Kendo UI Hierarchical datagrid - How to access root viewModel from detail grid editor template MVVM - mvvm

I have a grid within a grid, where parent grid is constructed in MVVM, child grid initialized on its data-detail-init
<div data-role="grid"
{ 'field': 'FirstName'},
{ 'field': 'LastName'}
data-bind="source: dataSource"
If have a custom property (e.g. Text here) on the viewModel, and in the popup editor of the child grid, I would like to bind to this property. So e.g. in more complex scenarios I can populate a dropdownlist with a range of values by having an array (or observable array) on the viewModel.
var viewModel = kendo.observable({
dataSource: new ... // everything works here,
detailInit: detailInit,
Text: "This text should be displayed in editor in detail's grid",
kendo.bind(document.body, viewModel);
The problem is that this property (or overall viewModel) is not detectable in the template of the detail grid's editor:
function detailInit(e){
editable: {
mode: "popup",
template: kendo.template($("#child-editor-template").html())
Template is built like this:
<script type="text/x-kendo-template" id="child-editor-template">
<span data-bind="text: Text"></span>
but I also tried data-bind="text:viewModel.Text". I tried various solutions, setting the Text property on viewModel in detailGrid's edit event, or setting it on viewModel bind, but it does not work with this jsBin (3.2016 version).
Now funny thing is that I actually able able to access this property with a 2015v3 Kendo UI in my local project, but I cannot replicate it in this jsBin.
In my local project though I still cannot access the events in ViewModel e.g. I could do text: Text, but could not do events: {select: onSelect}.
Accessing the events would be ultimately the reason for asking this question once this thing is sorted, I'm looking for some hints to understand what's going on, if I'm expecting too much from mvvm.
I'm looking forward to this type of functionality that would be enabled in the popup editor of the child grid

Try like this,
I just make changes in your template,
<script type="text/x-kendo-template" id="child-editor-template">
<input name="ShipCountry"/>

It seems the way of retrieving the data from API was somewhat unexpected, so with change of:
the binding of text works.
With the events binding it is not working - it seems it's not something to do with detailGrid but in general with grid, which is described


How do I auto-bind properties in nested repeat-templates in polymer?

I'm trying to make a simple extension of the table element. Where you can click a td, then it becomes editable, and when you edit the data it gets automatically persisted via a REST service.
Here's what I got so far
As you can see, you can click the td's and edit them, but the data does not get persisted to the other side (which is firebase in this case). That's because the data in the td's aren't bound anymore to the data-property from which they came. Can somebody tell me how I can bind them to that property again? Or any other way I can persist the data to the correct row and key?
As far as I know contenteditable change events are not supported by polymer.
You could use the onkeys to update the model manually.
In a on-* handler, you can access the named model instance using:
<polymer-element name="x-foo">
<template repeat="{{user in users}}">
<div on-click="{{clickHandler}}">{{}}</div>
Polymer('x-foo', {
clickHandler: function(e, detail, sender) {
Sevesta told me that it could only be done manually, so I gave every td extra data-attributes so I could identify them and then at the stopEditing() function I update the models manually.
See here.

Rebinding a detail view to a model with kendo UI

I have a list view containing basic info about a set of tasks and I want to bind a detail view to the model object for an item when an item from the list is selected ...
I've been trying to use the change event of the grid ...
change: function (arg) {
var grid = $("#taskGrid").data("kendoGrid");
var selectedItem = grid.dataItem(;
kendo.bind("#taskDetail", selectedItem);
For some reason I can't seem to figure out the model binding on the detail view.
Does anyone have any ideas on how I can do this?
The binding is just simple as binding to any of the View, the only difference is that you have to place the Detail template inside a < scripts /> tag with type set as text/x-kendo-template. I have updated your fiddle example to what I have understood you require.
<script id="javascriptTemplate" type="text/x-kendo-template">
and provide the detail template link to the Grid as below:
detailTemplate: kendo.template($("#javascriptTemplate").html()),
Let me know if the solution is not what you desired or you are confused in any code statement.
Question Fiddle Solution
Updated the fiddle Solution as per your requirement,have a look and let me if that is as per your requirement.
The only change that is required in your code is just change the data-bind from value to html
Updated Solution

Meteor Handlebars templates: switching from text to input

One part of my meteor application is a semi-collaborative table where users can edit different rows at the same time. When a user is editing a row, the static text values need to switch to input boxes so that the values can be edited and then saved. I would like a template/helper to do this, essentially I want:
{{#if iAmEditing}}
<input type="text" name="foo" value="{{foo}}">
except that there are several columns with different values of "foo" and I don't want to copy and paste this several times. What's the right way to approach this with templates and helpers?
Another approach might be to use the HTML5 contenteditable attribute. Either way, what is the right way to template these values with handlebars?
You should be able to integrate with Bootstrap Editable
For reference, an answer to the original question...
As of today, handlebars partials can't accept anything other than a context argument, but helpers can. Hence. you can define a helper that sets up the context for the template:
Handlebars.registerHelper "eventCell", (context, field, editable) ->
return new Handlebars.SafeString(
_id: context._id
field: field
value: context[field]
editable: editable
<template name="_eventCell">
<td><div data-ref="{{field}}" class="{{#if editable}}editable{{/if}}">
Then, I just use the following to render each field:
{{eventCell this "province" iAmEditing}}
I ended up integrating with bootstrap editable, so the template is a little different than my original question. Also, I'm not sure if this is the best way to do it, but it's a lot cleaner than what I had before.
meteor-editable is a new project implementing something like x-editable, but nicely integrated with Meteor reactivity. Unfortunately inline editing is not supported yet (you have to use a popover the way it's set up now).

Knockout.js: Multiple ViewModel bindings on a page or a part of a page

I am wondering if it is possible to use Knockout.js's ko.applyBindings() multiple times to bind different ViewModels to one part of a page. For example, let's say I had this:
<div id="foo">...</div>
ko.applyBindings(new PageViewModel());
ko.applyBindings(new PartialViewModel(), $('#foo')[0]);
I am now applying two ViewModel bindings to <div id="foo>. Is this legal?
You do not want to call ko.applyBindings multiple times on the same elements. Best case, the elements will be doing more work than necessary when updating, worse case you will have multiple event handlers firing for the same element.
There are several options for handling this type of thing that are detailed here: Example of knockoutjs pattern for multi-view applications
If you really need an "island" in the middle of your content that you want to call apply bindings on later, then you can use the technique described here:
This is a common road block that comes when implementing JqueryMobile-SPA.
The method : ko.applyBindings(viewmode,root dom element) accepts two arguments. The second argument comes helpful when you have multiple VM's in your page.
for example :
ko.applyBindings(model1, document.getElementById("view1"));
ko.applyBindings(model2, document.getElementById("view2"));
where view1 and view2 are the root dom element for that model. For a JqueryMobile-SPA this will be the page ids for corresponding model.
The best way to do this would be use the "with" binding construct in the div that you want the partial view model to be bound. You can find it in this fiddle
<div data-bind="with: model">
<p data-bind="text: name"></p>
<div data-bind="with: anothermodel">
<p data-bind="text: name"></p>
var model = {
name: ko.observable('somename'),
var anothermodel = {
name: ko.observable('someanothername'),
Also check out the "with" binding documentation on the Knockout site, to look at an AJAX callback - partial binding scenario.
My english is very bad.... =)
I use Sammy to load partial views, and Knockout to bind the Model, I try use ko.cleanNode but clean all my bindings, all DOM nodes has changed when has a bind, a property __ko__ is aggregated, then i removed that property with this code, and works !!, '#main' is my node.
var dom = dom || $("#main")[0];
for (var i in dom) {
if (i.substr(0, 6) == "__ko__") {
delete (dom[i]);
after use Ggle translator:
I use Sammy for the load of partial views, and Knockout for the bind the Model, I try to use ko.cleanNode but clean all my bindings, all DOM nodes has changed when they has a bind, a property ko is aggregated, then i removed that property with this code, and works !!, '#main' is my node.

Jquery Selector Multiple Classes (this)

I have a page that lists content that are contained in a div with a class ad-container. in that container there is a hidden div with the class ad-contact. on the hover of the ad class i want to animate the display of ad-info. since there are multiple ads on a paticular page, i want only the ad-info of the currently hovered ad-container to slide in. my problem is that since there are more than 10 ads a page when you hover over any of the ads, all of the ads-contact divs slideDown and not the one you are hovering over.
$(document).ready(function() {
i think, (this) is used here but im not sure. and this would really shed the light for me.
<div class="ad-container">
<div class="ad-title">title<span class="ad-title-img">(pic)</span></div>
<div class="ad-description">texttext</div>
<div class="ad-contact" style="display:none">contact poster</div>
<div class="ad-sellerinfo" style="display:none">* Verified ***-****<br />
Paid Member</div>
The jQuery constructor accepts a 2nd parameter which can be used to override the context of the selection. Something like this should work:
$(document).ready(function() {
$(".ad-contact", this).slideDown(1000);
$(".ad-contact", this).slideUp(1000);
Also, worth mentioning, $(".ad-contact", this) is internally converted into: $(this).find(".ad-contact") so you can use this one instead, it might be slightly faster.
You could use the .children() selector:
This way you will only act on the class ad-contact if its a child of the object in context (which is the object currently being hovered)
See a working demo here
You should use event to handle this,
First you need like
and then;
the code sample provide may not work when copy paste you have to write your own code in editor.