this question once this thing is sorted, I'm looking for some hints to understand what's going on, if I'm expecting too much from mvvm.
I'm looking forward to this type of functionality that would be enabled in the popup editor of the child grid http://jsbin.com/canomux
Try like this,
I just make changes in your template,
<script type="text/x-kendo-template" id="child-editor-template">
<input name="ShipCountry"/>
It seems the way of retrieving the data from API was somewhat unexpected, so with change of:
the binding of text works.
With the events binding it is not working - it seems it's not something to do with detailGrid but in general with grid, which is described

How to use a custom template when extending the L.Control function?

When creating Leaflet maps, I currently programmatically add my menus and legends by extending the L.Control like so:
var overlaysMenuCtrl = L.Control.extend({
onAdd: function(map){
var container = L.DomUtil.create('div', 'legend');
container.innerHTML = '<div id="mainMenu"><ul><li>blah</li></ul>';
return container;
The problem is that my custom menus are massive and I hate having to write the innerHTML code like that.
Is there a way to use some kind of template from another file and write the code there and then call the variable like so:
container.innerHTML = myMenuTemplate;
Then, the template could be like:
<li>A list item</li>
<li>and so on...</li>
The problem is that if I do the above method, I have to minify and remove line breaks/white space/etc in the code and makes it rather tedious everytime I make updates. Thanks for any tips!
I would suggest Mustache for javascript
The script is available on CDN
<script src="//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/mustache.js/2.2.1/mustache.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
You can easily find some tutorials.
Here is an example with your data
Templates are useful to separate views and data.
If you don't really need templating but only an easy way to write your menus, you can just write them in invisible html elements that you access with

bootstrap jquery show.bs.modal event won't fire

i'm using the modal example from the bootstrap 3 docs. the modal works. however i need to access the show.bs.modal event when it fires. for now i'm just trying:
$('#myModal').on('show.bs.modal', function () {
Nothing happens, the event does not fire. What am I doing wrong??? This doesn't make sense to me.
use this:
$(document).on('show.bs.modal','#myModal', function () {
Make sure you put your on('shown.bs.modal') before instantiating the modal to pop up
$("#myModal").on("shown.bs.modal", function () {
$("#myModal").modal('show'); //This can also be $("#myModal").modal({ show: true });
$("#myModal").on("shown.bs.modal", function () {
To focus on a field, it is better to use the shown.bs.modal in stead of show.bs.modal but maybe for other reasons you want to hide something the the background or set something right before the modal starts showing, use the show.bs.modal function.
Wrap your function in $(document).ready(function() { }), or more simply, $(function() {. In CoffeeScript, this would look like
$ ->
$('#myModal').on 'show.bs.modal', (event)->
Without it, the JavaScript is executing before the document loads, and #myModal is not part of the DOM yet. Here is the Bootstrap reference.
$(document).on('shown.bs.modal','.modal', function () {
Try this
$('#myModal').on('shown.bs.modal', function () {
Using shown instead of show also make sure you have your semi colons at the end of your function and alert.
Add this:
$(document).on('shown.bs.modal','.modal', function () {
Similar thing happened to me and I have solved using setTimeout.
Bootstrap is using the following timeout to complete showing:
So using more than 300 must work and for me 200 is working:
$('#myModal').on('show.bs.modal', function (e) {
//Do something if necessary
}, 300);
In my case, I was missing the .modal-dialog div
Doesn't fire event: shown.bs.modal
<div id="loadingModal" class="modal fade">
Does fire event: shown.bs.modal
<div id="loadingModal" class="modal fade">
<div class="modal-dialog">
I had the same issue with bootstrap4.
The solution was to add it inside the jQuery document ready() function:
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#myModal').on('show.bs.modal', function () {
This happens when code might been executed before and it's not showing up so you can add timeout() for it tp fire.
$(document).on('shown.bs.modal', function (event) {
I had a similar but different problem and still unable to work when I use $('#myModal'). I was able to get it working when I use $(window).
My other problem is that I found that the show event would not fire if I stored my modal div html content in a javascript variable like.
var content="<div id='myModal' ...";
$(window).on('show.bs.modal', function (e) {
alert('show test');
the event never fired because it didn't occur
my fix was to include the divs in the html body
<div id='myModal'>
$(window).on('show.bs.modal', function (e) {
alert('show test');
Remember to put the script after the call of "js/bootstrap", not before.
Had the same issue. For me it was that i loaded jquery twice in this order:
Loaded jQuery
Loaded Bootstrap
Loaded jQuery again
When jQuery was loaded the second time it somehow broke the references to bootstrap and the modal opened but the on('shown.bs..') method never fired.
Ensure that you are loading jQuery before you use Bootstrap. Sounds basic, but I was having issues catching these modal events and turns out the error was not with my code but that I was loading Bootstrap before jQuery.
Sometimes this doesn't work if:
1) you have an error in the java script code before your line with $('#myModal').on('show.bs.modal'...). To troubleshoot put an alert message before the line to see if it comes up when you load the page. To resolve eliminate JSs above to see which one is the problem
2) Another problem is if you load up the JS in wrong order. For example you can have the $('#myModal').on('show.bs.modal'...) part before you actually load JQuery.js. In that case your call will be ignored, so first in the HTML (view page source to be sure) check if the script link to JQuery is above your modal onShow call, otherwise it will be ignored. To troubleshoot put an alert inside the on show an one before. If you see the one before and not the one inside the onShow function it is clear that the function cannot execute. If the spelling is right more than likely your call to JQuery.js is not made or it is made after the onShow part
Make sure that you really use the bootstrap jquery modal and not another jquery modal.
Wasted way too much time on this...
In my case the problem was how travelsize comment.. The order of imports between bootstrap.js and jquery. Because I'am using the template Metronic and doesn't check before
i used jQuery's event delegation /bubbling... that worked for me. See below:
$(document).on('click', '#btnSubmit', function () {
alert('hi loo');
very good info too: https://learn.jquery.com/events/event-delegation/
The popular solution to put a setTimeout could work in some case, but is a terrible solution. I was myself using it amongst wraping it in $(document).ready() off course (but it never helped), but I was never able to have a reliable solution. Some browser/system take more time than other, and sometime 1000ms was not enough. And I was tired searching why the $(document).ready() wasn't helping, so :
I took a different approach.
I make the subscription to modal events when I need to use the modal for the first time.
Open my modal
and on the JS side :
function ShowModal() {
var InitModalEventsIsDone = false; // Flag to keep track of the subscribtion
function InitModalEventsOnce() {
if (!InitModalEventsIsDone) {
InitModalEventsIsDone = true;
$('#MyModal').on('shown.bs.modal', function () {
// something
$('#MyModal').on('hidden.bs.modal', function (e) {
// something
And that's it! The only reliable solution I found.
Try like this.
let mymodal=$('#myModal');
mymodal.on('show.bs.modal', function ()
Below are the granular details:
show.bs.modal works while model dialog loading
shown.bs.modal worked to do any thing after loading. post rendering

Div as Ajax.ActionLink

Is it possible to create Ajax.ActionLink which has instead of text, the whole DIV?
I'd like to map div on Ajax.ActionLink
I don't think that this will work using the standard MVC Ajax scripts. I believe that the MVC javascript is created to use an <a> element by default. On a different note, embedding a div tag within an <a> is not valid XHTML. What are you trying to achieve?
Using Jquery is probably the easiet way you want to go. As an example:
<div onclick="SomeAjaxFunction()">some div content</div>
function SomeAjaxFunction()
$.get('<%= Url.Action("SomeAction", "InSomeController") %>', function(data) {
$('.result').html(data); // assuming a partial view
alert('Load was performed.');
However, if you are dead set on using MS Ajax, to work with divs, you need to possibly look at the Sys.Mvc.MvcHelpers._asyncRequest function and do some of your own re-wrapping to make it usable. I have not tried or tested this, so use at your own risk. (Stick with the Jquery, there is far better help and support available.)